Science Themed Halloween Costumes

  • Thread starter Greg Bernhardt
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In summary: Doppler Effect!In summary, this page has a few science themed Halloween costume ideas. One idea is to dress up as Sheldon from the Big Bang episode, the Doppler Effect. Another idea is to be the nerdy scientist Beaker.
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  • #2
Greg Bernhardt said:
Ok folks Halloween is coming up quick. Let's get your best science themed Halloween costume ideas!

This Pinterest page has a few decent ideas
They showed this Big Bang episode the other night where Sheldon went to a halloween party as the Doppler Effect:

Anyone who adopts this will be dressed as BOTH Sheldon and the Doppler Effect.
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  • #3
Oct 31st is almost here. What is everyone going to be? I'm still working on it :(
  • #4
Hallowe'en is my only holiday of the year. Unfortunately, I can no longer participate (unless... hmmm...). Two years ago, I had my night planned and was tying my shoes to go to the bar. Couldn't make it through the tying, called 911, and ended up in IC for 3 weeks. That was the second stint; the first involved dying, recovering, being in a coma for 4 days, and then the 3 weeks in IC. Subsequent endeavours have involved the emergency ward only, without the need for admittance. Anyhow... I remember so many people in Emergency asking about who had beaten me up, and I couldn't figure out why. About 4 or 5 hours later I had to hit the urinal and took a look in the mirror as I was washing my hands. It was only then that I realized that the paramedics had unglued the alien-face appliance from me, but not removed the black make-up from around my eyes or the shredded latex adhesive. :D
The caveat from the first line is that the bartender and staff of the place that I would like to go are all good friends who will let me in the back door, hide my walker, and let me plug my oxygen generator into the bar's blender socket. I modified a backpack to carry the thing, so all that I would really need to do is whip up a quick "hunchback/Igor" facial appliance, make a sack-cloth hooded robe, and use the generator as my hump.
Unfortunately, it takes me at least 2 hours to get out of my house at the best of times, such as to go shopping. Also, I have not yet been able to obtain my flu shot, and catching that would be guaranteed death for me.
If anyone else is interested, I figured out a few years ago, after decades of thinking, how to make a Pearson's Puppeteer costume. I'd have one of the bloody things and have worn it by now if not for circumstances beyond my control. I'll be glad to post design guides as long as anyone using such gives me credit for the idea.
  • #5
Stop the presses! I just came up with the perfect costume for myself, which will cost nothing and require no effort: the Invisible Man. All that I have to do is get a buddy to stand around in the bar all night talking to thin air. When the contest rolls around and he reveals that he's been talking to me all along, I'll win first prize for sure... without even getting out of bed.
  • #6
I like the idea of invisible man! Let your friend wear some glasses with a camera and microphone/earbud, that way he can talk to the invisible man (incredible how you can, see right through me) and you can be part of the fun. Two years ago must've been one scary night.

I would like to dress up like beaker, but there is no way I can make such a costume. Maybe just wear a lab coat and be the nerdy scientist, that requires minimal effort :D
  • #7
I'm going as ##\gamma^5##.
  • #8
Monique said:
I would like to dress up like beaker, but there is no way I can make such a costume. Maybe just wear a lab coat and be the nerdy scientist, that requires minimal effort :D

Beaker scared the crap out me as a kid, probably uncanny valley to the max. But what really scared me, more so creeps now, is this from courage the cowardly dog. I remember it vividly as 7, home alone, watching the tube. Loud volume, suddenly in the show THIS pops up out of nowhere! Press crap load of buttons to turn off, static turns on, (runs behind couch plugging ears lol.) For three years I would put blankets over me, probably losing oxygen to my brain.Incidentally, this was their last episode, they really made a good one. Blair Witch has nothing on me, it's the bizarre that does.
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  • #9
WannabeNewton said:
I'm going as ##\gamma^5##.

Then I'll go as ##\gamma_5##.
  • #10
Matterwave said:
Then I'll go as ##\gamma_5##.

