New Olympic games Logo Designs -- Can Machine Learning help?

In summary: Europe. This is likely due to the commonly held misconception that the first modern Olympic games were hosted in Athens, Greece in 1896.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
New Olympic games logo designs.
Olympic games logo
We have the beautiful logo designed for Olympic games. Five rings of different colours each representing the Continent. Significance of friendship between all continents. Countries representing the Olympic games from various continents.


1 The Origin of this Olympic logo design can be attributed to Roman rings from the Gymnastics category?

2 if creative web designers would like to construct more Olympic logos from the Original Beautiful Olympic logo what could be the new Olympic logo designs?

3 Can machine learning, artificial intelligence technologies, image processing, computer vision assist in this regard?
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  • #2
I'm sure they could assist. The tricky part is how to train the ML component to recognize designs that humans would find attractive.

You could structure the application around a genetics algorithm where you generate a vector of components and their placement within the image and then you'd need an ML component to analyze and score image so that you can select the best images for the next round of the genetics algorithm to work with.

In generating an image, you'd have to be flexible by varying:
- number of rings,
- color of rings,
- shape of rings: triangle, square, pentagon... circle
- size of rings,
- x,y placement of rings
- background color
- background pattern vs image background

and even after all those selections you wouldn't cover other possible patterns that human creativity could come up with.

As an example, after I wrote the post I realized that you might want to adding shadowing or multiple reverberating copies of the rings and the list goes on...

How would one train an ML to decide which image pattern is more desirable over another? Your dataset of olympic images is rather limited to a few hundred at most. Maybe one could generate them and then get people to choose which ones they liked via some crowd sourcing scheme and use that to train the ML component.
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  • #3
Geometrical shapes.

Thank you.

In case other than Gymnastics category, what could be the other games considered for New Olympic logo designs?

Athletics, Football, Tennis, Wrestling, Boxing, Hockey, Swimming etc

Note : The Flame torch embedded in the new Olympic logo design should always be present.

The five circular rings represent five continents.

So new Olympic logo designs could not be necessary five circles but could be different five geometrical shapes (Pentagon etc) representing five continents with a different sport other than Gymnastics. The Flame Torch will always be part of the Logo image.
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  • #5

Geometrical shapes

Five Hearts, Five Crosses, Five Stars, Five Pentagons etc.

Note : Heart, Cross, Star, Pentagon etc represent a continent similar to a ring in the Olympic games logo.

Graphic designer experts can certainly design new Olympic logos given them the background of current Olympic games logo.
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  • #6
akerkarprashant said:
Summary:: New Olympic games logo designs.

Can machine learning, artificial intelligence technologies, image processing, computer vision assist in this regard?
Maybe yes. But they need training data. If you have a set of 250,000 images ranked by real people in order of beauty, then you could use the set to train an AI to recognize beauty.

Beware: creating beauty is not the same thing as recognizing beauty.
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Likes akerkarprashant
  • #7
Thank you.


Baron Pierre de Coubertin

Baron Pierre de Coubertin was the founder of the modern Olympic Games. Inspired by the ancient Olympic Games held in Olympia, Greece, which ended in 393 AD, Frenchman Pierre de Coubertin decided to pursue his project to revive the Olympic Games.

The current Olympic games logo was designed by
Baron Pierre de Coubertin.
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  • #8
Thank you.

To add further, a good question in Quiz shows where the question could be "Who is the founder of modern olympic games"?
with four names as answers. To pick up the correct name from a choice of four names.
  • #9
Five Hearts.

"Love" is Universal.


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Likes 256bits and jedishrfu
  • #10
Employer employee is going a bit too far. No employer I know would ever think that way as they need the flexibility to reduce all assets should the business take a downturn.

Employees that think that way will have a rude awakening someday.
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  • #11
akerkarprashant said:
"Love" is Universal.
Are you trying to change the message of the Olympics?
"Stronger, Faster, Higher" says not a thing about friendship or of love..
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  • #12
Thank you.

"Love is Universal". 5 Heart images signifies Love between the 5 continents and the countries within the 5 continents representing the different Olympic games.

I also searched for 5 crosses images, 5 stars images, 5 pentagon images in Google.

5 crosses images
5 stars images
5 pentagon images

I felt the most appropriate logo design could be 5 Heart images.
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Likes 256bits
  • #13
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  • #14

7 Heart images.

In that case we can search for 7 Heart images in Google search engine.

Every continent signifies a continent.
Asia,Africa,North America, South America,Antartica, Europe & Australia.

The number of continents representing in the Olympic games will give us the count.
  • #15

"Love" is Universal.


I am adding one more relationship which I missed.

  • #17
akerkarprashant said:
Summary:: New Olympic games logo designs.


2 if creative web designers would like to construct more Olympic logos from the Original Beautiful Olympic logo what could be the new Olympic logo designs?

Current events inspired this version:
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  • #18

That's (logo) because of social distancing to be kept due to COVID-19.

Related to New Olympic games Logo Designs -- Can Machine Learning help?

1. What is machine learning?

Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence that focuses on training computers to learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. It involves developing algorithms and statistical models that allow computers to automatically improve with experience.

2. Can machine learning create a new Olympic games logo design?

No, machine learning cannot create a new Olympic games logo design on its own. It can assist in the design process by analyzing data and generating potential options, but the final design is ultimately created and chosen by human designers.

3. How can machine learning be used in the design of Olympic games logos?

Machine learning can be used to analyze data on past logo designs, audience preferences, and design trends to generate potential logo options. It can also assist in the evaluation and selection of the final design by providing insights and predictions based on the data.

4. What are the potential benefits of using machine learning in the design of Olympic games logos?

Using machine learning in logo design can potentially save time and resources by generating a larger number of design options and providing data-driven insights for decision making. It can also help identify potential issues or flaws in a design before it is finalized.

5. Are there any potential drawbacks to using machine learning in the design of Olympic games logos?

One potential drawback is the reliance on data and algorithms, which may limit the creativity and uniqueness of the logo design. Additionally, machine learning may not fully understand the cultural and historical significance of the Olympic games, which could result in a design that does not accurately represent the event.

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