Is there any motion hidden within potential energy?

In summary: It doesn't involve the motion of the particles at all. That's why potential energy is sometimes called "static energy".Kinetic energy is energy due to the motion of the particles. It includes both the energy due to the motion of the particles and the energy needed to keep the particles moving. For example, when you jump out of an airplane, your kinetic energy is the energy of the motion you go through (plus the energy it takes to keep you moving), but your potential energy is also the energy of the air above you (plus the energy it takes to keep the air pressure from pushing you back down).Gravitational potential energy is a special case of kinetic energy where the
  • #1
Bob Enyart
Of potential and kinetic energy in their various forms, in their own reference frames, which involve motion? Heat, light, nuclear, kinetic, etc., seem to involve motion. Does potential energy, in any way whatsoever, involve motion? Thermal does. Does nuclear energy involve motion? Seems to because the nucleus is in motion and within the nucleons so are their quarks. So how about gravitational energy, including as potential energy? Do these involve motion in any way?
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  • #2
What you say is mostly nonsense; what is the 'own reference frame' of energy, for instance?

That said, there is one point to make. In standard conservative systems the potential energy functions depend only on the co-ordinates, ##V = V(\boldsymbol{q})##, and not the derivatives of the co-ordinates ##\dot{\boldsymbol{q}}##.

However, there are some special non-conservative systems for which, if the generalised forces ##Q_j## can be written ##Q_j = \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t} \left( \partial U / \partial \dot{q}^j \right) - \partial U / \partial q^j## for some function ##U = U(\boldsymbol{q}, \dot{\boldsymbol{q}}, t)##, then this function ##U## is called a velocity dependent potential. For example, the Lorentz force can be described by a velocity dependent potential ##U = q \phi - q \dot{\boldsymbol{x}} \cdot \mathbf{A}##, where ##\mathbf{A}## is the vector potential. It is a good exercise to show that this potential does indeed yield the correct generalised forces ##q(\mathbf{E} + \dot{\boldsymbol{x}} \times \mathbf{B})_j##!
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  • #3
Bob Enyart said:
Of potential and kinetic energy in their various forms, in their own reference frames, which involve motion? Heat, light, nuclear, kinetic, etc., seem to involve motion. Does potential energy, in any way whatsoever, involve motion? Thermal does. Does nuclear energy involve motion? Seems to because the nucleus is in motion and within the nucleons so are their quarks. So how about gravitational energy, including as potential energy? Do these involve motion in any way?
No, none of those except kinetic energy and certain types of thermal energy/heat involve motion.
  • #4
It's not clear to me what you mean when you ask whether potential energy "involves" motion. In your chosen example of gravitational potential energy, the expression for it is not an explicit function of some velocity or speed, but a function of position only. When a ball is held at some height above the Earth, the potential energy of the Earth-ball system does not change. When the ball is released and allowed to fall, the potential energy changes as the relative position changes but it is still a function of position only. Arguably then, a change in potential energy implies relative motion between Earth and ball. Conversely, if there is no relative motion between Earth and ball, the potential energy does not change. So relative motion is a necessary and sufficient condition for potential energy change. Is that "involved" enough?
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  • #5
Bob Enyart said:
Does potential energy, in any way whatsoever, involve motion?
If the underlying question here is "is all energy secretly kinetic energy" then I would say no. The rest energy (aka rest mass) of a body can include kinetic energy, but if it were solely due to kinetic energy then any isolated particle would have to have a rest energy of zero. This is not the case, including for particles that appear to be fundamental indivisible pointlike objects.
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  • #6
Bob Enyart said:
Of potential and kinetic energy in their various forms, in their own reference frames, which involve motion? Heat, light, nuclear, kinetic, etc., seem to involve motion. Does potential energy, in any way whatsoever, involve motion? Thermal does. Does nuclear energy involve motion? Seems to because the nucleus is in motion and within the nucleons so are their quarks. So how about gravitational energy, including as potential energy? Do these involve motion in any way?
"Involve motion" is a little vague. So let me give some background that may be helpful. We usually write the laws of physics in terms of the Lagrangian, ##L(q,\dot q, t)## where ##q## are the generalized positions, ##\dot q## are the generalized velocities, and ##t## is time. The Lagrangian is used with the principle of least action to determine the equations of motion, which are the description of how the system evolves over time.

