Longevity of Stau (supersymmetric particle)

In summary, the article 'Crucible of Creation' discusses the work of Maxim Pospelov on the ratio of isotopes Li-6 and Li-7 formed after the Big Bang. Pospelov proposes that the presence of the stau, the supersymmetric partner of the tau lepton, affected this ratio through catalysed fusion reactions. The stau must have a half-life of hours, making it far longer lived than any other unstable particle. However, it has not yet been found in experiments, leading to doubts about its existence. The stau is often a candidate for the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) or next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle (NLSP) in models such as gaugino mediation
  • #1
In the New Scientist of 5 July 2008 is an article 'Crucible of Creation' on pp 28 - 31. Part of it concerns the ratio of the isotopes Li-6 and Li-7 which formed just after the Big Bang. They discuss the work of Maxim Pospelov of the Perimeter Institute in Waterloo, Ontario.

Pospelov proposes that the Li-6/Li-7 ratio was affected by the presence of the stau, supersymmetric partner of the tau lepton, which catalysed fusion reactions involving beryllium-7 with protons (thereby preventing much Be-7 from decaying to Li-7, instead converting it to He-4 via B-8); and later of helium-4 with deuterons to give lithium-6. This latter reaction is said to have taken place THREE HOURS after the Big Bang.

Therefore the stau must have a half-life of the order of hours, far longer than that of any other unstable particle. Why is this thought possible or likely? To what would the stau decay?

Such a long-lived particle must surely form in energetic cosmic-ray reactions. It should be far more penetrating than the similarly charged muon, because of its great mass. So why hasn't it already been found? - for example in experiments in deep mines looking for proton-decay or cosmic neutrinos.
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  • #2
To the best of my knowledge, no supersymmetric particles have been found as yet.
  • #3
I found two possible references :
Particle Physics Catalysis of Thermal Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, Maxim Pospelov, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 231301 (2007)
If the gravitino mass is in the region from a few GeV to a few 10's GeV, the scalar lepton X such as stau is most likely the next lightest supersymmetry particle. The negatively charged and long-lived X may form a Coulomb bound state (AX) with a nucleus A and may affect the big-bang nucleosynthesis through catalyzed fusion process. We calculate a production cross section of 6Li from the catalyzed fusion [tex]^{4}\text{He}X^{-}+d\rightarrow \,^{6}\text{Li}+X^{-}[/tex] by solving the Schrödinger equation exactly for three-body system of 4He, d and X. [...]
Stau-catalyzed 6Li production in big-bang nucleosynthesis, K. Hamaguchia, T. Hatsudaa, M. Kamimurab, Y. Kinoc and T.T. Yanagidaa, Physics Letters B Volume 650, Issue 4, 5 July 2007, Pages 268-274
We point out that the existence of metastable, [tex]\tau>10^{3}[/tex] s, negatively charged electroweak-scale particles ([tex]X^{-}[/tex]) alters the predictions for lithium and other primordial elemental abundances for A>4 via the formation of bound states with nuclei during big bang nucleosynthesis. In particular, we show that the bound states of [tex]X^{-}[/tex] with helium, formed at temperatures of about T=108 K, lead to the catalytic enhancement of 6Li production, which is 8 orders of magnitude more efficient than the standard channel. [...]
Therefore the stau must have a half-life of the order of hours, far longer than that of any other unstable particle. Why is this thought possible or likely? To what would the stau decay?
No. The neutron is unstable in a free state but stable in a nuclei. The stau in a bound state can live for as long as three hours. This is explicity mentionned. But on the other hand, this is just a model, which for once has an interesting property of leading to observable predictions.
  • #4
Thanks for references, Humanino! I did know about free neutrons, though minutes rather than hours. My main point was that if the long-lived stau does exist, it should already have been found in secondary cosmic rays. It hasn't, so probably does not exist.
  • #5
Such a particle would probably be less penetrating than a muon - take a look at the Bethe-Block curve: as a particle gets heavier, it slows down, moves to the left where the ionization is larger. In fact, since the typical muon sits very close to the minimum of that curve, pretty much anything will ionize more.

But suppose you do make them. How would you tell that you have a stau instead of something else in a cosmic ray experiment? Tracks don't come with a label on them saying "this track was made by a proton". PS What is the boundary between HENPP and BSM? I would have thought that a post about something that is supersymmetric would clearly be BSM, but the BSM section seems to be only about stringery and alternatives.
  • #6
the stau is often a candidate for the LSP (lightest susy particle) or the NLSP, in many models; for example in models of "gaugino mediation" - and can therefore potentially be very long lived. that's why some people favor this possibility.

Vanadium 50 said:
PS What is the boundary between HENPP and BSM? I would have thought that a post about something that is supersymmetric would clearly be BSM, but the BSM section seems to be only about stringery and alternatives.

There never was a clear boundary. unfortunately, SUSY has gained enough notoriety that it is sometimes not given its full "speculative" value. but i would think anything that could be even remotely relevant for the LHC, including SUSY and its BSM cousins, have a home here! :wink:

Related to Longevity of Stau (supersymmetric particle)

What is Stau and why is its longevity important?

Stau is a supersymmetric particle that is predicted by certain theories in physics to exist. Its longevity is important because it can potentially provide insights into the nature of the universe and the fundamental particles that make it up.

How is the longevity of Stau measured?

The longevity of Stau is typically measured through experiments that involve high-energy particle collisions, such as those conducted at the Large Hadron Collider. Scientists analyze the decay products of these collisions to determine the properties and lifespan of Stau.

What are the current theories about the longevity of Stau?

There are various theories about the longevity of Stau, with some predicting it to be stable and others predicting it to have a relatively short lifespan. However, experimental evidence from the Large Hadron Collider suggests that Stau is likely to have a short lifespan.

What implications does the longevity of Stau have for supersymmetry?

The longevity of Stau is an important factor in determining the validity of supersymmetry theories. If Stau is found to be stable, it could support the idea of supersymmetry and provide evidence for the existence of other supersymmetric particles. However, if Stau is found to have a short lifespan, it could challenge the current understanding of supersymmetry and require the development of new theories.

What future research is being conducted to further understand the longevity of Stau?

Scientists are currently conducting experiments at the Large Hadron Collider and other particle accelerator facilities to gather more data on the properties and behavior of Stau. This will help to refine our understanding of its lifespan and potentially provide new insights into the nature of supersymmetry.

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