We can be twinsies!
  • #11
Monique said:
I like the idea of invisible man! Let your friend wear some glasses with a camera and microphone/earbud, that way he can talk to the invisible man (incredible how you can, see right through me) and you can be part of the fun. Two years ago must've been one scary night.
It wasn't scary as such, just incredibly dismaying. I was really looking forward to what I figured would be my last Hallowe'en party and I had to miss it. At least I didn't die that time, like the time before, although I expected to. The only thing that would have scared me, I had made arrangements for after the first incident; someone had keys to enter my home and feed Lucy. I can die happy any time as long as I know that my cat is safe.

Monique said:
would like to dress up like beaker, but there is no way I can make such a costume
Do you mean "Beaker' the Muppet, or "beaker' the pyrex laboratory dish? Your head is definitely too short for the former, but I really love the idea of you wearing something transparent. (Oh, hell, sorry... considering your reaction to my joke about nude beaches, I shouldn't have said that. But... it's in my nature and I'm prepared to suffer the consequences.)
I did consider doing the radio thing for the invisible man, along with having a low-visibility wire-frame mannequin dressed up and cantilevered from a framework worn by the henchman. Immediately thereafter, though, I realized that the same could be accomplished without an audio/visual link if the friend happens to be a ventriloquist. :D

Razorvox said:
Beaker scared the crap out me as a kid, probably uncanny valley to the max.
The only thing that ever scared the crap out of me as a kid (and not that young—13 or so) was a Kleenex box. (Take as long as you need to laugh that out of your system, then come back to the thread for the explanation.) We came out to where I now live on vacation and I slept on the couch at our friends' house. Just before going to sleep, I watched an episode of "The Twilight Zone" of which the only thing I can remember is a glowing green oval that killed people. (As described; this was before colour TV.) So... I woke up in the middle of the night face to face with the oval opening of a Kleenex box on the coffee table and damned near karked my drawers. :rolleyes:

Monique, I know that it's too late now, but I'll gladly talk/draw you through whatever it takes to make any costume that you want to any time. The Muppet-type Beaker would just use the same principles as any sports or corporate mascot. Couch-cushion foam and felt fabric are most of the ingredients. The foam is easily carved with an electric kitchen knife, and I rather suspect that you know how to sew.
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  • #12
Danger said:
It wasn't scary as such, just incredibly dismaying. I was really looking forward to what I figured would be my last Hallowe'en party and I had to miss it. At least I didn't die that time, like the time before, although I expected to. The only thing that would have scared me, I had made arrangements for after the first incident; someone had keys to enter my home and feed Lucy. I can die happy any time as long as I know that my cat is safe.
Good thing what you arranged for Lucy, but I hope to see you around for a long time.

Do you mean "Beaker' the Muppet, or "beaker' the pyrex laboratory dish? Your head is definitely too short for the former, but I really love the idea of you wearing something transparent. (Oh, hell, sorry... considering your reaction to my joke about nude beaches, I shouldn't have said that. But... it's in my nature and I'm prepared to suffer the consequences.)
Hehe, very funny (sarcasm). Just not so funny when you're regularly harassed by strangers making sexist remarks. There's a movement to make it punishable by law, which would be a good thing.

