Observer Effect hype in Double Slit Experiment

In summary, the Double-Slit Experiment suggests that the results are altered by the consciousness of the observer. It is not the measuring device that changes the state of the experiment, but the consciousness of the observer.
  • #1
I don't know if you physicist out there knows it, but the statement that observing something changes its state is having a drastic impact on the less informed populace at wide.

An example, one of the most popular Quantum Physics video on youtube
<Link to video not acceptable under PF rules removed>

While I am by no means expert in Quantum Physics, but I like to believe my ability at reasoning is still solid.

So here is the question:

Did the result in Double-Slit Experiment change because of a consciousness observing it?
Or is it because the measuring device/method is messing with the result?

Because reason dictates it is far more likely the 2nd explanation that's causing the changed results.

If that's the case, then this whole experiment is a sham, no different from someone claiming the temperature of a bucket of water got colder because they "observed" it by sticking a cold thermometer into the bucket. And all the physicists out there riding this hype-train making Quantum Physics looking like a frontier science that's defying logic is highly irresponsible.
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  • #2
VECT said:
I don't know if you physicist out there knows it, but the statement that observing something changes its state is having a drastic impact on the less informed populace at wide.
Yes, we know. Trust me, we know...:H
That notion was being tossed around a century ago, when physicists were first trying to hammer out a coherent theory for explaining the surprising and non-classical results of their experiments. It was abandoned after the modern mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics was discovered in subsequent decades, but by then the notion had taken root in the popular imagination.

If you search this forum you will find many many threads on the subject. The quick summary is that this idea that consciousness causes the wave function to collapse is no part of the modern understanding of quantum mechanics, and hasn't been for a very long time now.

An example, one of the most popular Quantum Physics video on youtube... this whole experiment is a sham, no different from someone claiming the temperature of a bucket of water got colder because they "observed" it by sticking a cold thermometer into the bucket. And all the physicists out there riding this hype-train making Quantum Physics looking like a frontier science that's defying logic is highly irresponsible
Hmmm... That video claims to have been done by a scientist named "Dr. Quantum"... But I've searched LinkedIn and the membership lists of every professional society for the past century, and I can find no evidence that this "Dr. Quantum" has received a PhD from any respectable institution... I'd consider the possibility that he's not entitled to the title "Dr." and that he may not be a real scientist at all. I certainly wouldn't pay much attention to him until I had more reason to think he knows what he's talking about.

OK, seriously, kidding aside: That video is not real science, and if you want to understand what QM is really about, your best bet is to hang around here for a while. The Physics Forums rules about acceptable sources will filter out a lot of the garbage (for example, this video wouldn't have made the cut), and there's a large cadre of people who can help you through some of the genuine hard spots.
  • #3
I have deleted a number of posts in an attempt to turn this into a thread about what QM is, rather than an attempt to refute claims that have never been made. The discussion was tangled enough that I wasn't able to edit individual posts sensibly, so here is a summary of the key points so far:
bhobba said:
VECT said:
Did the result in Double-Slit Experiment change because of a consciousness observing it?
Or is it because the measuring device/method is messing with the result?
Unequivocally - and in no uncertain terms NO.
The experiment isn't a sham - just the more sensationalist spin of some popularisations.
If you want to see a correct explanation of this experiment without the hype check out:
Strilanc said:
Don't confuse "all the physicists" with "the people who made this one animation".
Strilanc said:
Given the rest of the movie, the dr. quantum clip is surprisingly good. Like, objectively good!... until the last 60 seconds. They show the detector as an eye off to the side instead of as something placed over one of the slits, which is wrong (you need the electron to interact with the detector to detect it). Then they imply the electrons are "aware of being watched", which is in no way justified.
VECT said:
So..has it ever occurred to physicists that maybe, just maybe, the detectors are what's causing the collapse?
Yes. Indeed, that's pretty much the mainstream collapse interpretation and if you're reading something that suggests otherwise, you should be cautious. One math-free and layman friendly book that I can recommend is

Related to Observer Effect hype in Double Slit Experiment

1. What is the Observer Effect in the Double Slit Experiment?

The Observer Effect, also known as the "measurement problem," refers to the phenomenon in quantum mechanics where the act of observing or measuring a particle affects its behavior. In the Double Slit Experiment, this effect can be seen when the observer's presence or measurement apparatus causes a wave-like particle to collapse into a specific location.

2. Is the Observer Effect a real phenomenon or just a theoretical concept?

The Observer Effect is a real phenomenon that has been observed and studied in various experiments. However, its exact nature and mechanism are still not fully understood and continue to be a topic of discussion and research in the scientific community.

3. Does the Observer Effect only occur in the Double Slit Experiment?

No, the Observer Effect has been observed in many other experiments and situations involving quantum systems. It is a fundamental aspect of quantum mechanics and affects all particles, not just those in the Double Slit Experiment.

4. Can the Observer Effect be avoided or controlled?

While the Observer Effect is an inherent aspect of quantum mechanics, there are ways to minimize its impact. For example, using advanced measuring techniques or reducing the amount of interaction between the observer and the particles can help reduce the effect. However, complete control or elimination of the Observer Effect is not currently possible.

5. Does the Observer Effect have any practical applications?

The Observer Effect has been studied and utilized in various fields, such as quantum computing and cryptography. It also plays a crucial role in understanding and developing technologies such as microscopes and sensors that rely on the behavior of quantum particles.

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