Question about Planetary orbit and satelites

In summary: M is the mass of the object. r is the distance from the center of the object, and m is the mass of the object. So if you have an object that is twice as far from the center of the Earth as a given object, its gravitational force is four times as strong.This is Kepler's Third Law, which may help with Googling. See if you can find what you are supposed to plug in for r and M on your own. One hint:Kepler's Law (?)T^2= 2*pi*r(^3/2)/G*MpSo, if you have two objects that are the same distance from the center of
  • #1
1. The pro blem statement, all variables and given/known data
the question:
9.0 × 10^3 kg satellite orbits the Earth at the distance of 2.56 × 10^7 m from Earth’s surface. What is its period?
They give me a multiple choice, but let's figure this out without it.

okay so my variables known are the mass of the satelite:
"MSat"- 9.0*10^3
d/r= 2.56 × 10^7 m
mearth: 5.9742 × 10^24 kilograms
G= 6.67*10^-11

Homework Equations

Kepler's Law (?)
T^2= 2*pi*r(^3/2)/G*Mp

The Attempt at a Solution

So for some reason I bet that equation is NOT correct. I've been searching all over google and through my notes and its all i can come up with. I'm not sure if I use the mass of the satelite or the mass of Earth in the equation. I don't understand why they would even give me the mass of the satelite if I am not supposed to use it though
so I put into my calculator: T=squrt: 2*(3.14)^2* 2.56 × 10^7 m (or is it the radius of earth+the distance given(?) / (6.67*10^-11)* 5.9742 × 10^24
or do i use the mass of satelite here?
Physics news on
  • #2
Your equation in #2 has a typo. It should be,

T^2 = \frac{4 \pi^2 r^3}{GM}

This is Kepler's Third Law, which may help with Googling. See if you can find what you are supposed to plug in for r and M on your own. One hint:

I don't understand why they would even give me the mass of the satelite if I am not supposed to use it though

Yes, you're right, physics problems never give you extra information just to screw with you.
  • #3
well, when you put it like that...:)
  • #4
i used your equation. i used the satelite for mass. i tried the radius as the radius given AND the radius give+the radius of Earth itself, neither time did i get an answer even close
  • #5
& the period of a satellite does NOT depend on its mass, so why in the world would they give me its mass?
  • #6
Let's figure out the radius first. Our two options are the height itself, or the height plus the planetary radius. Which one is right?

Hint: if there was no atmosphere, satellites could orbit at ground level (if there were no mountains, people, etc to get in their way). Which option makes sense in that context?
  • #7
option B
  • #8
using your equation:
(sqrt(4 * (pi^2)) * (2.56 * (10^7))) + (((6 378.1^3) / (6.67 * (10^11))) * (5.9742 * (10^24))) = 2.32395597 × 10^24

all of my options' powers of ten are 4.
i don't see how/where I am going wrong.

Using the mass as the satellites mass

(sqrt(4 * (pi^2)) * (2.56 * (10^7))) + (((6 378.1^3) / (6.67 * (10^11))) * (9 * (10^3))) = 160 853 045 <---wrong as well.
  • #9
Yup. And that's a general result; outside of a spherical body, the gravitational force from that body is the same as if all the mass was concentrated at the center. So in this kind of problem, r always means "distance from the center."

Now for the mass. Why did they give you both masses? To make you think about this question!

If you're still stuck, drop a textbook* and a pencil from the same height and see which one falls faster.

*Not a physics book. Drop a math or chemistry book, that's all they're good for. :biggrin:Edit: Looks like you have an order-of-operations error. Slow down and make sure you're putting the numbers into the calculator correctly.
  • #10
okay, okay. i see. So why arent my 'generally correct' results = any of my choices?

by the way, they hit the ground at precisely the same time.
  • #11
by the way, they hit the ground at precisely the same time.

Yes. So does motion in a gravitational field depend on the mass of the falling object?

(Also, I checked the answer and got [something] times 104 seconds. So it does work out.)
  • #12
no it does not. just how far it is away from the mcenter, i suppose.

:) well thank you for the help
  • #13
I think you might just be making calculator errors. Can you show me what you're entering in?

Two things:

1. Make sure you are really dividing by the denominator.

2. The equation above has T^2 on the LHS. So you have to take the square root at the end to get T.
  • #14
i using those equations from above.

along with endless variations of it. including an equation of velocity, (v=sqrt(G*m^2)/R, as in distance from center, like you said.

then inserting value of v into T=2piR/V
which is a random equation I found in my notes. I am so lost.
  • #15
what you're saying makes sence, i just don't get how to apply it.
  • #16
Those two equations are actually how you derive my equation at the top. So let's look at those. It's a good idea to know how equations are related. So, we have:

Fg = GMm/r2

Where F is the force of gravity, G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the planet, m is the mass of the satellite, and r is the distance between the satellite and the center of the planet. This is the fundamental equation that describes gravity.

Now, imagine a particle moving in a circle. You have to exert a force to keep it moving in a circle, otherwise it flies off in a straight line. That force is,

Fcircle = mv2/r

For a satellite, gravity is the force that keeps the satellite moving in a circle. So we should set the two forces equal to get,

mv2/r = GMm/r2

We can divide both sides by m to get and multiply both sides by r to get,

v2 = GM/r

(Notice the mass of the satellite is gone, as expected).

Okay, now to introduce the orbital period. The circumference of a circle is:

c = 2 \pi r

And speed v is distance divided by time. The time it takes to complete on circle is T, by definition. So we have,

v = c/T = 2 \pi r/T

Okay, so as a first step, plug the last equation into v in the fourth equation, and show that the result is,

T^2 = \frac{4 \pi^2 r^3}{GM}

Which is the equation from before.

Related to Question about Planetary orbit and satelites

1. What is a planetary orbit?

A planetary orbit is the path that a planet takes as it revolves around the sun. This path is elliptical in shape, with the sun at one of the foci.

2. How do satellites stay in orbit?

Satellites stay in orbit by balancing the force of gravity pulling them towards the Earth and the force of their forward motion, known as inertia. This allows them to continuously fall towards Earth without actually hitting it.

3. How many satellites are currently in orbit?

As of January 2021, there are over 2,000 active satellites in orbit around the Earth. This number is constantly changing as new satellites are launched and old ones are retired.

4. Can satellites orbit other planets besides Earth?

Yes, satellites can orbit other planets besides Earth. For example, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is a satellite that orbits Mars, while the Galileo spacecraft orbits Jupiter.

5. How do scientists calculate the orbit of a satellite?

Scientists use mathematical equations, such as Kepler's laws of planetary motion, to calculate the orbit of a satellite. They also use data from ground stations and other satellites to track and monitor the satellite's position and trajectory.

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