Method of exhaustion for the area of a parabolic segment (Apostol)

In summary, the conversation is about a forum member using Apostol's Calculus Vol. 1 to refresh and advance their math skills while on exchange. They express their gratitude for the resource and the people who answer questions. They also ask for help with finding the area for the function ax^2 + c using the method shown in the book. The expert suggests using the fact that (kb/n)^2 = (k^2b^2)/n^2 to simplify the expression and find the area. They also wish the forum member luck on their academic journey and remind them to enjoy their beer responsibly.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hi all, I'm starting from page one of Apostol's Calculus Vol. 1 (ed. 2) to try and refresh and advance my maths while I'm on exchange and can't take maths courses. I'm an economics undergrad but I'm planning on switching to Maths/Computer Science if I can show myself I've got it in me. If I study this book like I intend to over the next 6 months I'm going to have a whole lot of questions, so I'd like to say in advance how grateful I am that a resource like this exists and that there are people who spend their time answering these questions.

From the exercises 1.4 1.e)

This is a very simple question but it's difficult to write all the necessary bits out on the computer. I have a feeling I probably don't really need to but just in case...

We are shown that for the function f(x)=x[tex]^{2}[/tex] the area of the rectangles used to find the area is given by (b/n)(kb/n)2 = (b3/n3)k2, where b/n is the constant length of the base and (kb/n)2 is the length of the rectangle (ie. the y-value) at the point kb/n.

We are also shown that 12 + 22 + ... + (n-1)2 < n3/3 < 12 + 22 + ... + (n)2 and that multiplying all sides by (b3/n3)k2 gives us sn < b3/3 < Sn, telling us that therefore the area = B3/3

Question 1. e) from Exercises 1.4 asks to find use the same method to find the Area for the function ax2 + c

The Attempt at a Solution

I said that the area of the rectangles would have the equation (b/n)(a(kb/n)2+c) = ak2b3/n3 + bc/n, from here I'm completely stuck as to how to get the k2 out of the equation so that I can use the identity. The answet given in the book is Area = ab3/3 + bc and I have tried to work backwards from here but without success. Hopefully what I've written here makes sense (took bloody ages).

p.s. completely off-topic, I found a local beer with an especially apt name tonight at the supermarket:
Physics news on
  • #2

It's great to hear that you are taking the initiative to refresh and advance your math skills while on exchange. I can attest to the importance of continuously learning and challenging oneself in order to reach new heights in your field.

In regards to your question about finding the area for the function ax^2 + c, you are on the right track with your attempt at a solution. To get the k^2 out of the equation, you can use the fact that (kb/n)^2 = (k^2b^2)/n^2. This will allow you to simplify the expression and use the identity given in the book to find the area.

I hope this helps and keep up the great work! Also, that beer looks very interesting. Enjoy it responsibly while you continue your studies. Best of luck to you on your academic journey.

Related to Method of exhaustion for the area of a parabolic segment (Apostol)

1. What is the method of exhaustion for finding the area of a parabolic segment according to Apostol?

The method of exhaustion is a mathematical technique for finding the area of a shape by using an infinite series of smaller shapes. In the case of a parabolic segment, the shape is divided into smaller and smaller triangles until the area can be approximated with a high degree of accuracy.

2. How does the method of exhaustion differ from other methods for finding the area of a parabolic segment?

Other methods, such as integration, rely on calculus and formulas to find the exact area of a parabolic segment. The method of exhaustion, on the other hand, uses a geometric approach and relies on the principle of infinite subdivision to approximate the area.

3. What are the limitations of the method of exhaustion for finding the area of a parabolic segment?

The method of exhaustion can be time-consuming and requires a high degree of precision in the division of the shape into smaller triangles. It also cannot provide an exact value for the area, only an approximation. Additionally, the method may not be suitable for shapes with irregular boundaries or for finding the area of 3-dimensional objects.

4. How accurate is the method of exhaustion for finding the area of a parabolic segment?

The accuracy of the method depends on the number of subdivisions used. As the number of subdivisions increases, the accuracy of the approximation also increases. However, the method can never provide an exact value for the area, only a very close approximation.

5. What other applications does the method of exhaustion have besides finding the area of a parabolic segment?

The method of exhaustion has been used in various fields, including physics, engineering, and economics, to solve problems involving curved shapes and continuous functions. It has also been adapted and expanded by other mathematicians for finding the volumes of 3-dimensional objects and for calculating the values of certain infinite series.

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