Linear Algebra - Determinant Properties

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  • #1

Homework Statement

1. Give an example of a 2x2 real matrix A such that A^2 = -I
2. Prove that there is no real 3x3 matrix A with A^2 = -I

Homework Equations

I think these equations would apply here?
det(A^x) = (detA)^x
det(kA) = (k^n)detA (A being an nxn matrix)
det(I) = 1

The Attempt at a Solution

Would I use above equations with this question? This is what I did so far; I don't know if I'm off in answering this question...
I wrote:
It is a 2x2 matrix, so n = 2
det(A^2) = det(-I)
(detA)^2 = (-1^2)detI
(detA)^2 = detI (and detI = 1)

Therefore, detA * detA must = 1; so could I use the identity matrix itself as a matrix example for A:
A =
[1 0
0 1]
Then, detA * detA = 1 = detI
Does this make sense? Or am I not allowed to use the identity matrix here?

I wrote:
It is a 3x3 matrix, so n = 3
det(A^2) = det(-I)
(detA)^2 = (-1^3)detI
(detA)^2 = -(detI )
(detA)^2 = -1

Then, can I just say that since (detA)^2 is always positive since it is squared... therefore, (detA)^2 can never equal -1, and there is no real 3x3 matrix A with A^2 = -I

Thanks a lot for the help!
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  • #2
Your solutions look great to me! :smile:
  • #3
I hate to disagree with gabbagabbahey, but you haven't answered the questions at all!

lubricarret said:

Homework Statement

1. Give an example of a 2x2 real matrix A such that A^2 = -I
2. Prove that there is no real 3x3 matrix A with A^2 = -I

Homework Equations

I think these equations would apply here?
det(A^x) = (detA)^x
det(kA) = (k^n)detA (A being an nxn matrix)
det(I) = 1

The Attempt at a Solution

Would I use above equations with this question? This is what I did so far; I don't know if I'm off in answering this question...
I wrote:
It is a 2x2 matrix, so n = 2
det(A^2) = det(-I)
(detA)^2 = (-1^2)detI
(detA)^2 = detI (and detI = 1)

Therefore, detA * detA must = 1; so could I use the identity matrix itself as a matrix example for A:
A =
[1 0
0 1]
Then, detA * detA = 1 = detI
Does this make sense? Or am I not allowed to use the identity matrix here?
Have you forgotten what the question asked? You were asked to find A such that A2= -I. The example you give has A2= I, not -I.

I wrote:
It is a 3x3 matrix, so n = 3
det(A^2) = det(-I)
(detA)^2 = (-1^3)detI
(detA)^2 = -(detI )
(detA)^2 = -1

Then, can I just say that since (detA)^2 is always positive since it is squared... therefore, (detA)^2 can never equal -1, and there is no real 3x3 matrix A with A^2 = -I
Yes, this part is correct.

Thanks a lot for the help!
  • #4
Sorry, I had a small brain fart there :redface:...As Halls said, you are looking for an example of a matrix such that [itex]A^2=-I[/itex].
  • #5
Yeah, thanks! Oops!

Well, since I am looking for an example of a matrix A where A^2 = -I, I could use the example A =
[0 -1
1 0]
Since this squared = -I

But, I found this using trial and error. Is there any other way to answer this question...? It seems the question is too easy if it's just asking for an answer... is there some sort of formula or something I can use here?

Thanks again.
  • #6
lubricarret said:
Yeah, thanks! Oops!

Well, since I am looking for an example of a matrix A where A^2 = -I, I could use the example A =
[0 -1
1 0]
Since this squared = -I

But, I found this using trial and error. Is there any other way to answer this question...? It seems the question is too easy if it's just asking for an answer... is there some sort of formula or something I can use here?

Thanks again.

You could think geometrically. The linear operator -I represents rotation by 180 degrees in the plane. The square root of that just might be rotation by 90 degrees, right? What's the matrix for that?
  • #7
Okay, so I could use properties from linear transformations and say:
[0 -1
-1 0]
= -I, which equals:
[cos180 -sin180
sin180 cos180]

Then, since A^2 =
[cos180 -sin180
sin180 cos180]

I need the square root of this, which is:
[cos90 -sin90
sin90 cos90]

So then A =
[0 -1
1 0]

This may sound like a stupid question, but how do I take the square root of
[cos180 -sin180
sin180 cos180]
to obtain:
[cos90 -sin90
sin90 cos90]

How do you take the square root of sin180, cos180 etc... Sorry I haven't done math before linear algebra in 4 years... I can't remember this stuff.

  • #8
A^2(x)=A(A(x)). It just means, 'do A twice'. If you rotate by 90 twice, you get a rotation by 180. That's why I said think geometrically. Of course, you could also rotate by -90. There are two 'square roots'.
  • #9
Ok got it. Thanks for the help!
  • #10
Or write [tex]A= \left[\begin{array}{cc}a & b \\ c & d\end{array}\right][/tex] so that [tex]A^2= \left[\begin{array}{cc}a^2+ bc & ab+ bd \\ ac+ cd & bc+ d^2\end{array}\right]= \left[\begin{array}{cc}-1 & 0 \\ 0 & -1\end{array}\right][/tex]

So we have [itex]a^2+ bc= -1[/itex], [itex]ab+ bd= 0[/itex], [itex]ac+ cd= 0[/itex], [itex]bc+ d^2= -1[/itex], four equations to solve for a, b, c, and d.
  • #11
Please help me with these:
1) Prove that: nxn real matrix A is a root of f(X)= a[n].X^n+...+a[0].I, where a[n],...,a[0] are coefficients of the polynomial P(t)= det [A-t.I]
2) Let 5x5 real matrix A be satisfied: A^2008 = 0. Prove that: A^5=0.
  • #12
universedrill said:
Please help me with these:
1) Prove that: nxn real matrix A is a root of f(X)= a[n].X^n+...+a[0].I, where a[n],...,a[0] are coefficients of the polynomial P(t)= det [A-t.I]
2) Let 5x5 real matrix A be satisfied: A^2008 = 0. Prove that: A^5=0.

Please start a new thread for your question and show an attempt. We don't know how much help you need and in which areas if you don't show us what you've tried or explain where you are having issues with the problem.

Related to Linear Algebra - Determinant Properties

1. What is a determinant in linear algebra?

A determinant is a real number that can be calculated from a square matrix. It provides important information about the properties of the matrix, such as whether it is invertible or singular.

2. How is the determinant of a matrix calculated?

The determinant of a matrix is calculated by using a specific formula that involves the elements of the matrix. For a 2x2 matrix, the formula is ad-bc, where a, b, c, and d are the elements of the matrix. For larger matrices, the calculation involves expanding along a specific row or column and using the determinants of smaller matrices.

3. What are the properties of determinants in linear algebra?

Determinants have several important properties, including the fact that the determinant of a matrix is equal to 0 if and only if the matrix is singular (not invertible). They also have the property that multiplying a row or column of a matrix by a scalar will result in the determinant being multiplied by that same scalar.

4. How are determinants used in solving systems of linear equations?

Determinants are used to determine whether a system of linear equations has a unique solution, no solution, or infinitely many solutions. The determinant of the coefficient matrix is calculated, and if it is non-zero, then the system has a unique solution. If the determinant is 0, then the system has either no solution or infinitely many solutions.

5. What is the relationship between determinants and matrix operations?

Determinants are affected by certain matrix operations, such as row operations and matrix multiplication. For example, if a row of a matrix is multiplied by a scalar, the determinant is also multiplied by that scalar. Additionally, the determinant of a product of two matrices is equal to the product of the determinants of the individual matrices.

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