Rutherford Scattering mass of particle

In summary, the conversation is about two problems related to scattering in a central field in chapter 3 of Goldstein's book on classical mechanics. The first problem involves calculating the mass of an unknown nucleus using conservation of energy and momentum, while the second problem involves finding the minimum kinetic energy required for two spheres to touch. The equations used in attempting to solve the problems include the conservation of energy and momentum, as well as transformations of coordinates between the lab and center of mass frames. The solution to the second problem involves finding the distance of closest approach and the impact parameter, but it is unclear how to proceed from there.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I'm taking a graduate level course in classical mechanics that uses Goldstein's book. We are currently discussing scattering in a central field in chapter 3. Here are two problems that might be very basic/standard scattering problems, yet I'm not how to proceed or get started.

I'm assuming I need to use all the machinery of Rutherford scattering in chapter 3 of Goldstein rather than basic conservation of energy and momentum. Then again, I could be wrong.

Problem 1:
An alpha particle scatters directly backward after colliding with a nucleus of unknown mass. After the scattering event, the alpha particle loses 64% of its energy. Assume the mass of the alpha particle is 4 atomic mass units and that the scattering is elastic. Calculate the mass of the unknown nucleus.

Problem 2:
Sphere 1 has a mass m1, radius R1, and charge Q1. Sphere 2 has a mass m2, radius R2, and charge Q2. Sphere 2 is shot with kinetic energy toward sphere 1, which is initially at rest. What is the minimum kinetic energy Tmin required if the two spheres are to have a chance of touching?

Homework Equations

[tex] cot(\frac{θ}{2}) = \frac{2Es}{ZZ^{'}e^{2}} [/tex]

where θ is the scattering angle, E is the energy of the incoming particle, s is the impact parameter, Z is the atomic number of one of the particles, Z' is the atomic number of the other particle, and e is the elementary electric charge.

[tex] l=mvos=s\sqrt(2mE) [/tex]

where l is the angular momentum, m is the mass, vo is the initial velocity, s is the impact parameter, and E is the energy.

We are also talking about transformation of coordinates between the lab and center and mass frame, and I'm not sure if that would be of use in these problems.

The Attempt at a Solution

For problem 1, we know the scattering angle (180 degrees), we also know the charge of the alpha particle. I don't know what else I could get from the equation.

In problem 2, we know the impact parameter must be less than R1+R2, and we know the energy (it is Tmin). I don't know where to go from there.

As I said earlier, I think it would be easy to solve these problems using standard first-year conservation of energy and momentum, but I assume I need to use upper-level/graduate ideas to solve the problems. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
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  • #2
Ok. Since I'm not receiving any help. Let's try again. Let me me start with a different problem (that I found in a problem book) for which I know the solution:

A particle of mass m is projected from infinity with a velocity vo in a manner that it would pass a distance b from a fixed center of inverse-square repulsive force (magnitude k/r2, where k is a constant) if it were not deflected. Find the distance of closest approach:

When the particle is at the closest distance from the fixed center of force, [tex] \dot{r}=0. [/tex] Conservation of energy gives [tex] \frac{mv_{o}^{2}}{2} = \frac{k}{R}+\frac{mV^2}{2} [/tex] where R is the closest distance and [tex] V=R \dot{θ} [/tex] is the speed of the particle when it reaches the pericenter. Conservation of angular momentum gives [tex] v_{o}mb=mVR, [/tex] that is, [tex] V=\frac{v_{o}b}{R}. [/tex] Plugging this into our conservation of energy equation gives [tex] \frac{mv_{o}^{2}}{2} = \frac{k}{R} + \frac{mv_{o}^{2}b^{2}}{2R^{2}} [/tex] or [tex] R^{2} - \frac{2kR}{mv_{o}^{2}} - b^{2} = 0[/tex] which gives the closest distance of approach as [tex] R=\frac{k}{mv_{o}^{2}}+\sqrt{(\frac{k}{mv_{o}^{2}})^{2}+b^{2}} [/tex]

Ok. Now let me try to apply this procedure to problem 2 in my first post above:

Problem 2:
Sphere 1 has a mass m1, radius R1, and charge Q1. Sphere 2 has a mass m2, radius R2, and charge Q2. Sphere 2 is shot with kinetic energy toward sphere 1, which is initially at rest. What is the minimum kinetic energy Tmin required if the two spheres are to have a chance of touching?

When the particle is at the closest distance from the fixed center of force, [tex] \dot{r}=0. [/tex] Conservation of energy gives [tex] T = \frac{kQ_{1}Q_{2}}{R}+\frac{mV^2}{2} [/tex] where R is the closest distance and [tex] V=R \dot{θ} [/tex] is the speed of the particle when it reaches the pericenter. Conservation of angular momentum gives [tex] smv_{o}=RmV [/tex] where s is the impact parameter which is not given in the problem. We can rewrite the conservation of angular momentum equation as [tex] sm\sqrt{\frac{2T}{m}} = RmV [/tex] which tells us that [tex] V^2 = \frac{2Ts^{2}}{mR^{2}}. [/tex] Plugging this last expression into our conservation of energy equation gives [tex] T = \frac{s^{2}T}{R^{2}} + \frac{kQ_{1}Q_{2}}{R} [/tex] which after some algebra gives [tex] T = kQ_{1}Q_{2}\big(\frac{R}{R^{2}-s^{2}}\big). [/tex]

Now I don't know where to go from here, and I don't know if I am headed in the right direction. From here I would need to say what the distance of closest approach (R) and the impact parameter (s) is in terms of the given R1 and R2. Can anyone please help?

Related to Rutherford Scattering mass of particle

1. What is Rutherford Scattering?

Rutherford Scattering is a phenomenon in which charged particles, such as alpha particles, are deflected as they pass through a thin foil of a heavy element, such as gold.

2. How was the Rutherford Scattering experiment conducted?

The Rutherford Scattering experiment involved firing a beam of alpha particles at a thin gold foil and observing the trajectory of the particles as they passed through the foil. The experiment was conducted by Ernest Rutherford and his colleagues in 1911.

3. What is the mass of a particle calculated from Rutherford Scattering?

The mass of a particle can be calculated from Rutherford Scattering by using the Rutherford scattering formula, which takes into account the angle of deflection and the known properties of the foil and the particles being used.

4. What does Rutherford Scattering tell us about the structure of an atom?

Rutherford Scattering was a key experiment that helped to establish the nuclear model of the atom. By observing the deflection of alpha particles, Rutherford was able to determine that the majority of an atom's mass and positive charge is concentrated in a small, dense nucleus at the center of the atom.

5. How is Rutherford Scattering used in modern science?

Rutherford Scattering is still used in modern science to study the structure of materials and particles. It is commonly used in accelerator facilities to study the properties of particles and to create new elements. It is also used in medical imaging techniques, such as positron emission tomography (PET), to study the human body at the atomic level.

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