Pendulum equation/expression, manipulation Help

In summary, the homework statement is asking for the conversion of a simple pendulum expression in terms of angular frequency instead of period. Deriving an expression for the error (Δg) in g is difficult because the variables are not set correctly. The attempted solution states that the equation for the error is (dA/A)^2+((dB/B)^2), but this is incorrect because the constant .5 is not factored in. Finally, the link provided by the professor is broken and the attempted solution cannot be found.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Converting the simple pendulum expression for g in terms of the angular frequency ω instead of the period T, where ω=2π/T, yields g=ω2L.
Derive an expression for the error (Δg) in g by first setting g=A⋅B.
Therefore in terms of A, ΔA, B, and ΔB:

Converting back to the original variables ω and L:

Thus, an expression for the error Δg in g is:

Homework Equations

The simple pendulum expression I have is T = 2pi √(L/g)

The Attempt at a Solution

I am in my first year physics class. Already on the first week the professor requires questions like this to be completed prior to my lab. The problem is... we haven't learned ANYTHING yet in class that is relevant to this question. I am not sure where to even begin, I am having difficulty comprehending and picturing what the question is asking. It would be great if anyone can provide any insight or lead me in the correct path
Physics news on
  • #2
Have a look at
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  • #3
DrClaude said:
Have a look at

So in the first part.. would A= w^2 and B = L ...?
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  • #4
tdog13 said:
So in the first part.. would A= w^2 and B = L ...?
  • #5
haruspex said:

Thank you and would be or is that total wrong lol
Δg/g= ((dA/A)^2))+((dB/B)^2))
  • #6
tdog13 said:
Thank you and would be or is that total wrong lol
Δg/g= ((dA/A)^2))+((dB/B)^2))
The link DrClaude gave you lists cases a to f. Which one matches the format g = A.B?
  • #7
haruspex said:
The link DrClaude gave you lists cases a to f. Which one matches the format g = A.B?
I thought I replied to this, I but I eventually got it...

I am currently trying to do another one that deals with the formula for moment of intertia.
I = .5mr^2.
Would ΔI = √(.5(Δm/m))^2 + (2(Δr/r))^2 ?
  • #8
tdog13 said:
I thought I replied to this, I but I eventually got it...

I am currently trying to do another one that deals with the formula for moment of intertia.
I = .5mr^2.
Would ΔI = √(.5(Δm/m))^2 + (2(Δr/r))^2 ?
To make it clearer, insert parentheses to set the order of precedence of the operations:
Work from the outside in. The outermost operations are all multiplications and can be done in any order. Which formula in the list deals with products?
  • #9
haruspex said:
To make it clearer, insert parentheses to set the order of precedence of the operations:
Work from the outside in. The outermost operations are all multiplications and can be done in any order. Which formula in the list deals with products?
Link from first post indicating is rules is not working but I'm reading something else and
since .5 is a constant... it is factored out.
(m) would be (Δm/m)
(r) would be 2(Δr/r)
Since it is multiplication, putting it all together it would be... √ (Δm/m) + (2(Δr/r)) ...?
  • #10
tdog13 said:
Link from first post indicating is rules is not working but I'm reading something else and
since .5 is a constant... it is factored out.
(m) would be (Δm/m)
(r) would be 2(Δr/r)
Since it is multiplication, putting it all together it would be... √ (Δm/m) + (2(Δr/r)) ...?
Yes, that link is broken, and I cannot remember exactly what it said.
There is a possible confusion here, between the actual error and mean square error.

Suppose the actual errors are ΔI, Δm, Δr. We can write I+ΔI=.5 (m+Δm)(r+Δr)2. Ignoring second order small quantities we can deduce ΔI/I=Δm/m+2Δr/r.

If we want the expected (i.e. mean square) error then we need to know something about the distribution of the source errors. These are often taken to be Gaussian, for convenience, though in practice they are often more like uniform. But even then we need to know the standard deviations. These will not usually be the same for the different quantities, m and r in this case.
Look at the f=AB line in the table of example formulas at You will see the standard deviations of A and B feature in the expression.

Perhaps, in something of an abuse of notation, the Δ symbols in your post are intended to represent standard deviations, i.e. where you have written Δx you mean σx, where x stands variously for I, m, r. With that understanding, we have
This looks similar to your expressions in posts 7 and 9, but does not quite match either. Can you see the differences?
  • #11
haruspex said:
Yes, that link is broken, and I cannot remember exactly what it said.
There is a possible confusion here, between the actual error and mean square error.

