Proton-proton I chain and mass defect reactants and products

In summary, the conversation discusses the proton-proton chain and its conversion of four hydrogen nuclei into a ^4_2He nucleus, two positrons, and two neutrinos. Questions are raised about the presence of two electrons and four gamma rays in the reaction. The expert explains that the two electrons come from the annihilation of the two positrons, and the four gamma rays are a result of conservation of energy and momentum. The conversation also touches on the decay of orthopositronium and parapositronium, where the former has a longer lifetime and decays into three photons while the latter decays into two photons. The expert clarifies that the difference in decay mechanisms is due to phase space and does not affect the frequency
  • #1
Hello there,

I'm starting S382 astrophysics with the OU. The course book says "The proton-proton chain converts four hydrogen nuclei (protons) into a ^4_2He nucleus, two positrons that quickly collide with electrons and are annihilated, and two neutrinos. Hence, branch I of the p-p chain may be summarised as:

2e- + 4p goes to ^4_2He + 2v_e + 2gamma_pd + 4gamma_e "

I don't quite understand where all of the reactants and products are coming from. The 4p is obvious but the 2e^- I can only think are the two electrons that annihilate with the two positrons. If this is the case then should they really be included as part of the p-p I chain? What is also throwing me is the four gamma rays associated with electrons. Is this gamma ray a product of the electron-positron annihilation? If so why are there four? I would have thought there should only be two!

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sorry about the layout. I would have used latex but I'm on my tablet and it won't work.


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  • #2
Bried said:
What is also throwing me is the four gamma rays associated with electrons. Is this gamma ray a product of the electron-positron annihilation? If so why are there four? I would have thought there should only be two!
A positron-electron annihilation produces two gammas of at least 0.511 MeV. Think of conservation of energy and momentum.

Note the intermediate steps -
  • #3
Astronuc said:
A positron-electron annihilation produces two gammas of at least 0.511 MeV. Think of conservation of energy and momentum.

Note the intermediate steps -

Thank you for replying so quickly. That's great.
  • #4
Bried said:
The 4p is obvious but the 2e^- I can only think are the two electrons that annihilate with the two positrons.
A more "charge-neutral" way to write it down would include 4 electrons on the left side (corresponding to the 4 protons - so the sum is equivalent to four neutral hydrogen atoms) and two on the right side (so one could form a neutral helium atom out of them). As those two additional electrons don't participate in the reaction they are ignored.
  • #5
Astronuc said:
A positron-electron annihilation produces two gammas of at least 0.511 MeV. Think of conservation of energy and momentum.
At least two gammas. A positron is equally likely to encounter a same spin electron, in which case at least three gammas are produced.
  • #6
snorkack said:
A positron is equally likely to encounter a same spin electron, in which case at least three gammas are produced.

The 3 photon decays is not as likely as the 2 photon decay... Even if the angular momenta were not considered, the 3 gets supressed by a factor of ~100.
  • #7
ChrisVer said:
The 3 photon decays is not as likely as the 2 photon decay... Even if the angular momenta were not considered, the 3 gets supressed by a factor of ~100.
That difference just means orthopositronium lives much longer than parapositronium - a factor of about 1000. There is no state where there would be a (relevant) choice between the two decay mechanisms. The fraction that decays to two photons is given by the initial formation, and both types are formed with a similar probability.
  • #8
mfb said:
There is no state where there would be a (relevant) choice between the two decay mechanisms. The fraction that decays to two photons is given by the initial formation, and both types are formed with a similar probability.

Wouldn't the 3 photons have an [itex]\alpha^3[/itex] vs the two photons with [itex]\alpha^2[/itex]?
  • #9
Consider 1000 positrons produced and slowed to thermal energies.
About 500 will form parapositronium. Those decay to their ground state, and decay to 2 photons after (on average) 125 picoseconds.
About 500 will form orthopositronium. Those decay to their ground state, and decays to 3 photons after (on average) 140 nanoseconds.

The power of alpha gives a rough estimate for the relative lifetimes, the details of the decay (phase space, ...) are responsible for details. It does not influence how often which type of positronium is formed.
  • #10
mfb said:
Consider 1000 positrons produced and slowed to thermal energies.
About 500 will form parapositronium. Those decay to their ground state, and decay to 2 photons after (on average) 125 picoseconds.
About 500 will form orthopositronium. Those decay to their ground state, and decays to 3 photons after (on average) 140 nanoseconds.

The power of alpha gives a rough estimate for the relative lifetimes, the details of the decay (phase space, ...) are responsible for details. It does not influence how often which type of positronium is formed.
This is interesting because in PET and PAS, the emphasis is on the two (collinear) gammas, rather than two or three.

Perhaps the collinear gammas are easier with respect to discrimination.
  • #11
The scanners usually just cover a small fraction of the full solid angle (too expensive, and also for practical reasons - the patient has to be somewhere). Finding two photons is easy - you know the energy, and you know they fly in opposite directions so if you detect one you also find the other one with a symmetric detector.
Finding three is much harder - the probability that one does not fly into your detector is very large, and you don't know the energy.
To make it worse, you would have to detect the flight directions or the detection time ("Time-of-Flight PET") to reconstruct the production point. More modern scanners can do this, but older ones cannot.

Related to Proton-proton I chain and mass defect reactants and products

1. What is the "Proton-proton I chain"?

The Proton-proton I chain is a fusion reaction that occurs in the core of the sun and other stars. It is a series of nuclear reactions that convert hydrogen nuclei (protons) into helium nuclei, releasing a large amount of energy in the process.

2. How does the Proton-proton I chain work?

The Proton-proton I chain begins with two protons fusing to form a deuterium nucleus (a hydrogen isotope with one proton and one neutron). This reaction releases a positron and a neutrino. The deuterium nucleus then fuses with another proton to form a helium-3 nucleus (two protons and one neutron). This reaction releases a gamma ray. Finally, two helium-3 nuclei fuse to form a helium-4 nucleus (two protons and two neutrons), releasing two protons in the process. This chain reaction continues, with each step releasing more energy.

3. What is the mass defect in the Proton-proton I chain?

The mass defect in the Proton-proton I chain refers to the difference in mass between the initial reactants (protons) and the final product (helium-4 nucleus). In this reaction, some of the mass is converted into energy according to Einstein's famous equation E=mc².

4. What are the reactants and products of the Proton-proton I chain?

The reactants of the Proton-proton I chain are two protons. The products are a helium-4 nucleus, two protons, and various subatomic particles such as positrons and neutrinos that are released during the reaction.

5. What is the significance of the Proton-proton I chain?

The Proton-proton I chain is significant because it is the primary source of energy for stars like our sun. It is also a crucial step in the process of nucleosynthesis, which is the formation of heavier elements from lighter ones in the cores of stars. Without the Proton-proton I chain, life on Earth would not be possible.

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