Mass Luminosity relation doesn't hold true when applied to actual data

In summary: And Wikipedia is not a source. In this case, it takes its data from the arxiv article, but who knows where that author got his data from.In summary, the conversation discusses the mass-luminosity formula for stars and its varying exponent value. The reason for this variation is due to factors such as energy transport and radiation pressure. The formula is an empirical one and is only applicable to main-sequence stars. The conversation also mentions the importance of reliable sources when using scientific data.
  • #1
Gold Member
I see there have been many postings about this topic in this forum.

The formula for this relation is Luminosity = Mass^3.5
Taking logs of both sides we get log (lum) = 3.5 * log (mass)
and using a little algebra we find that the exponent (3.5) should equal log (lum) ÷ log (mass)

I have selected stars from a table located here:
and I have computed what the exponent value should be in each case.
STAR   Lum   Mass   EXP
Orionis C 30,000.00   18.00  3.566653
Becrux   16,000.00   16.00   3.491446
Spica   8,300.00   10.50   3.837759
Achernar   750.00   5.40   3.925568
Rigel   130.00   3.50   3.885439
Sirius A   63.00   2.60   4.336039
Fomalhaut   40.00   2.20   4.678604
Altair   24.00   1.90   4.951367
Polaris A   9.00   1.60   4.674910
Eta Scorpii   6.30   1.50   4.539354
Procyon A   4.00   1.35   4.619371
Alpha Centauri A   1.45   1.08   4.827943
The Sun   1.00   1.00
Mu Cassiopeiae   0.70   0.95   6.953637
Tau Ceti   0.44   0.85   5.051600
Pollux   0.36   0.83   5.483033
Epsilon Eridani   0.28   0.78   5.123395
Alpha Centauri B   0.18   0.68   4.446371
Lalande 21185   0.03   0.33   3.162872
Ross 128   0.0005   0.20   4.722706
Wolf 359   0.0002   0.10   3.698970

No matter whether we concentrate on low mass or high mass stars, we see that the exponent value varies quite a bit .
Does anyone know why there is so much variance in the mass luminosity relation?
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  • #2
A few things you should know about the mass-luminosity formula:

The exponent value is an approximation. It varies from ~2.5 for stars of masses lower than the Sun's through ~4 to ~3 for masses much larger than that. 3.5 is just an average, a useful "rule of thumb".

The reason for the variation is the changing way the energy is transported in the star(i.e., is there convection or not), and the contribution of radiation pressure in mainitaining hydrostatic equilibrium.

There are other factors affecting the exponent value, such as metallicity and age

The relation is an empirical one, derived from observations of binary(and multiple) systems, as these are (usually)the only ones for which mass can be determined accurately.

Masses of single main-sequence stars are usually inferred from the relation.

Additionally, the Mass-Luminosity relation concerns only main-sequence stars(stellar clasification includes the Roman "V" number). It is not applicable to e.g., giants, like Beta Crucis, Rigel, or Spica.

Furthermore, the table you're using is very inaccurate. Most of the masses and luminosities do not match other sources I've found, including the arxiv article linked above(table 1). Looking up the sources for mass and luminosity of specific stars on wikipedia should give you more reliable data.
For example, Altair has been measured to have the luminosity of ~10.6 times solar, not 24, and the mass is found to be ~1.79 solar masses, not 1.9
(also an example of a star whose mass has been found by a different method)Lastly, I recommend this resouces if you want to get yourself acquainted with the guts of stellar astrophysics:

Explore subjects in "astro 501" and "534".
  • #3
Well, thanks for the quick reply and very informative answer.
I know the Internet is not 100% error-free but you would think that data posted to a scientific web page would be more reliable and accurate than someone's personal Facebook account.
I never knew that a scientific formula could be so approximate as the mass-luminosity relation.
I am currently working on a new web page that will explain the relationship between stellar mass and luminosity, absolute magnitude, temperature, spectral class and longevity.
Thanks again.
  • #4
Scientific data is constantly subject to revision. New measurement techniques are being developed which change older data. In astronomical observations of distant objects, a lot of the data may be only an estimate of the true values, since direct measurement is impossible.
  • #5
@SteamKing: makes you wonder, though, how old is the data if you see Pollux listed with such attributes as in that table. It doesn't even agree with the nice big picture above it.

wolf1728 said:
I know the Internet is not 100% error-free but you would think that data posted to a scientific web page would be more reliable and accurate than someone's personal Facebook account.
I've got nothing against Mr.Speer, but a high school chemitsry teacher's personal webpage hardly qualifies as a scientific source. If only he had included the sources for his table, you'd be able to track it down and see at a glance if it isn't horribly outdated.

The bottom line is, always look for sources.
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Related to Mass Luminosity relation doesn't hold true when applied to actual data

1. What is the Mass Luminosity relation and how does it apply to actual data?

The Mass Luminosity relation is a mathematical formula that relates a star's mass to its luminosity, or brightness. It is commonly used in astrophysics to estimate the luminosity of a star based on its mass. However, when applied to actual data, it may not always hold true due to various factors such as the star's age, composition, and external influences.

2. Why does the Mass Luminosity relation not always hold true?

The Mass Luminosity relation is based on theoretical models and assumptions, and does not take into account the complexities and variations of real stars. For example, a star's mass may change over time due to nuclear reactions, while its luminosity may be affected by factors such as nearby stars or dust clouds.

3. How do scientists account for the discrepancies in the Mass Luminosity relation?

Scientists use a variety of methods and techniques to study and analyze stars, such as spectroscopy, photometry, and computer simulations. By collecting and analyzing data from multiple sources, they can identify and account for the factors that may cause the Mass Luminosity relation to deviate from theoretical predictions.

4. Can the Mass Luminosity relation be improved or updated?

Yes, as our understanding of stars and their properties continues to evolve, the Mass Luminosity relation may be refined or updated. Scientists are constantly conducting new research and experiments to improve our knowledge of stars and the physical laws that govern them.

5. What are the implications of the Mass Luminosity relation not holding true?

The Mass Luminosity relation is an important tool in astrophysics, so its discrepancies may affect our ability to accurately estimate the properties of stars. However, it also highlights the complexities and diversity of the universe, reminding us that there is still much to learn and discover about our universe and the objects within it.