Monique, I know that it's too late now, but I'll gladly talk/draw you through whatever it takes to make any costume that you want to any time. The Muppet-type Beaker would just use the same principles as any sports or corporate mascot. Couch-cushion foam and felt fabric are most of the ingredients. The foam is easily carved with an electric kitchen knife, and I rather suspect that you know how to sew.
Thanks! But I don't have access to any of those and can't sew, but I'll keep it in mind.
  • #13
Monique said:
I don't have access to any of those and can't sew, but I'll keep it in mind.
My previous jokes about the Netherlands not being a developed country aside, how on Earth could you not have access to foam rubber and cloth? You do have furniture over there, don't you?
As for sewing... if you can physically hold a needle, you can sew. I'll walk you through it if necessary.
  • #14
Danger said:
My previous jokes about the Netherlands not being a developed country aside, how on Earth could you not have access to foam rubber and cloth? You do have furniture over there, don't you?
Why do you think we wear wooden shoes?
  • #15
Monique said:
Why do you think we wear wooden shoes?
Because you told me, several months ago when I expressed surprise at learning you are Dutch... and I quote, "I was born wearing wooden shoes."
Of course I know that isn't the actuality, but I can't see how you can be offended by me referencing something that you said yourself.
It was actually the same thread that led to me being banned because of the remark about nude sunbathing, which I saw nothing wrong with since Dutch beaches are almost all topless. None of those things are controversial in my country, and we were always led to believe that Europeans were more sophisticated and open-minded.
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  • #16
Danger said:
Because you told me, several months ago when I expressed surprise at learning you are Dutch... and I quote, "I was born wearing wooden shoes."
Let me rephrase: do you think I have access to foam rubber and cloth, when we still walk around on wooden shoes? My English is not so good to bring across the joke.
  • #17
Monique said:
My English is not so good to bring across the joke.
Hold on, now! Are you telling me now, after all of the years that I've considered you the English language guru, that you aren't fluent in it? Or is it that you know Yank-speak but don't understand Canadians? If the problem between us all along has been a language barrier, then I really regret that I didn't know about it earlier. I've always thought that you understood everything that I wrote with crystal clarity, and couldn't figure out why you reacted so vehemently to some of my posts.
Forget the damned shoes; they never even factored into this particular conversation. I mentioned furniture because an upholstery shop is where you can get couch-cushion foam, and any fabric shop in my country carries, or can rapidly obtain, felt. Even school supply shops carry it, because it's what the really wee ones use to make art projects (slap the little black-and-white felt cow onto the green felt pasture and maybe cut a little barn out of red felt...) It's great for that because it sticks to itself without any messy adhesives. It also happens to make the most natural-looking biological items such as people and animals of any other types of cloth.
  • #18
Danger said:
Hold on, now! Are you telling me now, after all of the years that I've considered you the English language guru, that you aren't fluent in it?
I'm fluent, but there are expressions and intonations that don't translate well. The other day I insulted my German supervisor, while I was trying to express my gratitude. She was very angry with me and I received back a rant e-mail :s:rolleyes:
  • #19
Go as a viva committee. That's enough to scare the life out of most scientists.
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  • #20
Monique said:
Why do you think we wear wooden shoes?
  • #21
Monique said:
I'm fluent, but there are expressions and intonations that don't translate well. The other day I insulted my German supervisor, while I was trying to express my gratitude. She was very angry with me and I received back a rant e-mail :s:rolleyes:

This reminds me of an interaction I had about 15 years ago, when I passed a German immigrant in the hallway at work.

Om; "Gutten nachmittag"!
Heidi; [grumpy tone]"Vee do not say zis in Chermany..." [/grumpy tone]
Om; [shmarty pants tone]"Vell, in Amerika vee do". [/shmarty pants tone]

ps. I haven't dressed up in years. The last time I dressed up, I was a boat.
Though, several people asked me if I was a refrigerator.

Can't figure out if I've posted this image before, but it appears I ran across the image one day.

Om's post in "Random Thoughts" said:
April 10, 2011?

I, am not, an ANIMAL!
I, am, a refrigerator...

And from the URL, it appears I was still upset about it...

I am not a refrigerator! I am a boat! man... dressed .. up... as .. a .. boat! My god. It's freakin' Halloween. Give me a freaking break...jpg

pps. Hope I'm not too off topic. hmmm... Eureka! Archimedes!
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  • #22
My wife carved the frozen movie characters, Anna and Elsa on a pair of pumpkins.
  • #23
Monique said:
I'm fluent, but there are expressions and intonations that don't translate well. The other day I insulted my German supervisor, while I was trying to express my gratitude. She was very angry with me and I received back a rant e-mail :s:rolleyes:
Alright then. Remember how that made you feel, and you'll know how I felt every time that you ragged on me for something that I said with innocent intentions. Can we agree that from now on we'll just flat-out inform each other if one of us says something that the other finds dodgy and explain why?

