Pink Floyd Trivia Quiz - Read Rules & Take Your Pick!

  • Thread starter Gokul43201
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In summary, the rules are that everyone gets one question, and no googling - this is to prevent people from knowing what the questions will be. The first question is about a music-related event, and the others are about music-related subjects.
  • #1
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Okay folks, the rules first (and please read them)...


1. No Googling - spoils the fun.

2. Each person gets to attempt only one question, so take your pick. At some point, I may (not likely) announce a free-for-all, whence all questions become open to everyone. The idea behind this rule is to broaden perticipation.

I really insist you read the rules...especially Rule #2


Q1) Who maintained a scrapbook of music and lyrics, titled 'Roger's Songs' ?

Q2) Some of the proceeds from the Dark Side... album went towards helping finance which holy endeavour ?

Q3) MPs in the British Parliament are informed by a warning signal, about 8 minutes before a bill comes up for vote in the House. What is this signal called ?

Q4) Sound Engineer for the Dark Side... album, he was first noticed when he worked with the Beatles on their last album. He is now well-known through his subsequent project. Who ?

Q5) Which album is a tribute to Syd Barrett ?

Q6) In 197#, it caused confusion among pilots and Air Traffic Controllers at London's Heathrow Airport. It then headed out across the English Channel towards France, but a ballistics malfunction caused it to change direction and eventually make a landing near a farm in Kent. What is it ?
(Hint : It's not the spacecraft that brought in baby Superman...that was in the US...and it was the Kent Farm...oh, and it's not real.)

Q7) Mother and Run Like Hell were among many in a list of songs that were recommended to be pulled from radio stations, following what event ?

Q8) Identify the voice in this piece <see attachment>.

Answers will follow, so don't scroll down until you're ready to...


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  • #2
Q6) In 197#, it caused confusion among pilots and Air Traffic Controllers at London's Heathrow Airport. It then headed out across the English Channel towards France, but a ballistics malfunction caused it to change direction and eventually make a landing near a farm in Kent. What is it ?
(Hint : It's not the spacecraft that brought in baby Superman...that was in the US...and it was the Kent Farm...oh, and it's not real.)

gosh these are tough! I was hoping you'd ask something like "which one's pink?" :-p

OK, I think there was a giant flying pig involved in this incident?
  • #3
Right-ho !

Q6) The Giant Inflatable Pig (actually a sow, if you look carefully !) used for promoting the release of Animals slipped off its tether and floated away. A hole in one of the hooves caused it to turn back and eventually make the farm.

The idea of the pig was copyrighted by Waters, so when he left the band, they were not allowed to use it any longer. They got around that problem by giving it b@!$ - the old sex-change switcheroo ! :biggrin:

One to go.

Did the .wav file work ?
  • #4
Sorry..I just read the questions..and tried to answer without Go-Ogle!

Again my appologies.
  • #5
Well, great soundbite!.. just heard it amazing, hope I aint bummed this thread, great idea, thanks.
  • #6
Olias, you are entitled to one guess - you didn't have to delete them all.

Go ahead and put one back on.
  • #7
Q5) Shine on you crazy Diamond

Eeh..that was just a song on..aargh I don't remember the album

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  • #8
I did answer 4?

But here it is again

4)Alan Parsons
  • #9
Okay, that's 2 more down...

Q5) This is Wish You Were Here. And, Shine on You Crazy Diamond is possibly a direct reference to SYD, sorta' like Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds was a reference to LSD.

Q4) Alan Parson is correct too. Of course, the Last Beatles album was Abbey Road - named after Abbey Road Studio, where Alan Parson was sound engg. Floyd recorded many of their albums at the same studio. In fact, sometimes, Floyd and the Beatles would be recording at the same time just down the hall from each other. Alan Parson later went on to create Alan Parson's Project with Eric Woolfson. Their collaboration lead to several hits, including Eye in the Sky, and Psychobabble.
  • #10
MIH, arildno and olias can now cool their heels until I announce a free-for-all.

Is there anybody else out there ?
  • #11
Q3) Must be the Division Bell! Only thing I can think of that's bell-related.
  • #12
Nice guess Moonbear ! :smile:

So 3, 4, 5 and 6 have been shot down.

Where's Kerrie, Tsu, Ivan, plover, Chroot, and the other music buffs ?
  • #13
Okay, now that I've answered my question and am allowed to google again, I had to go find out about the division bell in Parliament. Interesting. (I take no responsibility for the political views of this site, it was just the first one I found on google that explained what a division bell is.)
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  • #14
Q2) The Crusades??
(Or is this a bit anachronistic?)
  • #15
arildno said:
Q2) The Crusades??
(Or is this a bit anachronistic?)

I hope that's a joke... :beer: :wink: "Bit" ? What would you call 7 centuries ?

Anyway's it's probably time to allow everyone to fire away.

It's free-for-all time. MIH, olias, arildno and Moonbear : you're back in. You may all take guesses at all the remaining questions. :rainbow:
  • #16
Q1) Since it would be too stupid to assume it's Roger Waters, I'll be altruistic enough to save everyone else from the massive embarassment by assuming it myself.

