Rocket Motion in interstellar space

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of an astronaut in interstellar space having gas ejecting from her propulsion system. The discussion covers the effects of this gas on the astronaut's movement and the calculation methods used to determine the distance traveled by the astronaut. One method involves using Newton's second law and kinematic equations, while the other method involves integrating for position using the speed of the gas and the rate of gas ejection. Surprisingly, both methods produce the same final answer, leading to a discussion about the validity of the methods and the need for using an average mass in calculations.
  • #1
So suppose an astronaut in interstellar space has gas ejecting from her propulsion system.
So the gas would cause her to move forward by some distance, d. Then, the F[itex]_{thrust}[/itex] acting on her must be constant (assuming the amount of gas ejected per unit time is constant, and the speed it is released at is constant). Then, since the mass of the system (astronaut+equipment) is decreasing the acceleration of the system must be increasing to enable the F[itex]_{thrust}[/itex] to remain constant. Please correct me if my reasoning is wrong.

(1) So naturally it wouldn't be valid to calculate the distance she travels by finding the acceleration from Newtons second law, and using that along with a kinematical equation to solve for the distance d (since the acceleration isn't constant).
(2) So instead I would use [itex]v = v_{g}ln \frac{m_{i}}{m_{f}}[/itex], where [itex]v_{g}[/itex] is the speed of the gas being ejected.
Then integrate for the position , [itex] x(t) = \int_o^t {v_{g}ln \frac{m_{i}}{m_{f}}}dt[/itex],
where [itex]m_{f}=m_{i} - \frac{dm}{dt}t[/itex], where [itex]\frac{dm}{dt}[/itex] is the rate at which gas is ejected.

But then for a question I had to do, both methods (1 and 2) produced the same final answer which I found to be very odd. Any possible explanations?
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  • #2
How did you figure an acceleration in order to solve the problem by the suspicious method 1?
  • #3
dauto said:
How did you figure an acceleration in order to solve the problem by the suspicious method 1?

From [itex]F_{thrust}=\frac{dp}{dt} = \frac{d(mv_{g})}{dt} = v_{g}\frac{dm}{dt}[/itex]
Then, [itex]a=\frac{F_{thrust}}{m_{i}}[/itex]
And then [itex] x(t) = \frac{1}{2}at^{2}[/itex]

Now this assumes the acceleration is constant, yet produces the same answer.
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  • #4
NATURE.M said:
From [itex]F_{thrust}=\frac{dp}{dt} = \frac{d(mv_{g})}{dt} = v_{g}\frac{dm}{dt} = ma[/itex]
Then, [itex]a=\frac{F_{thrust}}{m_{i}}[/itex]
And then [itex] x(t) = \frac{1}{2}at^{2}[/itex]

If you used the initial mass than the two methods should give different results. You would have to use some kind of average mass in order for both methods to give the same solution. Why don't you post your calculations for the second method so that we may figure what's up?
  • #5
Paying closer attention to your equations I noticed what seems to be a logarithm. Where did that come from?
  • #6
dauto said:
If you used the initial mass than the two methods should give different results. You would have to use some kind of average mass in order for both methods to give the same solution. Why don't you post your calculations for the second method so that we may figure what's up?

Well let [itex]m_{i}=115 kg[/itex] ,[itex]\frac{dm}{dt} = 0.007 kg/s, [/itex], [itex]v_{g}=800 m/s[/itex], [itex]t= 6 s .[/itex]
Then, by method 1 [itex] F=5.6 N \Rightarrow a=0.0487 m/s^{2}\Rightarrow x= 0.877 m [/itex]
, which is the same answer obtained by method 2.
  • #7
dauto said:
Paying closer attention to your equations I noticed what seems to be a logarithm. Where did that come from?

By solving the differential equation [itex]\frac{dv}{dm}= -\frac{v_{g}}{m}[/itex].

Related to Rocket Motion in interstellar space

1. How does a rocket move in interstellar space?

A rocket moves in interstellar space by expelling hot gases out of its engines at a high speed, which creates a reaction force in the opposite direction and propels the rocket forward. This is known as Newton's Third Law of Motion.

2. What are the challenges of rocket motion in interstellar space?

One of the main challenges of rocket motion in interstellar space is the lack of external forces, such as air resistance, to push against. This means that rockets must carry their own fuel and oxygen, making them very heavy and limiting their speed and distance capabilities.

3. How fast can a rocket travel in interstellar space?

The speed of a rocket in interstellar space depends on several factors, including the amount of fuel it carries, its engine power, and the gravitational pull of nearby objects. However, the fastest speed recorded by a human-made object in interstellar space is approximately 38,000 miles per hour.

4. Can a rocket change direction in interstellar space?

Yes, a rocket can change its direction in interstellar space by using small rocket thrusters to adjust its course. This is known as attitude control and is necessary for navigating through space and avoiding collisions with other objects.

5. How does a rocket slow down in interstellar space?

A rocket can slow down in interstellar space by using its engines to fire in the opposite direction, creating a reaction force that slows down the rocket. This is known as retrograde thrust and is essential for safely entering and exiting planetary orbits within a solar system.

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