Please: Find the angles, magnification, total length of the roometc. of paint-

In summary, the well-known Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer only painted 30 paintings during his life, but they were created with incredible, almost photographic-like detail. It is now believed that he used a Camera Obscura to copy the image onto the canvas, and study of his paintings has given the dimensions of the room and of the lens he possibly used. The following painting, “The Music Lesson”, gives the most geometric information about this room. The image to the right is a 1/10th scale version of the painting. We can use perspective geometry to find several relationships between objects and distances in the real room, but we require one piece of data about an object in the room to determine the actual scale.
  • #1
URGENT please: Find the angles, magnification, total length of the roometc. of paint-

Homework Statement

The well known 17th Century Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer only painted 30 paintings during his life.
However, they were created with incredible, almost photographic-like detail. The use of perspective was ahead of his
time. Recently, many have come to wonder how Vermeer created such detailed paintings with sophisticated rendering of
perspective. Several art historians now believe that Vermeer used a Camera Obscura, basically a large camera of sorts, to
copy the image onto canvas.
A Camera Obscura consists simply of a convex lens on one side of a large box in which the artist would sit.
Detailed studies of Vermeer’s paintings (most were done in the same room shown below) give the dimensions of the
room and of the lens he possibly used. In this problem we will explore how this might have been done. The following
painting, “The Music Lesson” painted in about 1662 gives the most geometric information about this room.
The Music Lesson, 1662-65 73.3 cm x 64.5 cm, the image to the right
is a 1/10th scale version, (7.3 cm x 6.4 cm).
We can use perspective geometry to find several relationships between objects
and distances in the real room. However we require one piece of data about an
object in the room to determine the actual scale.
The chair that appears has distinctive Lion heads on top. These exact
chairs were found in a museum and measured. The height of the chair is 108.5
cm (to the top of the back support) and the height to the seat is 48.5 cm. Thus it
is 60 cm from the seat to the top of the back support. (There are many other
markers which can be used, for example the dimensions of known paintings,
size of musical instruments, etc.).
a) With the above fact and using the outlined 1/5th scale image (14.7 x 12.9 cm)
on the next page, determine the magnification of Vermeer’s lens.
b) Now we will use perspective geometry to find the length of the room. First,
on the image on the next page verify the location of the vanishing point (VP) as
shown in the image to the right. The horizontal line is the horizon. The lens of the camera
(or the eye of the artist) is at this level. Second, with the pattern of tiles on the floor find one
of the distance points (D). The distance point is where the diagonal lines of the floor tile
pattern intersect the horizon. (Note: there is only room on the page to plot one, if you want
to plot the other, attach another piece of paper, although it is not necessary for what is to
follow). On the next page draw the appropriate lines and locate VP and D.
c) Now consider the room with the subjects (consider at front wall), lens, and painting
(image). Draw (two) triangle(s) formed by the distance point(s), vanishing point, and the
position of the lens, V (viewpoint). By examining the angles formed by the tiles, find the
angles of the triangle (V-VP-D).
d) From the result in part a above, and the plot you have made in part b, and assuming that Vermeer’s camera used a lens
of focal length f with an image that was projected on the back wall of the room (and the object is on the far wall),
determine the total length of the room.
e) What is the focal length of the lens used?
f) There is another intriguing aspect to this painting. If you notice in the mirror there is a
reflection of the woman and above that there is a reflection of what appears to be the feet of an
easel (was Vermeer trying to fool us?). Upon closer inspection you can see the base of the back
wall reflected in the mirror. The intersection of the back wall and floor in the mirror is marked
on the outline on the next page. We could use this as a second method to determine the length
of the room, however let’s ask a more subtle question; What is the angle from the wall at which
the mirror hangs? To find this you should sketch a side view of the room on another piece of

Homework Equations

Mirror eqn, Thin lens eqn
Pictures that might possibly help:

The Attempt at a Solution

I am completely out of ideas, and stuck, please help me out because this is really urgent. Thanks
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  • #3

Okay the main part I need help with is b and c. I've done a, though it might not be right (I got magnification = 5.2), but I'm still stuck on b and c...
  • #4

Basically this:
This is something related to my physics, but it said "prespective geometry", And I don't know what is vanishing point:

How am I supposed to graph this??Just these two parts:

1) Now we will use perspective geometry to find the length of the room. First, on the image on the next page verify the location of the vanishing point (VP) as shown in the image to the right. The horizontal line is the horizon. The lens of the camera (or the eye of the artist) is at this level. Second, with the pattern of tiles on the floor find one of the distance points (D). The distance point is where the diagonal lines of the floor tile pattern intersect the horizon. (Note: there is only room on the page to plot one, if you want to plot the other, attach another piece of paper, although it is not necessary for what is to follow). On the next page draw the appropriate lines and locate VP and D.

2) Now consider the room with the subjects (consider at front wall), lens, and painting (image). Draw (two) triangle(s) formed by the distance point(s), vanishing point, and the position of the lens, V (viewpoint). By examining the angles formed by the tiles, find the
angles of the triangle (V-VP-D).

This is the image where I have to draw it on:

Related to Please: Find the angles, magnification, total length of the roometc. of paint-

1. What are the necessary measurements needed to calculate the amount of paint needed for a room?

The key measurements needed are the angles of the walls, the magnification of the paint, and the total length of the room.

2. How do you find the angles of the walls in a room?

The angles can be found by using a protractor or an angle measuring tool. Simply place the tool on each corner of the wall and read the angle.

3. What is the magnification of paint and how is it determined?

The magnification of paint is the ratio of the area of coverage of the paint to the actual area being painted. It is determined by dividing the area of coverage by the actual area.

4. How do you calculate the total length of a room?

The total length of a room can be calculated by measuring the length of each wall and adding them together. If the room is an irregular shape, you may need to break it down into smaller sections and add those lengths together.

5. Are there any other factors to consider when determining the amount of paint needed for a room?

Yes, you may also need to consider the number of coats of paint needed and the type of paint being used. Some paints may require more coats for full coverage, while others may cover more area with just one coat.

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