Prob of part being in Lowest Energy Level after Potential Change

In summary, the conversation discusses a quantum particle trapped in an infinite square well potential and the calculation of its expected position, momentum, and energy. The question then shifts to determining the probability of the particle ending up in the lowest energy level when the potential is suddenly changed. Possible approaches are suggested, such as renormalizing the wave equation and using the steady state wave function associated with the new potential. However, further clarification and an expert opinion may be needed to fully solve the problem.
  • #1
First off sorry for the badly worded title.

1. Homework Statement
Beginning of Question:

Consider a single quantum particle of mass M trapped in the infinite square well potential, V(x), given by

V(x)= 0 if 0 < x < L
infinity otherwise

The wave function for a particle in the n-th energy level is: Ψn(x) = √(2/L) sin(nπx/L)

a.) I found the expected position and momentum of a particle in the n-th energy level.

b.) I calculated the expectation value for the energy of a particle in the n-th energy level using the hamiltonian.

Bit of Question I'm stuck on:

Suppose that the particle initially starts in the lowest energy level and the potential is instantaneously changed to:

V(x) = 0 if 0 < x < L/2
infinity otherwise

Find the probability that the particle ends up in the lowest energy level of the new potential.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm not exactly sure what to do here. I assume it must be something along the lines of:
1st - Finding the lowest allowed energy level
2nd - Finding the probability that the particle would be in this state.

I was thinking that I might be able to use a method along these lines:
Renormalise the wave equation first to account for the change in potential?
Then repeat what I did in part b.) to find the expectation value of the energy of the particle in the n-th energy level?
I would surely then be able to find the lowest expected value for the energy?
And then I would be able to find the probability that a particle is in that state?

Or have I got totally the wrong idea here? It seems as though I'm ignoring the fact that the potential changed instantaneously.
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  • #2
2. relevant equations. Nothing ? :rolleyes:

a) What did you find ?
b) What did you find ? Isn't that what you put in in the first place ?
c) This is very strange (not your fault): your renormalization idea set me thinking about how to bring about this potential change -- without affecting the particle wave function. After all, the particle has to be somewhere - so what happens to the wave function in the [L/2, L] section ? Usually this kind of exercise expands the size of the box, so you can extend ##\Psi## with zero.

3. Your attempt isn't really an attempt: you are musing, considering, ...

The basic idea is to assume some wave function (in this case the lowest energy steady state wavefunction associated with the [0,L] box; the wavefunction you might mention under 2. relevant equations) and claim that that wavefunction stays the same during the instantaneous change in potential. Then expand the old ##\Psi## in terms of the eigenfunctions (steady state wave functions) associated with the [0,L/2] box -- see under 2: relevant equations :wink: )

I see all kinds of problems on the way, so we might need a real expert. I know one...

Related to Prob of part being in Lowest Energy Level after Potential Change

What is the "Prob of part being in Lowest Energy Level after Potential Change"?

The "Prob of part being in Lowest Energy Level after Potential Change" is a measure of the likelihood that a particle will end up in the lowest possible energy state after a change in potential. This probability is affected by factors such as the initial energy of the particle and the magnitude of the potential change.

How is the probability of a particle being in the lowest energy level calculated?

The probability of a particle being in the lowest energy level is calculated using the Schrödinger equation, which describes the behavior of quantum particles in a given potential. This equation takes into account the wave-like nature of particles and their probabilities of being in different energy states.

What factors affect the probability of a particle being in the lowest energy level?

The probability of a particle being in the lowest energy level is affected by several factors, including the initial energy of the particle, the magnitude of the potential change, and the shape of the potential. In general, particles with higher initial energies and larger potential changes are less likely to end up in the lowest energy level.

Why is the probability of a particle being in the lowest energy level important?

The probability of a particle being in the lowest energy level is important in understanding the behavior of quantum systems. The lowest energy level is often the most stable state for a particle, and knowing the probability of a particle being in this state can help predict and explain its behavior.

Can the probability of a particle being in the lowest energy level be influenced or changed?

Yes, the probability of a particle being in the lowest energy level can be influenced or changed by altering the potential or energy of the system. For example, by increasing the potential or decreasing the initial energy of the particle, the probability of it being in the lowest energy level can be increased. However, this probability is ultimately determined by the fundamental laws of quantum mechanics.

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