Proofs regarding uniform circular motion in vectors

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the acceleration vector for general circular motion and how it can be written as a sum of a vector anti-parallel to the position vector and another vector parallel to the velocity vector. The concept of anti-parallel vectors is also explained, and it is noted that the scalar multiples of these vectors can vary with time. The conversation ends with the understanding that multiplying by a function of time and a negative function of time can result in a parallel and anti-parallel vector, respectively.
  • #1
Just started this Analytical Mechanics class, so I figured this question should go here...
I've been pretty stuck with a problem. I felt like I totally knew what I was doing but I've become very stumped.
We're given the vector for general circular motion,
And told to find the velocity vector. Easy enough...
Next we were told to prove that the position and velocity vectors are perpendicular, which was a simple enough dot product of the two that indeed ended up equaling zero.
Then we were told to find the acceleration vector...fine...
Now here's where I ran into trouble. We have to show that the acceleration vector can be written as a sum of a vector that is anti-parallel to the position vector and another vector parallel to the velocity vector. I've never heard of anti-parallel before, but I'm assuming you just need to multiply each of the vectors components by -1.
Anti-parallel to position vector:
and parallel to velocity vector I feel like would just make sense to be any constant multiple of the velocity vector. For simplicity, I think I can just use the velocity vector...
So \(\vec{p}(t)+\vec{v}(t)\) should = \(\vec{a}(t)\).
But nope, it doesn't. I got
Any idea of what I am doing wrong? I have a feeling I am missing something conceptually, because the two added vectors are completely missing the whole second time derivative of the theta function. So I feel I am pretty far from the correct answer.
Any help is appreciated.
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  • #2
skatenerd said:
Now here's where I ran into trouble. We have to show that the acceleration vector can be written as a sum of a vector that is anti-parallel to the position vector and another vector parallel to the velocity vector. I've never heard of anti-parallel before, but I'm assuming you just need to multiply each of the vectors components by -1.
It's not just -1 you can multiply with. Any negative multiple gives you an anti-paraller vector.

So anti-parallel to position vector:
$$\vec{p}(t)=-aRcos(\theta(t))\hat{i}-aRsin(\theta(t))\hat{j}, a>0$$

skatenerd said:
And parallel to velocity vector I feel like would just make sense to be any constant multiple of the velocity vector. For simplicity, I think I can just use the velocity vector...
Umm.. you don't have choice here. It's true that a vector parallel to the velocity vector would be a constant multiple of velocity vector but what this constant multiple will actually be is not upto us to choose.

You should work out the equation $\vec a(t)= \lambda \vec p(t) +\mu \vec v(t)$ and get $\lambda<0$ and $\mu>0$. Note that there's is just one pair of $(\lambda,\mu)$ which satisfies the above equation because $\vec p(t)$ and $\vec v(t)$ are linearly independent (You showed this by showing that $\vec p(t)$ is perpendicular to $\vec v(t)$). Whatever that pair comes out to be we have to live with it. :)
  • #3
Thanks for the reply. I follow what you are implying, but I still don't see how I can end up with the conclusion I need. Any idea where the \(\ddot{\theta}(t)\)'s (that are prevalent in the acceleration vector) will come from?
  • #4
skatenerd said:
Thanks for the reply. I follow what you are implying, but I still don't see how I can end up with the conclusion I need. Any idea where the \(\ddot{\theta}(t)\)'s (that are prevalent in the acceleration vector) will come from?
I see where you are getting confused. The thing is that $\lambda$ and $\mu$ themselves are functions of time. By a 'constant' multiple, here, we don't mean constant with time. By a constant multiple we just mean a scalar. Give it a try. If you get stuck I'll give you the solution in full. Right now I've got to run to class.
  • #5
Ahhh okay no I have it now. I didn't really figure that multiplying by a function of time and a negative function of time would still give a parallel and anti-parallel vector respectively. That makes sense to me now. Thanks.
  • #6
skatenerd said:
Ahhh okay no I have it now. I didn't really figure that multiplying by a function of time and a negative function of time would still give a parallel and anti-parallel vector respectively. That makes sense to me now. Thanks.

Related to Proofs regarding uniform circular motion in vectors

1. What is uniform circular motion?

Uniform circular motion is a type of motion in which an object moves in a circular path at a constant speed. This means that the object covers equal distances in equal time intervals and maintains a constant speed throughout the motion.

2. How is uniform circular motion different from other types of motion?

Uniform circular motion is different from other types of motion because it involves both a change in direction and a constant speed. This is in contrast to linear motion, which only involves a change in position, or non-uniform circular motion, which involves a change in speed as well as direction.

3. What are the key equations used to describe uniform circular motion?

The key equations used to describe uniform circular motion are the centripetal acceleration equation, a = v^2/r, and the centripetal force equation, F = mv^2/r. These equations relate the object's acceleration and force to its speed and the radius of its circular path.

4. How do vectors play a role in proving uniform circular motion?

Vectors are used to represent the direction and magnitude of an object's velocity and acceleration in uniform circular motion. By using these vectors in equations such as the centripetal acceleration equation, we can mathematically prove that the object is indeed moving in a circular path at a constant speed.

5. What real-world examples can demonstrate uniform circular motion?

Some examples of real-world uniform circular motion include a car driving around a roundabout, the moon orbiting around the Earth, and a swing moving back and forth. In all of these cases, the object is moving in a circular path at a constant speed, demonstrating uniform circular motion.

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