Macro/Micro Photography: Exploring the Butterflies Thread

  • Thread starter Andy Resnick
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In summary, the photos of the flower were not stable enough to be useful, but the photos of the ball bearing and beetle were.
  • #1
Andy Resnick
Science Advisor
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Insights Author
The "butterflies" thread has inspired me to get my act together and take some proper images. I spent a couple hours (!) last night trying to take a picture of a flower, but at the magnifications I am working at, I need the optomechanical equipment in my lab to keep everything stable. To see why, here's the flower:

It looks ok, but that's my limit. Here's a 100% crop of the same flower, using the 16mm Luminar:

I got lucky with this shot- notice the miniscule depth of focus.

So today, I set up everything on some rail and took images of a 1/32" ball bearing sitting on some foam. I illuminated it with a LumenPro metal halide source coupled into a liquid light guide- no diffuser. The light is so bright the glint off the bearing was enough to blind me. Here it is with the 63mm, stopped down most of the way:

And here it is wide open, followed by a 100% crop-

The detail is quite good, and there is little chromatic aberration- dig the bokeh!

Now stepping up the the 25mm: again, full frame and a 100% crop

Again, the image is quite sharp, but the depth of focus is so small that the detail appears out of focus.

Now the 16mm:

This is where things get interesting- the depth of focus is negligible, and what you are seeing in the crop is not blur, but speckle. The magnification and sharpness of this lens is sufficient to resolve speckle from an extended, broadband source.

Just for fun, I stuck on a 16x epiplan objective and took an image of one of the plastic foam flecks. The full-frame image is rather dull, but the 100% crop shows an interesting optical effect: diffraction off the sharp edge and interference:

The colors are real, not chromatic aberration. I suspect they are interference fringes caused by a varying thickness of the 'flake'. The diffraction off the edge is pretty cool, too (IMO)- I count 7 periods.

Something I find interesting in this sequence, is that there is a definite change around 10X magnification- the images change from being recognizable (but magnified), to unfamiliar and confusing. Hopefully there's enough time left in the summer to explore this a little more...
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  • #2
Andy Resnick said:
... notice the miniscule depth of focus...

To solve that issue, maybe notice this post in the photomanipulation thread:

Andre said:
Another trick I stumbled upon is depth of field enhancing. Especially when shooting macro the very shallow depth of field can be embarrashing like this:


Body crisp, wings blurry.

The Depth of Field enhancing works with multiple pictures too, focussed in different planes also merged together. Obviously taking multiple pix requires an absolute static situation, so you'd have to work with static objects too e.g. dead insects. Not my style.

Anyway I found some info and programs for that, maybe I give it a try:
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  • #3
I've heard of those programs, but haven't tried them.

I use a deconvolution program (an ImageJ plugin), and from what I can tell, the concept is the same. I should compare it to, say, Combine ZP..

  • #4
Here's a Panasonic pocket-cam pic of a Japanese beetle. See the raised white dot on the carapace? This beetle is a goner. That's the egg of a parasitic fly, and in a couple of days the wonderful little maggot will burrow into the beetle and start eating it alive. The beetle will drop to the ground and dig into try to get away from the attack, giving the maggot a nice safe place to eat and mature.
  • #5
turbo-1 said:
Here's a Panasonic pocket-cam pic of a Japanese beetle. See the raised white dot on the carapace? This beetle is a goner. That's the egg of a parasitic fly, and in a couple of days the wonderful little maggot will burrow into the beetle and start eating it alive. The beetle will drop to the ground and dig into try to get away from the attack, giving the maggot a nice safe place to eat and mature.

Heh... I guess that makes you a photo*journalist*. Prime directive and all that...
  • #6
Andy Resnick said:
Heh... I guess that makes you a photo*journalist*. Prime directive and all that...
Well, at least I don't deal in "bug porn" like Pooh does. :devil:
  • #7
Would that bug you? :biggrin:

  • #8
  • #9
Talking about bugs, I was cleaning out my bug folder and came across some nice ones that I had not shared before.

Hovering bumble bee visits fuchsia.


more to follow
  • #10
Hornet, busy with 'harvesting' wood for her nest


Aphids on a rosebud

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  • #11
All animals eat. Damselflies eat other flies.


Related to Macro/Micro Photography: Exploring the Butterflies Thread

1. What is macro photography?

Macro photography is a type of photography that focuses on capturing small subjects at a magnified scale. It allows for detailed and close-up shots of objects that are typically too small to be seen with the naked eye.

2. How is macro photography different from micro photography?

Macro photography and micro photography are often used interchangeably, but they actually refer to different levels of magnification. Macro photography captures subjects at a magnification of 1:1 or higher, while micro photography involves magnifications greater than 1:1, allowing for even more detail to be captured.

3. What equipment is needed for macro photography?

To take quality macro photographs, you will need a camera with manual focus capabilities, a macro lens or extension tubes, a tripod, and good lighting. Additional equipment such as a remote shutter release and a diffuser can also be helpful.

4. What are some tips for capturing the perfect macro photograph?

One tip is to use a small aperture (high f-stop number) to increase the depth of field and keep more of the subject in focus. Another is to use a tripod and remote shutter release to minimize camera shake. Lastly, experiment with different lighting techniques, such as natural light or using a diffuser, to achieve the desired effect.

5. What types of subjects are best for macro photography?

Macro photography can be used to capture a wide range of subjects, but it is particularly well-suited for nature and wildlife photography. Insects, flowers, and small animals are popular subjects, but you can also explore everyday objects and textures in a new and unique way through macro photography.

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