Python, solving Schrodinger equation using Runge-Kutta

In summary: I tried using the "for" loop, but it keeps going out of bounds.I'm afraid you are not understanding my question. What do you want to "nudge"? I'm sorry if I'm not making myself clear.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I'm currently working on a project in which I have to solve the energy eigenvalues of the Schrodinger equation to compute the mass of certain Mesons. We've been taught very little programming (so apologies that my understanding is very basic), and are therefore given any stock programs we will need, for example my Runge-Kutta. I need to define a function that guesses a value of energy, solves my equation and spits out the solution for r=0, so that I can minimise this to satisfy the boundary condition of the problem that u(r=0)=0. I cannot seem to work out how to return u(0) from my Runge-Kutta program. Below is the runkut program and my definition of my Schrodinger equation.

def derivs(n, x, y):
      "Defines Schrodinger equation"
      if x==0: y[2]==0 #otherwise divide by zero error
      return dy

def runkut(n, x, y, h):
      "Advances the solution of diff eqn defined by derivs from x to x+h"
      k1=derivs(n, x, y)
      for i in range(1,n+1): y[i]=y0[i]+0.5*h*k1[i]
      k2=derivs(n, x+0.5*h, y)
      for i in range(1,n+1): y[i]=y0[i]+h*(0.2071067811*k1[i]+0.2928932188*k2[i])
      k3=derivs(n, x+0.5*h, y)
      for i in range(1,n+1): y[i]=y0[i]-h*(0.7071067811*k2[i]-1.7071067811*k3[i])
      k4=derivs(n, x+h, y)
      for i in range(1,n+1):

      return (x,y)

E=1.0 #introduce loop

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I have attempted to print values of x and y[1] for a range of x as a test
x=0.0; y=[0, 0.0, 0.0]

z=[0 for j in range(0,N)]
for j in range(0,N):
      (x,y) = runkut(2,x,y,dx)
      print x, y[1]
However all I am returned with is the value of x increasing with y[1]=0.0 each time. Also tried the method for x decreasing from x=10 down to zero, and was met with the same output. Also tried to print y, which just returned the same array defined above. I am somewhat confused as a library program which is available to us defines a different differential equation, uses the same runge kutta and with the above piece of code returns the numerical solutions of the equation in question.

As a note once I have a functioning code returning u(0), am then comfortable as to where to go from there, it is just wrapping my head around how to simply return u(0). Any help would be hugely appreciated, thanks.
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  • #2
What is the equation you are trying to solve ?
My guess is that the library example is solving a rather different kind of equation :rolleyes:
  • #3
BvU said:
What is the equation you are trying to solve ?
My guess is that the library example is solving a rather different kind of equation :rolleyes:

My equation is

$$\frac{d^2 u}{d x^2} - \left[ \epsilon + \frac{l(l+1)}{x^2} - V(x) \right] u = 0 \ \ (V(x) = x)$$
Where I am trying to eventually recover values of epsilon. The library program has been edited to (hopefully) solve this in my code above.
The library program I used was solving
$$\frac{d^2 u}{d x^2} + \left[ \epsilon - V(x) \right] u = 0 \ \ \ \ (V(x) = e^{-2 \beta x} - e^{\beta x})$$
Where the original runkut is identical, and the derivs function was slightly different (as they are obviously different Schrodinger equations).
The library derivs is below
def derivs(n, x, y):
      "Defines Schrodinger equation"
      return dy
And V(x) is defined at a later point in the program. Thanks for the reply!
  • #4
Yes. My issue is that your program is producing solutions of a differential equation that isn't yet defined (E is unknown), whilst what you really want is to find the discrete values of E for which reasonable solutions exist at all. So there must be some higher level loop around this thing you have now.

For the moment the thing doesn't get going, because you start off with y = 0 -- and it stays zero. So try nudging either y(1) or y(2) away from 0 at x = 0.

PS Since this is a radial problem: I miss a term ##{\tfrac {2} {x} }{\partial u\over \partial x}## when I compare with e.g. eqn (11) here

and: this thread anything for you ? It's not the same and it isn't the solution, but it might help thinking things over.

PPS here I found another goody:
regular solutions at the origin are of the form ##R(r) = r^l \rho(r)##
and then writing that out:
the first term cancels the centrifugal potential term, and we find $$\rho '' (r)+ {2(l+1)\over r} \rho '(r) + \left (\epsilon - V(r)\rho(r) \right ) = 0$$
If the potential is regular at the origin, the singular term ##{2(l+1)\over r}## needs to be canceled by ##\rho'(0) = 0## .

Perhaps you can use some of that nifty approach too. And the pictures further down show the kind of results you hope to achieve too (with a different V(r) ).
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  • #5
BvU said:
Yes. My issue is that your program is producing solutions of a differential equation that isn't yet defined (E is unknown), whilst what you really want is to find the discrete values of E for which reasonable solutions exist at all. So there must be some higher level loop around this thing you have now.

For the moment the thing doesn't get going, because you start off with y = 0 -- and it stays zero. So try nudging either y(1) or y(2) away from 0 at x = 0.

PS Since this is a radial problem: I miss a term ##{\tfrac {2} {x} }{\partial u\over \partial x}## when I compare with e.g. eqn (11) here

and: this thread anything for you ? It's not the same and it isn't the solution, but it might help thinking things over.

PPS here I found another goody:
and then writing that out:Perhaps you can use some of that nifty approach too. And the pictures further down show the kind of results you hope to achieve too (with a different V(r) ).

Thanks, checking those examples out now. Yeah sorry I didn't make this clear in my explanation, for the time being I was simply trying to get something together that returns u(0) for a single guess value of E. After which I will be using the fmin function to minimise this so that u(0)->0, and then the value of E will be returned.
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Related to Python, solving Schrodinger equation using Runge-Kutta

1. What is Python used for in solving Schrodinger equation using Runge-Kutta?

Python is a popular programming language that is commonly used in scientific computing. It is a versatile language that allows for efficient and flexible coding, making it well-suited for solving complex mathematical problems such as the Schrodinger equation using the Runge-Kutta method.

2. What is the Runge-Kutta method and how is it used to solve the Schrodinger equation?

The Runge-Kutta method is a numerical integration technique for solving differential equations. In the context of solving the Schrodinger equation, it is used to approximate the time evolution of a quantum system by breaking it down into smaller time steps and iteratively calculating the wavefunction at each time step.

3. Are there any built-in functions or libraries in Python specifically for solving the Schrodinger equation using Runge-Kutta?

While there are no built-in functions or libraries in Python specifically for solving the Schrodinger equation using Runge-Kutta, there are several scientific computing libraries, such as SciPy and NumPy, that provide useful tools and functions for implementing the method.

4. What are the advantages of using Python for solving the Schrodinger equation with Runge-Kutta compared to other programming languages?

Python is a high-level programming language that is easy to learn and read, making it accessible for both beginner and experienced programmers. It also has a vast range of scientific computing libraries and tools that can simplify the implementation of complex mathematical algorithms, making it an efficient and convenient choice for solving the Schrodinger equation using Runge-Kutta.

5. Are there any limitations or challenges when using Python for solving the Schrodinger equation with Runge-Kutta?

One potential limitation of using Python for solving the Schrodinger equation with Runge-Kutta is that it is an interpreted language, which can make it slower than compiled languages when handling large amounts of data. Additionally, understanding and implementing the Runge-Kutta method may require a good understanding of both quantum mechanics and numerical methods, which can be challenging for some users.

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