On the hypothesis of a genuinely quantum spacetime

In summary, Amelino-Camelia is a highly regarded philosopher in the field of quantum gravity. He has written a paper on the subject which was well received and continues to generate discussion and further research. He emphasizes the importance of carefully considering fundamental concepts and their implications in the development of new theories, particularly in the case of quantum gravity. His thoughts and ideas are highly valued and have made a significant impact in the field.
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Amelino-Camelia continues to impress me as philosophically one of the most clear-sighted people writing about quantum gravity. I've been reading "Three perspectives on the quantum gravity problem"
based on an invited talk given in July to the tenth Marcel Grossmann meeting on GR.

On page 8 of the paper, Amelino-C has a section called "Aside on the hypothesis of a genuinely quantum spacetime" that I found enlightening. A key issue for Amelino-C is whether quantum gravity will be constructed on a classical spacetime continuum or whether the continuum properties (including symmetry) will only emerge in the appropriate limit. (He lays the issues out forcefully on page 7) Here he is expanding on this in a side comment:

"The concept of a classical spacetime is appropriate in physics (operatively meaningful) when the theory of interest allows to localize sharply a spacetime point. This statement is intended in the same sense that a classical concept of angular momentum is only appropriate when the angular-momentum vector (all of its components) can be sharply measured. In 19th century physics angular momentum was a classical concept. In our modern theories we acknowledge the experimental fact that there are limitations on the measurability of the angular-momentum vector (one cannot measure all of its components simultaneously) and therefore we describe angular momentum using a nonclassical formalism (the one of noncommuting operators) which captures this measurability limitations.

The consistency between the measurability limits established by the formalism and the in-principle measurability limits that affect measurement procedures is a key requirement for a physical theory. This important issue usually takes center stage in the physics literature only when a major “scientific revolution” challenges our understanding of the physical world. In the course of such a “revolution” it is natural to question the logical consistency of the novel theoretical frameworks which are being proposed.

Once these logical-consistency issues have been settled, and substantial experimental support for the new theory has been obtained, the focus shifts toward computational matters: one is comfortable with the logical structure of the new theory and with the
fact that the new theory has some relevance for the description of Nature, and therefore precise calculations and accurate experiments become the top priority. For example, this natural sequence of steps for the development of new theories is easily recognized in the development of the “relativity revolution” and of the “quantum-theory revolution”.

While the limited scope of these notes does not allow me to describe rigorously the issues that are to be considered in measurability analysis (and its role in establishing the logical consistency of a formalism), the interested reader can find a careful discussion in the literature, especially the literature reporting the debate (among Einstein, Pierls, Bohr, Rosenfeld and others) on the measurability of the electromagnetic fields in quantum electrodynamics..."

Part of what he is saying here is that there are times in science when philosophy actually has priority and takes center stage in determining how a theory gets developed. Just as there are moments in the history of science when it pays to know the history--there are times when rigorous thinking about fundamental concepts can actually guide the building of a successful theory---neither Einstein nor Newton were strangers to this and I guess the reader can supply other examples.

Much of the time researchers can just march along applying whatever techniques produce results, but occasionally some reflection at a foundations level is needed and Amelino-Camelia is suggesting that now is such an occasion. He sees the problem of quantum gravity as requiring a model of spacetime and insists that a spacetime model implies limits on measuring location. Further, he requires consistency between limits on measurability derived from general principles and the limits established by the formal model. I wonder how widely these ideas are shared---maybe they are obvious to a lot of people (but not to me, and I haven't read quite this take on things before.)
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I just posted a "Top Twenty" list for gr-qc (General Relativity-Quantum Gravity) eprints that appeared recently (after 1999).

I see that Giovanni Amelino-Camelia has two papers in the Top Twenty, including the number one hit.

I don't know how much this matters in the overall scheme of the universe, but it gives a little perspective on him.

The ranking is by how many times other articles CITE the given articles. For good or bad, Amelino-C writes articles that other articles refer to.

In fact I think he is good. His vision a little bit more penetrating, his thought a little bit deeper, than many others'.

The "top twenty" citations ranking is in the thread called
"what role should media ratings play in science?"
It isn't obvious that they should play any role but I don't want to be hasty about this and reject such statistics out of hand:wink:

Related to On the hypothesis of a genuinely quantum spacetime

1. What is the concept of quantum spacetime?

Quantum spacetime is a theoretical framework that combines the principles of quantum mechanics and general relativity to describe the fundamental structure of the universe. It suggests that spacetime is not continuous, but rather made up of discrete units or "quanta", similar to how energy and matter are quantized in quantum mechanics.

2. How does the hypothesis of a genuinely quantum spacetime differ from classical spacetime theories?

The hypothesis of a genuinely quantum spacetime differs from classical spacetime theories in several ways. For one, it allows for spacetime to have a discrete structure rather than being continuous. It also suggests that spacetime can fluctuate and be uncertain at very small scales, and that there is a fundamental limit to how accurately we can measure spacetime quantities.

3. What evidence supports the idea of a quantum spacetime?

Currently, there is no direct evidence for a quantum spacetime. However, there are some phenomena that can be explained by this framework, such as the black hole information paradox and the smoothness of the cosmic microwave background radiation. Additionally, some theories, such as loop quantum gravity, are based on the concept of a quantum spacetime.

4. How does the hypothesis of a genuinely quantum spacetime impact our understanding of the universe?

If proven to be true, the hypothesis of a genuinely quantum spacetime would drastically change our understanding of the universe. It would challenge our current understanding of space and time, and potentially lead to a more unified theory of physics. It could also have implications for the study of black holes, the beginning of the universe, and the nature of gravity.

5. Is there ongoing research or experiments being conducted to test the hypothesis of a genuinely quantum spacetime?

Yes, there is ongoing research and experiments being conducted to test the hypothesis of a genuinely quantum spacetime. These include experiments to measure the smoothness of spacetime at a very small scale, observations of gravitational waves, and investigations into the behavior of matter at extreme conditions. However, due to the difficulty of accessing these small scales, it may be some time before we have concrete evidence for a quantum spacetime.

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