Signal to noise ratio/CCD saturation problem

In summary, we have a 4m telescope with a 16bit controller and a gain of 1, tasked with detecting faint stars (M>15) without saturating the bright stars (M=8-10). Using the equations for calculating maximum number of photo-electrons before saturation and the longest exposure time for a mag 8 star, we find that the max no of photo-electrons is 65536 and the longest exposure time is 26.09 seconds. With a read noise of 4 and no dark current, using the SNR equation we find that the faintest star that can be detected has a magnitude of 16.108. If the controller is updated to 22bit, the maximum exposure time before
  • #1

Homework Statement

A 4m telescope has a 16bit controllr with a gain of 1 and must detect faint stars(M>15) without saturating the bright stars(M=8-10).

(i) What is the max no of photo-electrons that can be registered before saturating the CCD?

(ii) The zero point of the system is 16.5mag, what is the longest exposure of a mag 8 star without saturation? (all counts fall on 1 pixel)

(iii) The CCD has read noise of 4 and no dark current. If the SNR is 5 and the background count is 0.1 per second, what is the magnitude of the faintest star that can be detected?

(iv) If the controller is updated to 22bit, what exposure can be used before saturation?

(v) What mag will be the faintest in this case?

Homework Equations

(ii) [tex]m_{zp}-m_{std}=-2.5log(\frac{1 count/sec}{f_{std}})[/tex]

(iii) [tex]SNR=\frac{Signal}{\sqrt{signal+Background+Dark+Read^{2}}}[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

(i) total photo electrons = 2^16 = 65536

(ii) (using equation (ii)) 26.09sec

(iii) (using Equation (iii)) m=16.108

(iv) (using equation (ii)) 1669.71sec

(v) (using equation (iii)) m=20.6

I just wanted to check if I've gone about this the right way if anyone would like something to work through!
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  • #2

Yes, your approach and calculations seem correct. However, there are a few things that you could clarify or expand on to make your answer more thorough:

(i) It would be helpful to include the equation for calculating the maximum number of photo-electrons that can be registered before saturation. Also, specify the units of measurement (e.g. electrons, counts, etc.).

(ii) Your calculation for the longest exposure time is correct, but you could also explain the significance of the zero point and how it relates to the maximum exposure time for a bright star before saturation.

(iii) In addition to the equation for SNR, you could also mention the assumptions made in this calculation (e.g. Gaussian noise, no systematic errors, etc.). Also, clarify the units of measurement for the background count and the read noise.

(iv) Similarly to (i), it would be helpful to include the equation for calculating the maximum exposure time before saturation with a 22-bit controller.

(v) You could also mention the significance of the faintest magnitude for detecting faint stars and how it relates to the capabilities of the telescope and controller.

Overall, your solution is correct and well-organized. Including some additional explanations and clarifications would make it even more comprehensive. Keep up the good work!

Related to Signal to noise ratio/CCD saturation problem

1. What is signal to noise ratio (SNR) and why is it important in scientific imaging?

Signal to noise ratio (SNR) is a measure of the strength of the signal compared to the level of background noise. In scientific imaging, a higher SNR is desirable because it indicates a stronger and more reliable signal from the object of interest. This is important because a strong signal allows for more accurate measurements and analysis.

2. How does CCD saturation affect the SNR?

CCD saturation occurs when the detector reaches its maximum signal capacity and can no longer accurately record the incoming light. This can cause a decrease in SNR as the detector becomes saturated, leading to a loss of information in the image. This is especially problematic in high-contrast images where bright objects can easily saturate the CCD and obscure fainter objects.

3. How can the CCD saturation problem be avoided?

One way to avoid the CCD saturation problem is by adjusting the exposure time to ensure that the signal level does not exceed the detector's capacity. Another method is to use a neutral density filter to reduce the incoming light intensity. Additionally, using a CCD with a larger dynamic range can also help prevent saturation.

4. Can image processing techniques improve the SNR in the presence of CCD saturation?

While image processing techniques may be able to partially address the effects of CCD saturation, it is always best to minimize saturation during the data collection process. Once a CCD is saturated, the information from the oversaturated pixels is lost and cannot be recovered. Therefore, it is important to carefully plan and control the exposure time and light intensity in order to maintain a high SNR in scientific imaging.

5. How does the SNR affect the overall quality and reliability of scientific data?

A high SNR is crucial for obtaining accurate and reliable scientific data. In imaging, a higher SNR allows for clearer and more detailed images, which can lead to more precise measurements and analysis. In other types of scientific data collection, a higher SNR can also improve the accuracy and sensitivity of the data, leading to more meaningful and reliable results.

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