OCR A2 Physics cosmic microwave background radiation question

In summary, the conversation is about a question on cosmic microwave background radiation and how it relates to the standard model of the universe. The question asks for a description of the properties of CMB and an explanation of how the standard model can account for these properties. It also asks for an explanation of the significance of CMB as evidence for the past evolution of the universe. The conversation includes a request for help in structuring an answer and a discussion of the mark scheme for the question. The explanation should include points such as the origin of CMB as gamma radiation in the early hot universe and its redshift to the microwave region as the universe expanded and cooled. The near-uniform intensity and almost perfect isotropy of CMB can also be explained
  • #1
I was going over some past papers ( OCR Physics A2 ) and I came across this question about cosmic microwave background radiation-the topic I seem to be struggling with the most :/ and I wasn't sure how to structure my answer. It's worth 5 marks.

The question is :

Describe the important properties of the cosmic microwave background radiation and
how the standard model of the Universe explains these properties. Explain their
significance as evidence for the past evolution of the Universe.
In your answer, you should make clear how your explanation links with the evidence.

Would anybody be able to help me structure an answer or maybe produce an 'ideal answer'.

I can describe the properties of the CMB, but when it asks about how the standard model explains these properties, I'm not too sure. :S And also explaining their significance, please don't just ask me what is significant about it, I really don't understand when you put it that way :/, it would be much easier if you could just explain it in terms of the question please.

Here is what I have so far, I've bullet pointed it:

Describe the properties of the CMB

-Electromagnetic radiation in the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum
-Corresponds to a temperature of 2.7K/3K
-Almost perfectly isotropic/intensity is almost perfectly uniform in all directions

Here is my attempt at an explanation of these properties using the standard model

-Why it is in the microwave region-->According to the Big Bang model universe was initially very hot and emitted electromagnetic radiation of very short wavelengths ( mainly gamma radiation )when universe became transparent to electromagnetic radiation and as it expanded these shorter wavelengths were red shifted/were stretched out, so that they were of a longer wavelength, corresponding to the microwave region of the em spectrum
-Why it corresponds to a temperature of 2.7K/3K --> According to Big Bang as universe expanded it also cooled and temperature of current universe is now 2.7K/3K. Not too sure about this point, why is it that the microwave radiation corresponds to 2.7K?! I get very muddled everytime I think about this
-Why it is almost perfectly isotropic--> According to Big Bang matter was slightly more dense in some parts of the universe, which allowed the formation of stars and galaxies. Again not too sure about this point, why would that make the radiation almost perfectly isotropic?! :S

Because these properties can be explained by the Standard model of the universe, it suggests/provides evidence that the universe must have originated from the Big Bang-->I don't really understand the last part of the question '. Explain their significance as evidence for the past evolution of the Universe'.

Here is the mark scheme for the answer, which I didn't really find too helpful :/

Any four from the below:

Uniform intensity in all directions/everywhere
Structure in background intensity/ripples
Produced when matter and radiation decoupled
Originally gamma radiation
Gamma radiation red shifted to microwave
Evidence that the universe began with big bang
Temperature corresponds to 2.7K/that predicted by big bang (B1 x4)
1xlink between evidence and explanation ( 1)

Which parts are the explanation?!

If you could please put your explanation in a simple, easy to understand way I would really appreciate it :)

Thank you!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
They are all part of the explanation wanted.
There are eight - I'd expect a half-mark each with a whole mark for something to do with the essay.
Compare that list with online essays on the same subject - i.e. the Wikipedia CMB entry.

Related to OCR A2 Physics cosmic microwave background radiation question

1. What is the cosmic microwave background radiation?

The cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) is a type of electromagnetic radiation that fills the entire universe and is a remnant of the Big Bang. It is the oldest light in the universe, dating back to about 380,000 years after the Big Bang.

2. How was the cosmic microwave background radiation discovered?

The CMB was first discovered in 1964 by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson at the Bell Telephone Laboratories in New Jersey. They were conducting experiments with a large radio telescope and detected a faint, uniform noise that was coming from all directions in the sky. This noise turned out to be the CMB.

3. What is the significance of the cosmic microwave background radiation?

The CMB is significant because it provides strong evidence for the Big Bang theory and helps us understand the early universe. By studying the properties of the CMB, scientists can learn about the composition, age, and expansion of the universe.

4. How is the cosmic microwave background radiation measured?

The CMB is measured using specialized instruments such as telescopes and satellites that can detect microwaves. These instruments can measure the temperature and intensity of the CMB, which can provide valuable information about the early universe.

5. How does the cosmic microwave background radiation support the theory of inflation?

The CMB supports the theory of inflation, which states that the universe underwent a rapid period of expansion in its early stages. This is because the CMB is extremely uniform and has a consistent temperature in all directions, which is predicted by the theory of inflation. It also supports the idea that the universe is flat and infinite in size.

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