Molecular Vibrations - Numerical

In summary, the conversation discusses a numerical problem involving vibrations of H20 and the corresponding unit of time when calculating normal mode frequencies. The problem involves working with various units such as mdyne, angstroms, atomic mass units, and radians. The code uses a combination of matrices and equations to solve the problem and obtain wavenumbers for comparison with accepted values. However, there are some discrepancies in the results and further
  • #1

Homework Statement

I'm trying to do some numerical stuff with vibrations of H20 and I'm working in mdyne, angstroms, atomic mass units, and angles are given in radians. What would the corresponding unit of time be when I calculate my normal mode frequencies? femtosecond, 10e-15?
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  • #2
Here is how I'm setting up my eigenvalue problem:

I know how to construct the G matrix elements.

Here's how I construct the F matrix elements:

[tex]V(Q_1, Q_2, Q_3) = \sum_{i,k,j} K_{i,k,j} (Q_1)^i (Q_2)^j (Q_2)^k[/tex]

[itex]K_{i,k,j}[/itex] can be obtained from this table:
i j k Kijk Units
2 0 0 4.227 mdyne °A−1
0 2 0 4.227 mdyne °A−1
0 0 2 0.349 mdyne °A
1 1 0 -0.101 mdyne °A−1
1 0 1 0.219 mdyne
0 1 1 0.219 mdyne

And then I construct the G and F matrices in matlab:

% Speed of light in a vacuum.
c = 2.998e10; % [cm/s]

% AMU from
m1 = 1.007825; % Mass of hydrogen [amu]
m2 = 15.994915; % Mass of oxygen [amu]
m3 = 1.007825; % Mass of hydrogen [amu]

% Equilibrium values.
phi = 104.54*pi/180; % H20 equilibrium bend angle [rad]
r = 0.9584; % (r12=r32=r) H20 equilibrium stretch [Angstroms]

%% Determining normal mode frequencies and forms.

% Construct G matrix elements.
g11 = 1/m1 + 1/m2;
g22 = 1/m2 + 1/m3;
g12 = cos(phi)/m2;
g13 = -sin(phi)/(m2*r);
g23 = -sin(phi)/(m2*r);
g33 = 1/(m1*r^2) + 1/(m3*r^2) + 1/m2*(1/r^2 + 1/r^2 - 2*cos(phi)/r^2);

% Construct G and F matrices.
G = [[g11 g12 g13]; [g12 g22 g23]; [g13 g23 g33]];
F = [[4.227 -0.101 0.219]; [-0.101 4.227 0.219]; [0.219 0.219 0.349]];

% Solve the eigenvalue/eigenvector problem (GF-omega^2*1).a=0.
[V, omega2] = eig(G*F);

% Divide by 10e-15 to go from femtosec->sec
omega = sqrt(omega2)/1e-15;

% Get wavenumbers
wv = omega/(2*pi*c); % [cm^-1];


[tex](GF-\omega^2 1)\cdot a = 0[/tex]

My result for the wavenumbers: 4617, 11426, 10994 [itex]cm^{-1}[/itex]. They should be: 3657, 3756, 1595 [itex]cm^{-1}[/itex]

I swear I had good numbers coming out of this and now it just doesn't make sense. Any help is appreciated.
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  • #3
CNX said:

Homework Statement

I'm trying to do some numerical stuff with vibrations of H20 and I'm working in mdyne, angstroms, atomic mass units, and angles are given in radians. What would the corresponding unit of time be when I calculate my normal mode frequencies? femtosecond, 10e-15?

Have to think about this one a little.

The "given" units are force, distance, and mass.

We know that Force units, in terms of Mass, Distance, and Time, are

F = M*D/T2

(Eg., 1 Newton = 1 kg*m/s2)

Solving for Time units, we have

T = (M*D/F)1/2

If you convert mdyne, Angstroms, and amu into N, m, and kg, you can calculate the time unit in seconds. The answer is comparable, but not equal, to a femtosecond.

Two things I see wrong with your code.
1. You're using 1 fs for the time units, which is wrong.
2. You're using cm/sec for c. Use Angstroms and your correct time unit instead.
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  • #4
For the unit of time calculation I get

>> (1.66e-27*1e-10/1e-11)^(1/2)

ans =


Now, my intention was to convert the [itex]\omega[/itex] values from the eigenvalue problem from [rad/whatever] to [rad/s]. Then I was using the speed of light in [cm/s] to convert these angular frequencies in [rad/s] to wave numbers in [itex][cm^{-1}][/itex] for comparison with the accepted values I have (see OP.)

Here is the modified code (the matrix construction is more drawn-out but should be similar--though I still don't know about the factors of 1/2 for off-diagonal elements of matrix F):

%% Define Constants

% Define the accepted values for normal mode wave numbers of H20.
theory = [1594 3657 3756] % [cm^-1];

% Speed of light in a vacuum.
c = 2.998e10; % [cm/s]

% AMU from
m1 = 1.007825; % Mass of hydrogen [amu]
m2 = 15.994915; % Mass of oxygen [amu]
m3 = 1.007825; % Mass of hydrogen [amu]

% So m2 is oxygen, with two hydrogens attached to it to form H20.