OmCheeto said:
The last time I dressed up, I was a boat.
That's not a boat; that's Austin Powers without his fake teeth... (Either that or a hopelessly unflyable paper aeroplane...)

Monique, if you have any doubt as to my commitment to Hallowe'en, remember that my avatar is me on Hallowe'en. That's somewhat similar to the appliance that the paramedics peeled off that fateful night. Further, you might notice in a different post that I've essentially figured out how to make a Pierson's puppeteer costume after more than 30 years of thinking about it. (If you think that's simple, Google the name to see what I'm dealing with. One of the simplest aspects is hacking a set of X-Box goggles to interface with a pair of digital cameras in the eyeballs to give binocular vision through a pair of pythonesque necks. The complicated bits arise from the need to implant intramuscular electrodes running through Schmidt triggers to the control system because there are too many circuits for two hands worth of fingers to deal with.)
I know that it's too late in your time zone to do anything for actual Hallowe'en, but I have a silly suggestion for something that you can do Saturday night if the bar parties continue the way that they do here. One of my friends found himself stuck at the last minute with nothing to wear when he was about 16. He cut leg, arm, and breathing holes in a drycleaner's bag, climbed in, and surrounded himself with a couple of dozen coloured balloons; he was a bag of jelly-beans.

Jobyts, my compliments to your wife. Those are gorgeous.

edit: By the bye, Monique... Lucy is more than just "arranged for". She has 4 bedrooms, all with people-type beds, while I sleep on the couch because I can't climb the stairs any more. :rolleyes: Also, her bathroom is almost 5 times bigger than mine. That's actually good for me, since we're each responsible for cleaning our own areas.
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  • #24
Danger said:
Jobyts, my compliments to your wife. Those are gorgeous.

Thank you. I'll convey this to her. Couple of pumpkin carving she did in the previous years.

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  • #25
OmCheeto said:

Can't figure out if I've posted this image before, but it appears I ran across the image one day.

Yes, you have posted it before, because I remember discussing what's written on your shirt :p.
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  • #26
Danger said:
Alright then. Remember how that made you feel, and you'll know how I felt every time that you ragged on me for something that I said with innocent intentions. Can we agree that from now on we'll just flat-out inform each other if one of us says something that the other finds dodgy and explain why?]

Danger, I'm so glad you and Monique had this discussion, now I won't tell her how beautiful her naked selfie eye is:nb)
  • #27
Now I'm scared to laugh at that, but damn it's funny.

Jobyts, I seriously hope that she displays either the actual gourds or the pictures of them in galleries or books or something. That's too much excellent art to just have rot away in a few days.
  • #28
lisab said:
Yes, you have posted it before, because I remember discussing what's written on your shirt :p.


As I recall, it was a Dr. Seuss kind of thing:

"I only date crack who's"

It's ok to ban me now. I'm old...

Related to Science Themed Halloween Costumes

What are some popular science themed Halloween costumes?

Some popular science themed Halloween costumes include mad scientists, astronauts, robots, dinosaurs, and famous scientists such as Albert Einstein or Marie Curie.

Can I make my own science themed Halloween costume?

Yes, you can definitely make your own science themed Halloween costume! You can use items from around your house, like lab coats, goggles, or test tubes, or get creative and make a costume based on a specific scientific concept or experiment.

Are there any science themed Halloween costumes for kids?

Yes, there are many science themed Halloween costumes available for kids, such as mini mad scientists, space explorers, or cute animal costumes based on different scientific classifications (e.g. insects, dinosaurs).

Do I have to be a scientist to wear a science themed Halloween costume?

No, anyone can wear a science themed Halloween costume! Science is for everyone and costumes are a fun way to show your interest in the subject.

Are there any group science themed Halloween costume ideas?

Yes, there are many fun group science themed Halloween costume ideas such as a group of astronauts, a pack of dinosaurs, or a team of mad scientists working on a crazy experiment together.

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