Large groups of teens hanging out in downtown areas of cities

In summary, the conversation discusses the observation of large groups of teenagers and old men hanging out in public places for extended periods of time. The purpose of this is seen as socializing and enjoying the company of friends, with different interests and activities being the focus of their conversations. It is also noted that enjoyment and utility are subjective and individuals may have different definitions of what constitutes a "good thing to do."
  • #1
I'm a homeless transient. One constant I've noticed is that around the downtown area in all medium sized ( population 100,000 + ) cities or larger, there are large groups of teenagers that hang around at night, goofing off and shooting the bull for hours. Don't they have any work to do? Don't they have anything better to do?

Another phenomenon I've noticed is large groups of old men who shoot the bull all morning at fast food restaurants. I know that most of them are retired, living off pensions so they have a lot of free time, but don't they have anything better to do?

What is the purpose of this?
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  • #2
It's called "socializing".
  • #3
WarPhalange said:
It's called "socializing".

Don't they have anything better to do?
  • #4
Like what?
  • #5
Since they don't get laid, they stand about complaining to each other they can't find a girl to lay with. And drink some beer to comfort themselves with.
  • #6
Dont you have anything better to do?
  • #7
Cyrus said:
Dont you have anything better to do?

Lol I was about to write that.
  • #8
If the teens lived in the country, they would hang out in the field and have bonfires. Teens, no matter where they live, simply like to hang with their peers.
  • #9
hypatia said:
If the teens lived in the country, they would hang out in the field and have bonfires. Teens, no matter where they live, simply like to hang with their peers.

I thought teens in the country hopped into their pick-up trucks and hung out at the local convenience store/gas station. Never mind that the store closed at 9:00 PM, it's still the place to hang out.

When you pull into a gas station full of pick-up trucks, you'd surely think the gas station was actually open. And they don't even tell you the gas station is closed until after you can't get the pump to work!

Shouldn't they all be out cow tipping or something?
  • #10
arildno said:
Since they don't get laid, they stand about complaining to each other they can't find a girl to lay with. And drink some beer to comfort themselves with.

Would that be the teens or the old men .. or both? :biggrin:
  • #11
arildno said:
Since they don't get laid, they stand about complaining to each other they can't find a girl to lay with. And drink some beer to comfort themselves with.

I don't think that's it. Most of the groups of teenagers that I've seen are comprised of a fair number of fertile-looking girls. Many of the guys in these groups have their girlfriends with them.

The groups of old people who hang out at McDonalds are almost exclusively men though.
  • #12
Cyrus said:
Dont you have anything better to do?

Yes; I primarily use the computer in order to discuss the Civil War with other Civil War buffs at another website. I can't do that with teenagers downtown.
  • #13
Well you don't know whether or not they are Civil War buffs. You'd be surprised. But I wouldn't approach them to try to find out. You'd probably get arrested...

But are they bothering your or anything?

Oh, by the way, how is discussing the Civil War any better than discussing anything else?
  • #14
stickythighs said:
Yes; I primarily use the computer in order to discuss the Civil War with other Civil War buffs at another website. I can't do that with teenagers downtown.

Hmm. Why is that "better"? You know someone could easily question you on why your discussing the Civil War on the internet. Don't you have anything better to do, like socializing with people in person?

Someone could easily question me on why I post on this forum. Don't I have anything more important to be doing, like actual physics research instead of just talking about it here?

Remember it's not always about utility. Its about enjoyment sometimes. Who are to say that other people can't do something they find enjoyable as long as its legal. Last time I checked meeting for the annoying teenagers block party or the Old man and the McDonald's "Remember the Old Days" club was not illegal.

Its not that they don't have anything better to do. It's that they probably enjoy meeting and talking to their friends in a public place. Maybe their definition of a "good thing to do" is different than yours.

You enjoy discussing the Civil War on the web. They enjoy meeting people in a public place and having conversations about whatever interests them. I think you should just leave it at that.
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Related to Large groups of teens hanging out in downtown areas of cities

What are the potential risks associated with large groups of teens hanging out in downtown areas of cities?

The potential risks include loitering, vandalism, littering, noise disturbances, and potential conflicts with law enforcement or other groups of people.

How can the presence of large groups of teens impact the local businesses in downtown areas?

The presence of large groups of teens can potentially deter customers from entering businesses, create a negative image of the area, and increase the likelihood of shoplifting or other criminal activities.

What measures can be taken to prevent or mitigate any negative effects of large groups of teens in downtown areas?

Solutions may include increasing police presence, implementing curfews or regulations for loitering, promoting positive activities for teens, and working with local businesses to address any concerns or issues.

Are there any potential benefits to having large groups of teens in downtown areas?

Yes, the presence of teens can bring a sense of energy and vibrancy to the area, support local businesses, and provide a safe and social environment for young people to gather.

Is there any research on the impact of large groups of teens in downtown areas on the overall community?

There have been studies on the effects of youth presence in public spaces, but more research is needed to specifically examine the impact of large groups of teens in downtown areas and how it may vary depending on the city and context.

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