Partial derivatives and thermodynamics

In summary, when you write P=P(T, V) you can take P(u, V), but when you write P=P(T, V) you cannot take P(u, V) because u is a constant.
  • #1
Hi all.

Suppose I have the ideal gas law $$P=\frac{RT}{v}$$If I'm asked about the partial derivative of P with respect to molar energy ##u##, I may think "derivative of P keeping other quantities (whatever those are) constant", so from the formula above I get $$\frac{\partial P}{\partial u}=0$$However, one of the consequences of the ideal gas law is that energy is only dependant on T as in ##u=cRT##. If I reintroduce this in the ideal gas law, I get $$P=\frac{u}{cv}$$ What if I know want to take the partial derivative of P with respect to u? Then $$\frac{\partial P}{\partial u}=\frac{1}{cv}\neq 0$$which doesn't match the result above.

What am I doing wrong? I've tried to show my general problem using this particular example, but you may guess this kind of confusion causes problems everywhere in thermodynamics.
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  • #2
When you write ## P=P(T, V) ##, you can readily take ## (\frac{\partial{P}}{\partial{T}})_V ## and ## (\frac{\partial{P}}{\partial{V}})_T ##, but if you want to find ## (\frac{\partial{P}}{\partial{x}})_y ##, you need to use the chain rule, and also consider both parameters ## T ## , and ## V ## to see if they might have an ## x ## dependence. In full detail (this will take a minute because it's not easy to do in Latex) ## (\frac{\partial{P}(T,V)}{\partial{x}})_y=(\frac{\partial{P}}{\partial{T}})_V (\frac{\partial{T}}{\partial{x}})_y +(\frac{\partial{P}}{\partial{V}})_T (\frac{\partial{V}}{\partial{x}})_y ##. They teach this in detail in an advanced calculus class, but if you study this example, it might help clear up the difficulty. ## \\ ## In your example above, I presume they are writing ## P=P(u, V) ## and finding ## (\frac{\partial{P}}{\partial{u}})_V ##.
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  • #3
Charles Link said:
When you write ## P=P(T, V) ##, you can readily take ## (\frac{\partial{P}}{\partial{T}})_V ## and ## (\frac{\partial{P}}{\partial{V}})_T ##, but if you want to find ## (\frac{\partial{P}}{\partial{x}})_y ##, you need to use the chain rule, and also consider both parameters ## T ## , and ## V ## to see if they might have an ## x ## dependence. In full detail (this will take a minute because it's not easy to do in Latex) ## (\frac{\partial{P}(T,V)}{\partial{x}})_y=(\frac{\partial{P}}{\partial{T}})_V (\frac{\partial{T}}{\partial{x}})_y +(\frac{\partial{P}}{\partial{V}})_T (\frac{\partial{V}}{\partial{x}})_y ##. They teach this in detail in an advanced calculus class, but if you study this example, it might help clear up the difficulty. ## \\ ## In your example above, I presume they are writing ## P=P(u, V) ## and finding ## (\frac{\partial{P}}{\partial{u}})_V ##.

The problem I seem to have is the following. Say I want the variation of P with respect to u keeping the v and T constants. Starting from the ideal gas law: $$\left(\frac{\partial P}{\partial u}\right)_{T,v}=0$$ since T and v re constants.

However, if I start from ##P=\frac{u}{cv}##, I get $$\left(\frac{\partial P}{\partial u}\right)_{T,v}=\frac{1}{cv}\left(\frac{\partial u }{\partial u}\right)_{T,v}=\frac{1}{cv}$$ which is the same I had above.
  • #4
kuruman said:
It looks like you are confusing partial and total derivatives.
It is true that ##\frac{\partial}{\partial u} \left( \frac{RT}{v} \right) =0## and ##\frac{\partial}{\partial u} \left( \frac{u}{cv} \right) =\frac{1}{cv}##
It is also true that ##\frac{dP}{du}=\frac{\partial P}{\partial T}\frac{\partial T}{\partial u}=\frac{1}{cR}\frac{\partial P}{\partial T}=\frac{1}{cR}\frac{R}{v}=\frac{1}{cv}##

