Relativistic charged particle in a constant uniform electric field

In summary, the author found that finding the four-velocity of a charged particle left at rest in an external constant uniform electric field requires solving four equations of motion. One of those equations gives a constant velocity, while the other three equations give velocities that depend on the time, t. The solution to (4) gives something like v(t) = A(tanh(Bt)) which can be transformed to the desired frame using the well-known relativistic rocket equation.
  • #1
I'm doing some special relativity exercises. I have to find $$x(t), v(t)$$ of a charged particle left at rest in $t=0$ in an external constant uniform electric field $$\vec{E}=E_{0} \hat{i}$$, then with that velocity I should find the Liénard–Wiechert radiated power.

I will show you what I did but I feel that it is wrong.

We should solve the equation of motion given by

\tag{1}\frac{dp^{\mu}}{d\tau} = \frac{q}{c} F^{\mu \nu}u_{\nu}

The four-velocity is given by

u^{\mu} = (u^{0},u^{1},u^{2},u^{3}) = \gamma (c,v^{1},v^{2},v^{3})

where $v^{\alpha}$ are the components of the three-velocity. The four-momentum is

p^{\mu} = mu^{\mu}

This will give us four equtions where two of them will give a constant velocities and the other two are

\tag{2}\frac{d\gamma}{d\tau} = -\frac{qE_{0}}{mc^{2}}\gamma v_{1}

\tag{3}\frac{d\gamma}{d\tau} v_{1} + \gamma \frac{dv_{1}}{d\tau} = \frac{qE_{0}}{m} \gamma

Replacing (2) in (3) gives

\tag{4}\frac{dv_{1}}{d\tau} = -\frac{qE_{0}}{mc^{2}} (v_{1})^{2} + \frac{qE_{0}}{m}

The solution of the ODE (4) gives something like

\tag{5}v_{1}(\tau) = A\tanh{(B\tau)}

This component of the three-velocity is in terms of the proper time tau and the problem ask me to find the velocity in terms of the time t. So my attempt was to solve

\tag{6}\frac{dt}{d\tau} = \gamma (\tau) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{1 - \frac{(v_{1}(\tau))^{2}}{c^{2}}}}

and then replacing this solution for tau in (5). But the solution of (6) is 1/sqrt(1 - a^2*tanh(bx)^2). Which doesn't make any sense to me.

I think that I'm misunderstanding something or missing something that will give me a easier solution to this problem. I thought it because in the Liénard–Wiechert radiated power I sould do
$$dv_{1}/dt$$ which is almost impossible to do it without WolframAlpha.

Thanks for the read.
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  • #2
Your equation (5) makes look like a rapidity; could you use that fact to transform to the frame you want?
  • #3
Well, it seems to me that a charged particle in a uniform electric field should be equivalent to the well-known "relativistic rocket". See for instance

That article (the old sci.physics.FAQ article) gives $$v = c \, \tanh (a \tau/c)$$, which seems to match your answer - and my recollections.

If you want the solution for velocity in terms of time t and not ##\tau##, the article gives the less-well-known answer:

$$v = \frac{at}{\sqrt{1 + \left( \frac{at}{c} \right) ^2}}$$

which might be helpful. It remians to calculate the Lamour radiation, something I haven't done.

Also the FAQ article doesn't give the derivation of the relativistic rocket equation - you can find that in for instance MTW's "Gravitation", I think wiki has some, but since you seem to be getting the right answer, I'm not sure a reference is really needed.
  • #4
pervect said:
Well, it seems to me that a charged particle in a uniform electric field should be equivalent to the well-known "relativistic rocket". See for instance

That article (the old sci.physics.FAQ article) gives $$v = c \, \tanh (a \tau/c)$$, which seems to match your answer - and my recollections.

If you want the solution for velocity in terms of time t and not ##\tau##, the article gives the less-well-known answer:

$$v = \frac{at}{\sqrt{1 + \left( \frac{at}{c} \right) ^2}}$$

which might be helpful. It remians to calculate the Lamour radiation, something I haven't done.

Also the FAQ article doesn't give the derivation of the relativistic rocket equation - you can find that in for instance MTW's "Gravitation", I think wiki has some, but since you seem to be getting the right answer, I'm not sure a reference is really needed.

Hello, thanks for that article. Yes, this is correct and the way to recover that velocity in terms of t is to use the equation (2) in the OP which gives you the functional form of $$\gamma (\tau)$$ and then solve $$dt/d\tau = \gamma (\tau)$$.

Thanks, now my problem is complete.

Related to Relativistic charged particle in a constant uniform electric field

1. What is a relativistic charged particle in a constant uniform electric field?

A relativistic charged particle in a constant uniform electric field is a particle that has both mass and an electric charge, and is moving at relativistic speeds (close to the speed of light) in a uniform electric field that does not vary in strength or direction.

2. How does a constant uniform electric field affect a relativistic charged particle?

The constant uniform electric field exerts a force on the charged particle, causing it to accelerate. The strength and direction of this force depend on the strength and direction of the electric field, as well as the charge and velocity of the particle.

3. What is the equation for calculating the motion of a relativistic charged particle in a constant uniform electric field?

The equation is F = qE + ma, where F is the force on the particle, q is its charge, E is the electric field strength, m is its mass, and a is its acceleration. This equation takes into account both the electric force and the acceleration due to the particle's mass.

4. How does the motion of a relativistic charged particle in a constant uniform electric field differ from that of a non-relativistic particle?

A relativistic particle's motion is affected by its high speed, which causes its mass to increase and its time to dilate. This means that it will experience less acceleration and cover less distance in the same amount of time compared to a non-relativistic particle with the same charge and initial velocity.

5. What are some real-world examples of relativistic charged particles in a constant uniform electric field?

One example is the motion of electrons in a cathode ray tube, which uses a uniform electric field to accelerate the electrons towards the screen. Another example is the motion of charged particles in a particle accelerator, where a constant electric field is used to accelerate the particles to high speeds for scientific experiments.

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