% Equilibrium values.
phi = 104.54*pi/180; % H20 equilibrium bend angle [rad]
r12 = 0.9584; % H20 equilibrium stretch (between m1 and m2) [Angstroms]
r32 = 0.9584; % H20 equilibrium stretch (between m3 and m2) [Angstroms]

%% Matrix Construction

% Construct G matrix elements.
g11 = 1/m1 + 1/m2;
g22 = 1/m2 + 1/m3;
g33 = 1/(m1*r12^2) + 1/(m3*r32^2) + 1/m2*( 1/r32^2 + 1/r12^2 - (2*cos(phi))/(r12*r32) );

g12 = cos(phi)/m2;
g21 = g12; % G matrix is symmetric.
g13 = -sin(phi)/(m2*r32);
g31 = g13;
g23 = -sin(phi)/(m2*r12);
g32 = g23;

% Construct G matrix
G = [[g11 g12 g13]; [g21 g22 g23]; [g31 g32 g33]];

% Construct F matrix elements.
f11 = 4.227;
f22 = 4.227;
f33 = 0.349;

f12 = -0.101/2;
f21 = f12;
f13 = 0.219/2;
f31 = f13;
f23 = 0.219/2;
f32 = f23;

% Construct F matrix.
F = [[f11 f12 f13]; [f21 f22 f23]; [f31 f32 f33]];

%% Solving the eigenvalue/eigenvector problem (GF-omega^2*1).a=0.

% Get eigenvectors and eigenvalues.
[V, omega2] = eig(G*F);

% Get angular frequencies and convert to rad/s.
omega = sqrt(omega2)/1.28840987267251e-013; % [rad/s]

% Calculate wavenumbers to compare with theory.
wn = omega/(2*pi*c); % [cm^-1];

Unfortunately the wave number results are 88, 86, 37 [[itex]cm^{-1}[/itex]]

The odd thing is when I was playing around I noticed that replacing the [itex]1.288e-013s[/itex] unit of time with [itex]2 \times 1.66e-15s[/itex] when trying to convert to [rad/s], I get (after converting to wave number),

1430, 3325, 3421 [itex][cm^{-1}][/itex]

Again, theory: 1594, 3657, 3756 [[itex]cm^{-1}[/itex]]

i.e. I know it's random but they're the closest values I've seen yet and I'm not sure why. If all else is OK then my unit of time is two orders of magnitude off to match the accepted values... I feel like I'm soo close.
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  • #5
CNX said:
For the unit of time calculation I get

>> (1.66e-27*1e-10/1e-11)^(1/2)

ans =


1 millidyne is 1e-8 N, not 1e-11. Or did you mean microdynes?

Looks like you still need to convert the speed of light into Angstroms/(your time unit) in your code.
[EDIT: Never mind, I just realized c is only used for a final units conversion]

p.s. Welcome to Physics Forums :smile:
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  • #6
Oops I misread the conversion for mdyne. The unit of time is,

>> sqrt(1.66e-27*1e-10/1e-8)

ans =


and the resulting wavenumbers,

           2788.1297896707                         0                         0
                         0          2709.85261638262                         0
                         0                         0          1165.45560695961

I'm not sure how close I can expect these to get but right now they're sitting at about 25% difference from accepted values.
  • #7
Well, at least you're in the ballpark now. Can't help anymore than I have, sorry.
  • #8
Thanks for your help -- I'll keep working at it
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Related to Molecular Vibrations - Numerical

1. What are molecular vibrations?

Molecular vibrations refer to the periodic movements of atoms within a molecule. These movements can occur in different ways, such as stretching, bending, and twisting, and are essential for understanding the structure and behavior of molecules.

2. Why is it important to study molecular vibrations?

Studying molecular vibrations allows scientists to gain a better understanding of the physical and chemical properties of molecules. This information is crucial for various fields, including materials science, pharmaceuticals, and environmental science.

3. How are molecular vibrations numerically calculated?

Molecular vibrations can be numerically calculated using computational methods, such as molecular dynamics simulations or quantum chemical calculations. These methods use mathematical models to simulate the movements of atoms and predict their vibrational frequencies and energy levels.

4. What factors affect molecular vibrations?

The strength of chemical bonds, the masses of atoms, and the shape of a molecule all affect its vibrational frequencies. Temperature and the presence of other molecules can also influence molecular vibrations.

5. How are molecular vibrations experimentally observed?

Molecular vibrations can be observed experimentally using techniques such as infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and neutron scattering. These methods involve shining light or particles onto a sample and measuring the energy absorbed or scattered, which can provide information about the vibrational modes of the molecules in the sample.

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