Logical Equivalencies Homework Solutions

  • Thread starter emeraldskye177
  • Start date
In summary: T \lor r \lor q \lor \lnot r####\equiv T \lor r \lor q####\equiv T \lor q \lor r####\equiv T \lor q \lor T####\equiv T \lor T \lor q##
  • #1

Homework Statement


Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution


And I just don't know what to do from here... Any help will be greatly appreciated!
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  • #2
I think you should use the distributive law on expressions like:
##(\lnot p \land \lnot q) \lor (q \lor \lnot r)##
to get:
## (\lnot p \lor ( q \lor \lnot r) ) \ \land \ (\lnot q \lor (q \lor \lnot r) )##

Then, in those propositions that involve only "##\lor##"'s, you can change the pattern ##A \lor B \lor C## to ## \lnot( \lnot A \land \lnot B) \lor C## and then get rid of the last ##\lor## by changing it to ##(\lnot A \land \lnot B) \implies C##.
  • #3
Stephen Tashi said:
I think you should use the distributive law on expressions like:
##(\lnot p \land \lnot q) \lor (q \lor \lnot r)##
to get:
## (\lnot p \lor ( q \lor \lnot r) ) \ \land \ (\lnot q \lor (q \lor \lnot r) )##

Then, in those propositions that involve only "##\lor##"'s, you can change the pattern ##A \lor B \lor C## to ## \lnot( \lnot A \land \lnot B) \lor C## and then get rid of the last ##\lor## by changing it to ##(\lnot A \land \lnot B) \implies C##.
Hi, thanks for taking the time to respond. Does this look correct to you?


Also, how would I prove that the original expression and the one I derived are equivalent using logical equivalencies? (I.e., I think I have to convert everything in the original and derived expressions to T's and F's (True's and False's), and they both have to reduce to the same.)

Again, thanks so much for your help!
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  • #4
emeraldskye177 said:
Does this look correct to you?

You are doing the double negations like changing ##\lnot (\lnot p) ## to ##p## without showing it as a step. Some instructors may permit that.

The expression ##\lnot q \lor (q \lor \lnot r)## could be simplifed to ## ( \lnot q \lor q) \lor \lnot r## and then to ## T \lor \lnot r## and then to ##T##.

Also, how would I prove that the original expression and the one I derived are equivalent using logical equivalencies?
The rules you are using change expressions to logically equivalent expressions, so your steps are guaranteed to result in a logical equivalence.

Of course, you can check your work by using a truth table.

If you had a rule that was not a logical equivalence such as ##p \lor q \lor r \implies p ## and you changed the expression ##(p \lor q \lor r)## to ##(p)## then you could not claim that such a step produced a new expression that was logically equivalent to the old expression. However, all the rules you listed use the relation ##\equiv##.
  • #5
Stephen Tashi said:
You are doing the double negations like changing ##\lnot (\lnot p) ## to ##p## without showing it as a step. Some instructors may permit that.

The expression ##\lnot q \lor (q \lor \lnot r)## could be simplifed to ## ( \lnot q \lor q) \lor \lnot r## and then to ## T \lor \lnot r## and then to ##T##.The rules you are using change expressions to logically equivalent expressions, so your steps are guaranteed to result in a logical equivalence.

Of course, you can check your work by using a truth table.

If you had a rule that was not a logical equivalence such as ##p \lor q \lor r \implies p ## and you changed the expression ##(p \lor q \lor r)## to ##(p)## then you could not claim that such a step produced a new expression that was logically equivalent to the old expression. However, all the rules you listed use the relation ##\equiv##.
Hi Stephen,

The next question in the assignment asks me to use a truth table, which should be easy enough. However, the preceding question asks for the use of logical equivalencies (reduction to T's and F's) to prove the original and derived expressions are logically equivalent. For this part, based on what you said, this is what I have so far (sorry if the snip resolution is suboptimal):


However, I'm not sure how to further reduce the last line... Can the original and derived expressions be further reduced?

Any help you can lend in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for all the help you've provided thus far.
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  • #6
emeraldskye177 said:
Can the original and derived expressions be further reduced?
It might be simpler to continue by using the associative and commutative laws after you reach the expression:
##( (\lnot p \lor ( q \lor \lnot r)) \land (\lnot q \lor (q \lor \lnot r)) ) \land ( (\lnot q \lor (p \lor q) )\land (r \lor (p \lor q))) ##
by doing:
##\equiv ((\lnot p \lor ( q \lor \lnot r)) \land (( \lnot q \lor q) \lor \lnot r)) \land ((\lnot q \lor (p \lor q)) \land (r \lor (p \lor q)))##
##\equiv ((\lnot p \lor ( q \lor \lnot r)) \land (( \lnot q \lor q) \lor \lnot r)) \land ((\lnot q \lor q) \lor p) \land (r \lor (p \lor q)))##
The negation and domination laws are very useful in reducing logical expressions:
##\equiv ((\lnot p \lor ( q \lor \lnot r)) \land (T \lor \lnot r)) \land( (T \lor p) \land (r \lor (p \lor q)))##
##\equiv ((\lnot p \lor ( q \lor \lnot r)) \land T) \land ( T \land (r \lor (p \lor q)))##
##\equiv ((\lnot p \lor ( q \lor \lnot r))) \land ( (r \lor (p \lor q)))##

Related to Logical Equivalencies Homework Solutions

What is the purpose of logical equivalencies in mathematics?

Logical equivalencies are used to show that two statements are logically equivalent, meaning that they have the same truth value in all possible scenarios. This is important in mathematics because it allows us to simplify complex statements and make logical deductions.

How do you prove logical equivalencies?

There are several methods for proving logical equivalencies, including truth tables, algebraic manipulation, and logical rules. Truth tables involve systematically listing out all possible combinations of truth values for the statements and determining if they have the same truth value. Algebraic manipulation involves using known logical equivalencies to transform one statement into the other. Logical rules, such as the distributive property, can also be used to prove equivalencies.

What are some common logical equivalencies?

Some common logical equivalencies include De Morgan's Laws, the commutative property, the associative property, and the distributive property. These equivalencies can be used to simplify complex statements and make logical deductions.

How are logical equivalencies used in computer science?

In computer science, logical equivalencies are used to simplify complex code and algorithms. They can also be used to optimize code and improve efficiency. Logical equivalencies are also important in troubleshooting and debugging code, as they can help identify and correct logical errors.

What are some real-life applications of logical equivalencies?

Logical equivalencies have many real-life applications, such as in legal arguments, scientific research, and critical thinking. They are also used in everyday decision-making, as we often use logical equivalencies to evaluate the validity of different options and make informed decisions.

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