Normal blood pressure versus age, good to go up?

In summary, this article discusses the prevalence of hypertension in older adults, the risk factors for hypertension, the benefits of treating hypertension in the elderly, and the effects of hypertension on cardiovascular health.
  • #1
Gold Member
A Google image search of "normal blood pressure versus age" came up with charts that I don't understand completely. Consider the following information.


Also see,

It looks like it is normal for blood pressure to rise with age but is that a good thing?

Years ago I bought a blood pressure reader and lately have been checking my blood pressure. After a long bike ride tonight it was 120/80 and I'm thinking, getting better readings lately but looking at the chart above for someone aged 58 it looks as if I need to smoke and eat more to raise my blood pressure towards "normal". I guessing that is the wrong conclusion to reach?

Thanks for any help!
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  • #2
It sounds like your BP is great for your age -- probably related to your exercise routine and probably a good diet. You should discuss your numbers with your doctor, since it would be a bad idea for us to give you advice about your numbers (which I envy!)
  • #3
Spinnor said:
Years ago I bought a blood pressure reader and lately have been checking my blood pressure. After a long bike ride tonight it was 120/80...
While this thread is currently locked pending discussion of whether it violates our medical advice rules, I still feel the need to point out that if you are checking your blood pressure soon after exercise, you are doing it wrong: it should be checked when in a state of rest. Check it before the bike ride.

...And consult with your doctor about the meaning of the results.
  • #4
Thread reopened. Note that we can't give you any diagnosis regarding your blood pressure, if you are concerned then consult a doctor. This thread will stay open so long as the discussion revolves around the reasons behind blood pressure increases with age.
  • #5
Thanks. I checked it about 30 minutes after the ride and have taken note that readings are not taken after exercise to indicate your health. I was not really looking for advice but wanted to understand the table I included. The table makes it look like it is normal for blood pressure reading to rise with age but my real question was is that necessarily good? What if it stayed 120/80 as you aged, what is bad with that. Is "normal" just average for the population of people my age?

Will talk with the doctor next time I'm in about the table.

Thanks again.
  • #6
Blood pressure may increase with age, but that is not a good thing.

Isolated systolic hypertension, an elevation in systolic but not diastolic pressure, is the most prevalent type of hypertension in those aged 50 or over, occurring either de novo or as a development after a long period of systolic‐diastolic hypertension with or without treatment. The increase in blood pressure with age is mostly associated with structural changes in the arteries and especially with large artery stiffness. It is known from various studies that rising blood pressure is associated with increased cardiovascular risk. In the elderly, the most powerful predictor of risk is increased pulse pressure due to decreased diastolic and increased systolic blood pressure. All evidence indicates that treating the elderly hypertensive patient will reduce the risk of cardiovascular events.

Related to Normal blood pressure versus age, good to go up?

1. What is considered a normal blood pressure for my age?

As we age, our blood vessels naturally become less elastic and our blood pressure tends to increase. However, a normal blood pressure is typically defined as less than 120/80 mm Hg for adults of any age. This may vary slightly depending on individual health factors and medications.

2. Is it okay for my blood pressure to increase as I get older?

In general, a small increase in blood pressure with age is considered normal. However, if your blood pressure is consistently above the normal range, it could put you at risk for various health conditions such as heart disease and stroke. It is important to monitor your blood pressure regularly and consult with your doctor if it consistently falls above the normal range.

3. Can lifestyle changes help lower my blood pressure as I age?

Yes, making healthy lifestyle choices can help lower your blood pressure at any age. This includes maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, limiting alcohol consumption, and following a healthy diet that is low in sodium and high in fruits and vegetables. These lifestyle changes can have a positive impact on your blood pressure and overall health.

4. Are there any medications that can help control blood pressure as I age?

Yes, there are several medications that can help control blood pressure as you age. These include ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers, diuretics, and calcium channel blockers. Your doctor will determine the best medication for you based on your individual health needs and may also recommend a combination of medications.

5. Can stress affect my blood pressure as I get older?

Yes, stress can have a significant impact on blood pressure, especially as we age. Chronic stress can lead to an increase in blood pressure and put you at risk for various health conditions. It is important to find healthy ways to manage stress, such as exercise, meditation, and talking to a therapist, to help maintain a healthy blood pressure.

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