Learn Singly Linked Lists | Computer Science Tutorial

  • Thread starter Chromium
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In summary, a Linked List is a collection of nodes, each of which has an object name and a next node reference. The head node reference is not a node, but only a node reference. The LinkedList class has two inner classes, a Node class and an Iterator class. The Node class has two fields: a data type and a node reference. The Iterator class provides a way to go through the list in sequential order, and "grab" items (nodes) out of the list.
  • #1
Hey Everyone,

I recently got done learning about Linked Lists (well, actually only singly-linked lists) in my computer science class. It’s still pretty new to me, but I really want to make sure I understand this concept correctly. So I’ll present my knowledge about it, and hopefully, if there is a flaw or something incomplete someone will let me know. Feel free to give constructive criticism.

Again, my code will be Java-ish, and also I don't know if this is limited to Java, but I guess when you build a generic class, putting the <E> is what makes it generic. I'm not really sure. Thanks again!

Okay, so really a Linked List is made up of one field, the node reference commonly known as head.

public class LinkedList<E>
private Node<E> head;​

The head of the linked list is not a node, but only a node reference (note I did not use the keyword new, so no new object has been created).

LinkedList methods normally include methods to do the following:
1. Add a node to the front
2. Add a node to the back
3. Removing a node
4. Returning the size of the entire list
5. Clearing the list

Now, inside this LinkedList class there are two inner classes, a Node class and an Iterator class. Nodes are what make up a linked list, and they have two fields:

1. A data type (String, Integer, etc…)
2. A node reference that points to either the next node in the list, or null (implying that it is the last node in the list).

private class Node<E>
public ObjectType objectName;
public Node<E> next;​

Next, we have the Iterator class, which provides a way to go through the list in sequential order, and “grab” items (nodes) out of the list. An Iterator object also contains two fields:

1. A linked list
2. A node reference to keep track of iterating through the list.

public class Iterator
private LinkedList<E> list;
private Node<E> currentPosition;​

Iterator class methods normally include two methods
1. A hasNext() method, which returns true if there is another node in the element, and false if there isn’t.
2. A Next() method, which returns the next object in the list.

I've provided a visual representation of a singly-linked list.

head nodeReference --> Node 1 (String, next nodeReference)--> Node 2 (String, next nodeReference)-->null
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  • #2
This all looks exactly correct to me (although I don't know what you mean by "nodeReference" at the very end), but I don't think you understand what the "generics" are.

The point of "generics" is that the <E> is kind of like an "argument" to the types. For example when you declare a LinkedList variable you would say LinkedList<int> if you wanted a linked list of ints, or LinkedList<Sandwich> if you wanted a linked list of Sandwich objects. So when you say:

private class Node<E>
public ObjectType objectName; 
public Node<E> next;

What you OUGHT to be saying is:

private class Node<E>
public E objectName; 
public Node<E> next;

The entire point of E is that it designates the type of the object to be stored in the linked list!

(Generics that work like this are in Java and C#, also C++ has a feature called "templates" which looks and acts exactly the same but behind the scenes is actually completely different.)
  • #3

Hello! It's great to hear that you are learning about singly linked lists in your computer science class. Your understanding of the concept seems to be correct, and it's always good to ask for constructive criticism to ensure that your understanding is accurate.

In terms of your code, you are correct that using the <E> notation makes the class generic, meaning that it can work with different data types. This is not limited to Java, as other programming languages also have the concept of generics.

Your explanation of the head of the linked list being a node reference is accurate. It's important to note that the head is not a node itself, but rather a pointer to the first node in the list.

I also like how you mentioned the common methods of a linked list, such as adding and removing nodes, returning the size, and clearing the list. These are essential operations when working with a linked list.

Your understanding of the inner classes, Node and Iterator, is also correct. The Node class stores the data and a reference to the next node, and the Iterator class allows for traversing through the list and accessing its elements.

Overall, your understanding of singly linked lists seems to be accurate. Keep up the good work in your computer science studies!

Related to Learn Singly Linked Lists | Computer Science Tutorial

1. What is a Singly Linked List?

A Singly Linked List is a data structure in computer science that is used to store a collection of elements in a linear manner. It consists of nodes that are linked together in a sequence, where each node contains a data value and a pointer to the next node in the list.

2. How is data inserted and removed from a Singly Linked List?

Data is inserted and removed from a Singly Linked List by manipulating the pointers between nodes. To insert data, the pointer of the previous node is changed to point to the new node, while the pointer of the new node is set to point to the next node. To remove data, the pointer of the previous node is set to point to the next node, effectively skipping over the node that is being removed.

3. What are the advantages of using a Singly Linked List?

Singly Linked Lists have several advantages, including efficient insertion and deletion operations, as well as the ability to dynamically allocate memory for new nodes. They are also flexible in size, as they can grow or shrink as needed. Furthermore, Singly Linked Lists have a simple structure and are easy to implement.

4. What are the disadvantages of using a Singly Linked List?

One major disadvantage of Singly Linked Lists is that they do not allow for random access to elements. This means that to access a specific element, the list must be traversed from the beginning. Additionally, Singly Linked Lists require extra memory for storing pointers, and they may become inefficient if the list becomes too large.

5. How do Singly Linked Lists differ from Doubly Linked Lists?

The main difference between Singly Linked Lists and Doubly Linked Lists is that in a Singly Linked List, each node only has a pointer to the next node, while in a Doubly Linked List, each node has a pointer to both the next and previous nodes. This allows for efficient traversal in both directions in a Doubly Linked List, but requires more memory for storing the extra pointers.

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