Slipping Sphere on Steep Incline

In summary, when a ball is on an incline with an angle of θ that is too steep for pure rolling, the rotational acceleration and translational acceleration may not be linked, causing the ball to switch between front spin and back spin. This behavior can oscillate back and forth indefinitely, but it is unclear what exactly happens in this scenario. Friction may oppose the relative direction of motion at the point of contact, but it is unknown if this is enough to allow for rolling with slipping on a steep incline. Further explanation is needed.
  • #1
I'm trying to wrap my head around how a rolling and slipping sphere would be behave on an incline (with an angle of θ) that is too steep for pure rolling. I believe I understand the behaviour up to that point but once we reach the position where the amount of friction required to maintain rolling, F > μN, is surpassed my understand falls apart. It's at this point we'll no longer see pure rolling occur I'm having some trouble figuring out what happens exactly.

When we have a ball moving a flat surface and it's rotating too quickly (front spin), vR < ω, then we have a positive translational acceleration and negative rotational acceleration due to friction, or a > 0 and [itex]\alpha < 0 [/itex]. When it's rotating too slowly (back spin), vR > ω, then we have a negative translation acceleration and positive rotational acceleration due to friction, a < 0 and [itex]\alpha > 0[/itex]. On a surface that the ball can roll on eventually vr = ω will become true and the ball will be rolling.

When we have a incline with too steep an angle and F > μN then we never get into pure rolling. However, I'm not sure what happens here. Since the rotational acceleration, [itex]\alpha = \frac{\mu NR}{I}[/itex], isn't linked to the translation acceleration, a = sinθg - μcosθg, we can end up up in the situation where [itex]\alpha > aR[/itex] so we end up with front spin after some time interval. This switches the condition of slipping and the friction direction reverses until we no longer have front spin and now it's back spin. This behaviour seems to oscillate back and forth forever.

I don't think this happens and something else is going on. It seems like friction would always oppose the relative direction of motion at the point of contact but if that's true I don't understand entirely how rolling with slipping down a steep incline works then. Some explanation would very helpful.
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  • #2
When we have a incline with too steep an angle and F > μN then we never get into pure rolling. However, I'm not sure what happens here. Since the rotational acceleration, α=μNR I , isn't linked to the translation acceleration, a = sinθg - μcosθg, we can end up up in the situation where α>aR so we end up with front spin after some time interval. This switches the condition of slipping and the friction direction reverses until we no longer have front spin and now it's back spin. This behaviour seems to oscillate back and forth forever.

If α>aR then you are not into the slipping regime. The frictional force is able to supply enough angular acceleration to match the translational acceleration and you roll without slipping. Or, if you're already slipping, the roll rate is changing to match the translation rate.
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Related to Slipping Sphere on Steep Incline

1. How does the angle of the incline affect the slipping of the sphere?

The steeper the incline, the faster the sphere will slip downwards. This is because gravity has a greater influence on the sphere when the incline is steeper, causing it to accelerate more quickly.

2. What role does friction play in the slipping of the sphere?

Friction between the sphere and the incline's surface can slow down or stop the sphere's motion. If the friction is great enough, the sphere may not slip at all and instead remain stationary on the incline.

3. Can the mass of the sphere affect its slipping on the incline?

Yes, the mass of the sphere can have an impact on its slipping on the incline. A heavier sphere will have a greater force of gravity acting on it, causing it to slip faster than a lighter sphere.

4. How does the surface of the incline affect the slipping of the sphere?

The surface of the incline can greatly impact the slipping of the sphere. A rougher surface will provide more friction, slowing down the sphere's motion. A smoother surface will have less friction, allowing the sphere to slip more easily.

5. Is there a mathematical equation to calculate the velocity of the slipping sphere?

Yes, the velocity of the slipping sphere can be calculated using the equation v = √(2ghsinθ), where v is the velocity, g is the acceleration due to gravity, h is the height of the incline, and θ is the angle of the incline.

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