Q2) Condom production in Catholic countries??
  • #17
arildno said:
Q1) Since it would be too stupid to assume it's Roger Waters, I'll be altruistic enough to save everyone else from the massive embarassment by assuming it myself.

Q2) Condom production in Catholic countries??

Hard luck arildno...nice guess though on the second one ! However, it was your response to (Q1) that really got me. Wait...going back about a month :

arildno said:
You thought I would let others bask in the glory which rightfully should be lavished on me?
Nope. I'm far too selfish for such acts of altruism.

And now this ? Have you gotten religion ? Damn, it's got to be all those lectures from Saint...
  • #18
Gokul43201 said:
Okay folks, the rules first (and please read them)...


1. No Googling - spoils the fun.

2. Each person gets to attempt only one question, so take your pick. At some point, I may (not likely) announce a free-for-all, whence all questions become open to everyone. The idea behind this rule is to broaden perticipation.

I really insist you read the rules...especially Rule #2


Q1) Who maintained a scrapbook of music and lyrics, titled 'Roger's Songs' ?

Q2) Some of the proceeds from the Dark Side... album went towards helping finance which holy endeavour ?

Q3) MPs in the British Parliament are informed by a warning signal, about 8 minutes before a bill comes up for vote in the House. What is this signal called ?

Q4) Sound Engineer for the Dark Side... album, he was first noticed when he worked with the Beatles on their last album. He is now well-known through his subsequent project. Who ?

Q5) Which album is a tribute to Syd Barrett ?

Q6) In 197#, it caused confusion among pilots and Air Traffic Controllers at London's Heathrow Airport. It then headed out across the English Channel towards France, but a ballistics malfunction caused it to change direction and eventually make a landing near a farm in Kent. What is it ?
(Hint : It's not the spacecraft that brought in baby Superman...that was in the US...and it was the Kent Farm...oh, and it's not real.)

Q7) Mother and Run Like Hell were among many in a list of songs that were recommended to be pulled from radio stations, following what event ?

Q8) Identify the voice in this piece <see attachment>.

Answers will follow, so don't scroll down until you're ready to...
1)Syd Barrett
2)Finance of Life of Brian
3)Division Bell
4)Alan Parsons
5)Wish you were Here
6)Inflatable Balloon(Pig)
7)Chernobyl..?..Greenham common ' American Missile' instalation?
8)Stephen Hawking
  • #19
Olias has (1) and (8), and is close on (2) <Olias, I think you had it before>.

1) Syd Barrett's given name is Roger Keith Barrett. Trick question - but no one (until the gallant knight, Sir Arildno came along) was ready to run into the sword !

8) Hawking, of course - how could I omit this on a Physics Forum ?! I hope the sound byte worked - I couldn't make it any longer because of attachment restrictions...what a bummer.

So Olias has exhausted all his guesses.

Only Q2 and Q7 remain...
  • #20
I've always been an altruist,
but my altruism has sensible and flexible boundaries..:smile:
  • #21
hey Goke - is it free-for-all time?
  • #22
Yes it is !

Gokul_from_post#15 said:
Anyways it's probably time to allow everyone to fire away.

It's free-for-all time. MIH, olias, arildno and Moonbear : you're back in. You may all take guesses at all the remaining questions.
  • #23
Since Olias said "finance Life of Brian",
I'll go with "finance Holy Grail"

The timing is wrong I think, but I'll give it a try. Was this around the time of Tipper Gore's censorship campaign? I remember the albums were getting warning stickers, but I don't know if any songs were getting pulled from the radio.
  • #24
Q2) Yes, some of the profits went into financing Monty Python and the Holy Grail. <I think Olias guessed this right the first time (when he was arm-twisted into rescinding it), then went for Life of Brian the second time>

Floyd were huge Monty Python fans !

Q8) This was way after Tipper went nuts ! :wink: Spoiler follows (this Quiz has been up long enough)...

The incident that spurred Clear Channel Communications from making a list of "bad songs" was ... 9/11 ! ! :eek: The connection :confused: ? Search me !

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but this reeks of political correctness. I think Bill Maher would agree :wink:
  • #25
WOW! Great quiz, Gokul! Very entertaining!
  • #26
Technically, number 8 should be Fred Cooper since it's his processed voice Hawking uses when he speaks.
  • #27
Nice catch, PE ! That's One Technical Point to PE ! :biggrin:

Related to Pink Floyd Trivia Quiz - Read Rules & Take Your Pick!

1. What is the name of Pink Floyd's debut album?

The band's debut album is called "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn" and was released in 1967.

2. Who is the lead vocalist and songwriter of Pink Floyd?

Roger Waters is the lead vocalist and primary songwriter of Pink Floyd.

3. What is the name of Pink Floyd's most famous album?

Pink Floyd's most famous album is "The Dark Side of the Moon", released in 1973.

4. How many members are in Pink Floyd?

There have been five official members in Pink Floyd, including Syd Barrett, Roger Waters, David Gilmour, Richard Wright, and Nick Mason.

5. What is the meaning behind the iconic "The Wall" album cover?

The "wall" on the album cover represents the emotional and mental barriers that people build up to protect themselves from the outside world.
