Quantum time corr: expectation value of particle motion in Schro. pic

In summary: It could refer to the time dependence of the state or a time dependent operator. But the state is always |ψ(t)>.So essentially, you are saying that in order for the expectation value to be invariant between the Heisenberg and Schrödinger pictures, the operators must be transformed in the following way:U x(t) U+= exp[-iHt/h] x exp[iHt/h] = x(t)This means that the time dependence of the operators is cancelled out by the time dependence of the states, leaving just the constant operators in the Schrödinger picture. This makes sense conceptually, but I am still having trouble understanding the mathematics and how it relates to the initial problem. But thank
  • #1

Homework Statement

The expectation value of motion of a particle over a time interval t-to is

C(t,to) = <0|x(t)x(to)|0>
(product of position operators in Heisenberg representation for ground state harmonic oscillator)

Homework Equations

Schrodinger picture:
<ψ(t)|Ω|ψ(t)> = <ψ(to)|U+(t,to) Ω U(t,to)|ψ(to)>

I believe:
U(t,to) = exp[-iωt/h]
U+(t,to) = exp[iωt/h]

Heisenberg rep: time-indep states, time-dep operators
Schrodinger rep: time-dep states, time-indep operators

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm confused about how to convert x(t) in the Heisenberg representation to the Schrodinger representation and how to incorporate it into C(t,to).

Here is what I scribbled:
<x(t)> = <ψ(t)|x(to)|ψ(t)> = <ψ(to)|exp[iωt/h] x(to) exp[-iωt/h]|ψ(to)>
= <0|exp[iωt/h] x(to) exp[-iωt/h]|0>
Is the first equality even true?

The question seems like it should be simple, but I am sincerely confused. Thanks for your time and for any help!
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  • #2
In the Heisenberg picture all time dependence is attributed to the operators, the states carry no time dependence. In the Schrödinger picture this is reversed, the operators are constants but the states change in time.

The connection between the pictures is established by requiring physics to be unchanged. That is expectations values must give the same numbers in both cases.

I believe:
U(t,to) = exp[-iωt/h]
U+(t,to) = exp[iωt/h]

This is a little wrong, why do you write ωt/h?
In the Schrödinger picture you can formally solve the Schrödinger equation by means of the evolution operator U(t,t0) = exp[-iHt/h], where H is the Hamiltonian of the system. So the states will be given by ψ(t)> = U(t,to)|ψ(to)>. To go to the Heisenberg picture you simply have to get rid of the time dependence so you can write |ψ(Heisen.)> = U+(t,to) U(t,to)|ψ(to)> = ψ(to, Schr.)> due to the unitarity of the evolution operator.

Now you can simply apply the same thing in any of your expectation value equations and find how your operators must change in order for the expectation values to be invariant.
  • #3
Hello and thanks for responding. The omega represents energy and the h is supposed to be h bar. I could see how that would look strange actually, so I won't use omega anymore.

Anyway, here is another attempt:

<0|x(t)x(to)|0> = <0|exp[iHt/h]exp[-iHt/h] x(to)x(to)exp [-iHt/h]exp[iHt/h]|0>
= <0|x2|0> = h/(2mω)

This doesn't match my answer for solving it another way :/. I think I understand what to do conceptually, but not mathematically. Are the exponentials supposed to cancel? Aren't those what make the states time-dependent?

I hope I am making some amount of sense. Thanks again.
  • #4
pfnewt said:
<0|x(t)x(to)|0> = <0|exp[iHt/h]exp[-iHt/h] x(to)x(to)exp [-iHt/h]exp[iHt/h]|0>
= <0|x2|0> = h/(2mω)

How did you get exp[iHt/h]exp[-iHt/h] on either side?

The correct way should be:

In the Heisenberg picture you have <0|x(t)x(to)|0>
So using the evolution operator to switch the states to the Schrödinger picture you get:
<0|exp[iHt/h] x(t) x(to) exp[-iHt/h]|0> = <0|U+ x(t) x(to) U |0>

So in order for the expectation value to be invariant you must write
<0|U+ U x(t) U+ U x(to) U+ U |0> = <0|x(t)x(to)|0> due to unitarity of U.

So the operators must change like U x(t) U+

Hope this helps. Note the ambiguity when i write x(t) even in the Schrödinger picture.
  • #5

Great question! The expectation value of the particle's motion in Schroedinger picture is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics. In order to convert the position operator from the Heisenberg representation to the Schroedinger representation, we need to use the time evolution operator, U(t,to), which relates the two representations. As you correctly wrote, U(t,to) = exp[-iωt/h] and U+(t,to) = exp[iωt/h].

To incorporate this into C(t,to), we can use the following steps:

1. Rewrite the position operator in the Heisenberg representation as a function of the time evolution operator:

x(t) = U(t,to) x(to) U+(t,to)

2. Substitute this into the expectation value expression:

C(t,to) = <0|x(t)x(to)|0> = <0|U(t,to) x(to) U+(t,to) x(to)|0>

3. Use the fact that the ground state, |0>, is an eigenstate of the position operator, x(to)|0> = x(to)|0>, and that U(t,to)|0> = |0> (since the ground state is time-independent).

C(t,to) = <0|U(t,to) x(to) x(to) U+(t,to)|0> = <0|U(t,to) x(to) U+(t,to)|0>

4. Finally, using the properties of the time evolution operator, we can simplify the expression further:

C(t,to) = <0|U(t,to) x(to) U+(t,to)|0> = <0|x(to)|0>

So the final expression for the expectation value of the particle's motion in the Schroedinger picture is:

C(t,to) = <0|x(to)|0>

which is simply the expectation value of the position operator in the ground state.

I hope this helps clarify the conversion process and how to incorporate it into the expectation value expression. Keep up the good work in your studies!

Related to Quantum time corr: expectation value of particle motion in Schro. pic

1. What is quantum time correlation?

Quantum time correlation is a measure of the relationship between the time evolution of a quantum system and its initial state. It is used to calculate the expectation value of particle motion in the Schrodinger picture.

2. How is quantum time correlation calculated?

Quantum time correlation is calculated using the expectation value of particle motion in the Schrodinger picture, which involves taking the inner product of the initial state of the system and the time-evolving state.

3. Why is the expectation value of particle motion important in the Schrodinger picture?

The expectation value of particle motion is important because it represents the average position of a particle in a quantum system at a given time. This is useful in understanding the behavior and dynamics of the system.

4. How does quantum time correlation relate to the uncertainty principle?

Quantum time correlation is related to the uncertainty principle in that it measures the relationship between the position and momentum of a particle in a quantum system. The uncertainty principle states that the more precisely we know the position of a particle, the less precisely we can know its momentum, and vice versa.

5. Can quantum time correlation be observed in experiments?

Yes, quantum time correlation can be observed in experiments through techniques such as quantum interferometry and quantum teleportation. These experiments involve manipulating the time evolution of a quantum system and measuring its effects on the particles involved.

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