Mass on a leash and carbon nanotubes

In summary, when researching carbon nanotube properties for a space elevator-like device, it is important to consider reliable sources such as peer-reviewed journals, books from reputable publishers, and research papers from well-known institutions and organizations. It is also recommended to consult with your professor for specific guidelines on what sources are considered reliable for your homework assignment.
  • #1
I've been trying to describe small oscillations of a mass (1000kg) on a leash - like a space elevator, just without the actual elevator. I have no difficulties calulating the oscillations, but what confuses me is realization of such device. I've been looking into properties of caron nanotubes for some time now and i just don't understand how this device could be built. Thickest multiwall carbon nanotubes have diameter around 100nm, tensile strength around 100GPa (numbers vary a lot, I used 50GPa) and young's modulus at most 1000GPa. According to my calculation, we needed more than 1000 such cabels to build this.
I also have hard time imagining how 10^5 km long and 100nm thick cabel would look like.

I need a reliable source of carbon nanotube properties, so I would really appreciate, if you helped me with this (researches, articles, books, i don't consider wiki to be reliable). It's homework and I'm not sure what truly is reliable and good source of information for such paper (professor will certainly check sources). Are free online books (epub,...) considered good sources? I also found quite a lot of articles on nanotubes, but mostly they are old or payable.
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  • #2


Thank you for your post. It's great to see your interest in exploring small oscillations and the potential use of carbon nanotubes in building a space elevator-like device.

Firstly, I would like to address your concern about the realization of such a device. While carbon nanotubes do have impressive properties, they are still in the early stages of development and have not yet been used in large-scale construction projects. However, there have been some successful small-scale experiments with carbon nanotube structures, such as building a small-scale space elevator in the laboratory using carbon nanotube fibers.

In terms of reliable sources for carbon nanotube properties, I would recommend looking at peer-reviewed journal articles and books from reputable publishers. Some reliable sources for carbon nanotube properties include the Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Carbon, and Materials Today. Free online books may also be considered reliable, but it is important to check the credentials of the author and publisher.

In addition, you can also refer to research papers from well-known institutions and organizations, such as NASA, MIT, and the National Nanotechnology Initiative. These institutions often have publicly available reports and studies on carbon nanotubes and their properties.

Finally, I would suggest consulting with your professor for specific guidelines on what sources are considered reliable for your homework assignment. They may have specific recommendations or preferences for sources that align with the course material.

I hope this helps and good luck with your research!

Related to Mass on a leash and carbon nanotubes

What is a mass on a leash?

A mass on a leash refers to a small object, typically made of a heavy material, that is attached to a thin and flexible string or wire. It is often used in physics experiments to demonstrate concepts such as gravity and pendulum motion.

What are carbon nanotubes?

Carbon nanotubes are cylindrical structures made of carbon atoms arranged in a unique way. They are incredibly strong, lightweight, and have excellent electrical and thermal conductivity. They have a wide range of potential applications in fields such as electronics, energy storage, and materials science.

How are mass on a leash and carbon nanotubes related?

Mass on a leash experiments can be used to study the properties of carbon nanotubes, particularly their strength and flexibility. The carbon nanotubes can be attached to the mass on a leash, and their behavior can be observed under different conditions.

What are some potential applications of mass on a leash and carbon nanotubes?

Some potential applications of mass on a leash and carbon nanotubes include studying the properties of materials at the nanoscale, developing new types of sensors and electronics, and creating stronger and more lightweight materials for use in construction and transportation.

Are there any potential risks associated with working with carbon nanotubes?

Like with any new technology, there are potential risks associated with working with carbon nanotubes. These include inhalation of nanotubes, which may have adverse health effects, and potential environmental impacts. It is important to follow proper safety protocols when handling and disposing of carbon nanotubes.

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