Suppose the actual errors are ΔI, Δm, Δr. We can write I+ΔI=.5 (m+Δm)(r+Δr)2. Ignoring second order small quantities we can deduce ΔI/I=Δm/m+2Δr/r.

If we want the expected (i.e. mean square) error then we need to know something about the distribution of the source errors. These are often taken to be Gaussian, for convenience, though in practice they are often more like uniform. But even then we need to know the standard deviations. These will not usually be the same for the different quantities, m and r in this case.
Look at the f=AB line in the table of example formulas at You will see the standard deviations of A and B feature in the expression.

Perhaps, in something of an abuse of notation, the Δ symbols in your post are intended to represent standard deviations, i.e. where you have written Δx you mean σx, where x stands variously for I, m, r. With that understanding, we have
This looks similar to your expressions in posts 7 and 9, but does not quite match either. Can you see the differences?

Yeah I see the difference between the 2 approaches. I wish I fully understand what you are conveying but I am only a first year health major forced to take physics and have never done so before or statistics for the matter so the language is kinda foreign ro me haha
However, umm perhaps you can provide me some insight based on this? This is what we're basically supposed to use... If it helps we did a laboratory on with a rotational disc spinning and calculated the acceleration (a) in regards to I = mr^2(g/a-1). We found I and now need the +/- for the I.
  • #12
tdog13 said:
Yeah I see the difference between the 2 approaches. I wish I fully understand what you are conveying but I am only a first year health major forced to take physics and have never done so before or statistics for the matter so the language is kinda foreign ro me haha
However, umm perhaps you can provide me some insight based on this? This is what we're basically supposed to use... If it helps we did a laboratory on with a rotational disc spinning and calculated the acceleration (a) in regards to I = mr^2(g/a-1). We found I and now need the +/- for the I.
That link clarifies that we are looking for the expected error. In the table, there are two formulae you need to use, one for product (AB) and one for exponent (An). Unfortunately, in neither post 7 nor post 9 did you apply them correctly.
Let's take it in stages. First, let B stand for r2, so we have I=.5 mB. Apply the product rule. What do you get for ΔI/I?
  • #13
haruspex said:
That link clarifies that we are looking for the expected error. In the table, there are two formulae you need to use, one for product (AB) and one for exponent (An). Unfortunately, in neither post 7 nor post 9 did you apply them correctly.
Let's take it in stages. First, let B stand for r2, so we have I=.5 mB. Apply the product rule. What do you get for ΔI/I?

ΔI/I= √ (Δ.5/.5)^2 + (Δm/m)^2 + (ΔB/B)^2?

And B would then be (2ΔB/B)^2... so

ΔI/I= √ (Δm/m)2 + (2ΔB/B)2?
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  • #14
tdog13 said:
ΔI/I= √ (Δ.5/.5)^2 + (Δm/m)^2 + (ΔB/B)^2?

And B would then be (2ΔB/B)^2... so

ΔI/I= √ (Δm/m)2 + (2ΔB/B)2?
Yes, except that in the second step the B's should have become r's.

Related to Pendulum equation/expression, manipulation Help

1. What is the pendulum equation and how is it derived?

The pendulum equation is a mathematical expression that describes the motion of a pendulum. It is derived using Newton's second law of motion and the principles of circular motion. The equation takes into account the length of the pendulum, the acceleration due to gravity, and the angle at which the pendulum is released.

2. How can I manipulate the pendulum equation to solve for different variables?

The pendulum equation can be manipulated using algebraic methods to solve for different variables such as the length of the pendulum, the acceleration due to gravity, or the angle at which the pendulum is released. This can be done by isolating the variable of interest on one side of the equation and solving for it.

3. What factors affect the period of a pendulum according to the pendulum equation?

The period of a pendulum, or the time it takes for one complete swing, is affected by three main factors according to the pendulum equation: the length of the pendulum, the acceleration due to gravity, and the initial angle of release. A longer pendulum, a higher acceleration due to gravity, and a larger initial angle will result in a longer period.

4. How does the pendulum equation relate to real-life pendulum systems?

The pendulum equation can be applied to a variety of real-life pendulum systems, such as grandfather clocks, playground swings, and even the swinging of a human arm. By understanding the principles behind the pendulum equation, we can better understand the behavior of these systems and make predictions about their motion.

5. Can the pendulum equation be used to predict the motion of a pendulum accurately?

Yes, the pendulum equation is a highly accurate mathematical expression and can be used to predict the motion of a pendulum with great precision. However, it is important to note that real-life pendulum systems may be affected by external factors such as air resistance, friction, and damping, which may impact the accuracy of the predictions made using the pendulum equation.

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