Then how is it that ##\left(\frac{\partial P}{\partial u}\right)_{T,v}## can give a different result depending on how I pick it?
  • #5
@voila In the case above, you have two degrees of freedom in this problem. You can write ## P=P(T,V) ## and you can also write ## P(u, V) ##. You cannot take a derivative w.r.t. ## u ## when you are keeping both ## T ## and ## V ## constant. That completely prevents you from varying ## u ##, because ## u=u(T,V) ##.
  • #6
voila said:
Then how is it that ##\left(\frac{\partial P}{\partial u}\right)_{T,v}## can give a different result depending on how I pick it?
Sorry, I deleted my post because you already are in good hands. @Charles Link will see you through.
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  • #7
Charles Link said:
@voila In the case above, you have two degrees of freedom in this problem. You can write ## P=P(T,V) ## and you can also write ## P(u, V) ##. You cannot take a derivative when you are keeping both ## T ## and ## V ## constant. That completely prevents you from varying ## u ##, because ## u=u(T,V) ##.
I know keeping T, v constants forbid me from changing the energy, but still I applied the definition correctly, right? The thing is, I know you are right: "the variation of pressure with respect to energy, keeping v and T constants" makes no sense because it is physically impossible. However, it kind of seems like an ad hoc argument. Not only that, but what about in other cases where I may be doing something inappropriate like this but not quite as obvious? Seems like I can run into trouble even if I just stick to the definition.
  • #8
@Charles Link Let me ask it to the point: is ##\left(\frac{\partial u}{\partial u}\right)_T=0## (assuming ##u=cRT##)??

I think that could kind of make sense, though I had never considered it. Maybe knowing that I may avoid future problems (but I can't promise it!).
  • #9
voila said:
I know keeping T, v constants forbid me from changing the energy, but still I applied the definition correctly, right? The thing is, I know you are right: "the variation of pressure with respect to energy, keeping v and T constants" makes no sense because it is physically impossible. However, it kind of seems like an ad hoc argument. Not only that, but what about in other cases where I may be doing something inappropriate like this but not quite as obvious? Seems like I can run into trouble even if I just stick to the definition.
One suggestion would be to study the application of the partial derivative in post 2 in detail, and I think you will find with practice, that any ambiguities go away. One thing I could add to post 2 is that it is assumed ## x=x(T,V) ## and ## y=y(T,V) ##, ##x ## and ## y ## are alternative parameters that can be used to specify the system, (in this case ## x=u ## and ## y=V ##). If you are taking a course in thermodynamics, you will likely see a lot of these partial derivatives, but once you get some practice with them, they should start to become more commonplace.
  • #10
voila said:
@Charles Link Let me ask it to the point: is ##\left(\frac{\partial u}{\partial u}\right)_T=0## (assuming ##u=cRT##)??

I think that could kind of make sense, though I had never considered it. Maybe knowing that I may avoid future problems (but I can't promise it!).
A good puzzle=I don't know that this one has an answer, because the derivative in that form and holding T constant is invalid. I don't know that such an expression could ever arise. ## \\ ## Editing: ## (\frac{\partial{u}}{\partial{u}})_V=1 ##, and ## (\frac{\partial{u}}{\partial{V}})_u =(\frac{\partial{u}}{\partial{V}})_T=0 ##. For the case of ## (\frac{\partial{u}}{\partial{u}})_T=(\frac{\partial{u}}{\partial{u}})_u ##, I think is an impossible expression that is simply invalid. (Holding ## T ## constant for the case you have is the same as holding ## u ## constant. We have in general ## u=u(T,V) ##, but in this case ## u=cRT ## with no ## V ## dependence.).
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Related to Partial derivatives and thermodynamics

1. What is a partial derivative?

A partial derivative is a mathematical concept that represents the rate of change of one variable with respect to another variable while holding all other variables constant. In other words, it measures how one variable changes when another variable is changed, while keeping all other variables fixed.

2. How are partial derivatives used in thermodynamics?

In thermodynamics, partial derivatives are used to calculate the change in a thermodynamic quantity (such as temperature, pressure, or volume) with respect to a different thermodynamic variable. This helps us understand how changes in one variable affect the overall system.

3. What is the difference between a partial derivative and a total derivative?

A partial derivative only considers the change in one variable while holding all other variables constant, whereas a total derivative takes into account the changes in all variables simultaneously. In other words, a total derivative is the sum of all partial derivatives.

4. Can you give an example of how partial derivatives are used in thermodynamics?

One example is the calculation of the specific heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp). This is the partial derivative of the enthalpy (H) with respect to temperature (T) at constant pressure. In other words, it measures how much the enthalpy changes when the temperature is changed, while keeping the pressure constant.

5. How do partial derivatives relate to the laws of thermodynamics?

Partial derivatives are used to derive the fundamental equations of thermodynamics, such as the first and second laws. They also play a crucial role in understanding the relationships between different thermodynamic quantities, such as temperature, pressure, and entropy, which are governed by these laws.

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