Length contraction problem in special relativity

In summary, the conversation discusses how to calculate the length of a rod moving at a certain velocity in a reference frame S, as measured by an observer in a different reference frame S'. The problem is solved using the relativistic relative velocity equation and Lorentz transformations, but the answer given does not match the solution provided. The correct method is to find the speed of the object in the S' frame and use the standard length contraction formula with gamma calculated using this speed.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A rod of proper length L0 oriented parallel to the x-axis moves with speed u along the x-axis in S. What is the length measured by an observer in S'?

Homework Equations

Relativistic relative velocity:
For an object moving with speed u in S, its speed u' in S' = (u - v)/(1 - (u*v)/(c^2)) where v is the speed of S' relative to S.

Lorentz transformations:
x' = γ(x - vt)
t' = γ(t - xv/(c^2))

The Attempt at a Solution

The answer to the problem is given, but I think it's been heavily algebraically manipulated and I'm not sure if the answer I got matches. I want to check if the way I did it makes sense:

Consider two events in S: when the right end of the rod crosses the y-axis and when the left end of the rod crosses the y-axis. Looking at the x and t coordinates only (since the rod's movement is parallel to the x-axis)
event #1: (x,t) = (0,0)
event #2: (x,t) = (0, L0/u)

Now the length of the rod = Δt * u = L0.

The length L' can be found similarly as Δt' * u' = L'
t1' = γ(t1 - x1*v/(c^2)) = 0
t2' = γ(t2 - x2*v/(c^2)) = γ*t2 = γ*L0/u

So Δt' = t2' - t1' = γ*L0/u - 0 = γ*L0/u

Using the relativistic relative velocity equation, u' = (u - v)/(1 - u*v/(c^2))

So L' = γ*L0/u * (u - v)/(1 - u*v/(c^2))

The answer given is L' = L0 * sqrt[(c^2 - v^2)(c^2 - u^2)]/(c^2 - u*v)

These answers could potentially match up, but I couldn't get them to using algebraic manipulations, but I might just not know how they manipulated it/not know some trick they used. Does the way I solved the problem make sense, though?
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  • #2
I don't think you've done it correctly. To start with, let's say that in reference frame s, the rod is length L This will not be the same as L0, because the rod is moving with respect to reference frame s.

So if we consider the two events. One when the right end crosses the y-axis, and the other when the left end of the rod crosses the y axis, we actually have:
event #1: (x,t) = (0,0)
event #2: (x,t) = (0,L/u)

And we know that L[itex]\gamma[/itex]=L0, so this means your calculation will have gone wrong from here.

By the way, its a pretty difficult problem, having to think about all the different reference frames.
  • #3
Oh yes I see your point...thank you for the response :)

So I thought about this a lot and realized one key thing: there are two γ's in the scenario, one for u and one for v. The γ in L = L0/γ uses u (as in 1/sqrt(1 - u^2/c^2)) while the Lorentz transformation equation's γ uses v (as in 1/sqrt(1 - v^2/c^2)).

In that case:

t2' = γ(t2 - x2*v/(c^2)) = γ_v*t2 = γ_v*L/u = y_v*L0/(u * γ_u)

Expanding this out yields:

L0 * sqrt(1 - u^2/c^2) / [sqrt(1 - v^2/c^2) * u] = (L0/u) * sqrt((c^2 - u^2)/(v^2 - u^2))

Now when L' = t2' * u', the result is:

L0*(u-v)*sqrt((c^2 - u^2)/(v^2 - u^2))/[u*(1 - uv/c^2)]

While this does seem closer to the given answer, I'm still not sure if the process is completely right..or if it is, how to algebraically manipulate what I have above into the given answer. This is particularly because of the (u-v) term in the numerator and because the (c^2 - v^2) term is in the denominator rather than the numerator...Any ideas?

Just to add, I tried bringing the (u-v) term as (u-v)^2 into the square root and also bringing the 1/u as 1/u^2 into the square root but it doesn't really...appear to be helping :*(
  • #4
I don't think your answer is correct, because if you put in u=0, the length tends to infinity, and with v=0, the length is different to what it should be.

I haven't gone through your working yet, so I'm not sure where you might have gone wrong. It's an interesting way of finding the length, but I think a simpler way is to find the speed of the object in the S' frame of reference, and then just use the usual length contraction formula, where gamma uses this speed.
  • #5

Your approach to solving the problem is correct. However, it seems like the given answer may have been simplified further by using the Lorentz factor, γ = 1/√(1 - u^2/c^2). This would result in the final expression being L' = L0 * γ * (1 - v/u)/(1 - (v/c)^2).

Your approach of using the Lorentz transformations to find the time intervals and then using the relativistic relative velocity equation to find the length is also valid. It may just require more algebraic manipulations to simplify it to the given answer. Overall, your solution makes sense and is a valid approach to solving this problem in special relativity.

Related to Length contraction problem in special relativity

What is the length contraction problem in special relativity?

The length contraction problem in special relativity is a phenomenon in which objects appear to be shorter in the direction of their motion when measured by an observer in a different inertial reference frame. This is a consequence of the theory of special relativity, which states that the laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion.

What causes length contraction?

Length contraction is caused by the relative motion between an object and an observer in different inertial reference frames. According to the theory of special relativity, as an object moves at high speeds, its length in the direction of its motion appears to decrease when measured by an observer in a different frame.

Is length contraction a real phenomenon?

Yes, length contraction is a real phenomenon that has been observed and verified through numerous experiments. It is an essential aspect of the theory of special relativity and has been confirmed by many experiments, including the famous Michelson-Morley experiment.

Does length contraction violate the laws of physics?

No, length contraction does not violate the laws of physics. It is a natural consequence of the theory of special relativity, which has been extensively tested and confirmed by experiments. It may seem counterintuitive, but it is a fundamental aspect of how our universe works.

Is length contraction the same as time dilation?

No, length contraction and time dilation are two different phenomena predicted by the theory of special relativity. Length contraction refers to the shortening of an object's length in the direction of its motion, while time dilation refers to the slowing down of time for an object in motion. Both are a result of the relativity of simultaneity and are closely related to each other.

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