Now, in the end the Lagrangian is determined by looking at the behavior of actual physical systems in real experiments and figuring out what the Lagrangian must have been to produce that behavior. For many systems (a surprising number) the Lagrangian can be written as ##L(q, \dot q, t) = T(\dot q, q)-V(q)##. In other words, the experimental observations imply a Lagrangian that has several terms. The terms that depend on the velocity, ##\dot q##, we collect and call "kinetic energy" and the terms that depend only on the position, ##q## we collect and call "potential energy".

Now, physics doesn't know anything about that split. The Lagrangian just has all of the terms that it has. But we arbitrarily separate those terms into kinetic and potential terms. So the potential energy does not depend on motion, by definition. That is precisely the defining property that we used to decide which terms were kinetic and which terms were potential. And as @etotheipi mentioned sometimes the Lagrangian is not so neatly separable and we wind up terms that involve both ##q## and ##\dot q##. In those cases there really isn't a normal "potential energy" to speak of anyway.

Note: edited due to correction below
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  • #7
It's worth to note that even for a conservative holonomic system the kinetic energy is a function of both the co-ordinates and generalised velocities, i.e. the kinetic energy is a homogenous quadratic form with position dependent coefficients,$$T(\boldsymbol{q}, \dot{\boldsymbol{q}}) = a_{jk}(\boldsymbol{q})\dot{q}^j \dot{q}^k \quad \mathrm{where} \quad a_{jk}(\boldsymbol{q}) = \frac{1}{2}\sum_a m_a \left( \frac{\partial \boldsymbol{x}_a}{\partial q^j} \cdot \frac{\partial \boldsymbol{x}_a}{\partial q^k}\right)$$in which case the Lagrangian has the form ##L(\boldsymbol{q}, \dot{\boldsymbol{q}}) = T(\boldsymbol{q}, \dot{\boldsymbol{q}}) - V(\boldsymbol{q})##. Further, Lagrange's equation for any holonomic system ##\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t} \left( \partial T / \partial \dot{q}^j \right) - \partial T / \partial q^j = Q_j## is formulated only in terms of ##T(\boldsymbol{q}, \dot{\boldsymbol{q}})##.

For more complex holonomic systems with moving constraints [##\boldsymbol{x}_a = \boldsymbol{x}_a(\boldsymbol{q}, t)##], the kinetic energy may also contain a functional time dependence ##T(\boldsymbol{q}, \dot{\boldsymbol{q}}, t) = a_{jk}(\boldsymbol{q}, t) \dot{q}^j \dot{q}^k + b_j(\boldsymbol{q}, t) \dot{q}^j + c(\boldsymbol{q}, t)##. Also, with moving constraints the potential energy now depends on time, ##V = V(\boldsymbol{q}, t)##.

[Edit: and also, as mentioned above, it's possible to have even weirder systems where the potential now also depends on ##\dot{\boldsymbol{q}}##, in which case ##L(\boldsymbol{q}, \dot{\boldsymbol{q}}, t) = T(\boldsymbol{q}, \dot{\boldsymbol{q}}, t) - U(\boldsymbol{q}, \dot{\boldsymbol{q}}, t)##!]
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  • #8
Oops, yes, you are right. Particularly with generalized coordinates that are not the same as normal Cartesian coordinates.

Related to Is there any motion hidden within potential energy?

1. What is potential energy?

Potential energy is the energy that an object possesses due to its position or configuration in a force field. It is stored energy that has the potential to do work in the future.

2. Is potential energy the same as kinetic energy?

No, potential energy and kinetic energy are two different types of energy. While potential energy is stored energy, kinetic energy is the energy an object possesses due to its motion.

3. Can potential energy be converted into kinetic energy?

Yes, potential energy can be converted into kinetic energy. When an object's potential energy is released, it can be transformed into kinetic energy as the object moves.

4. How is motion hidden within potential energy?

Motion is hidden within potential energy because potential energy is the energy an object possesses due to its position. When an object's position changes, its potential energy changes, and this can result in motion as the object moves to a new position.

5. What is an example of motion hidden within potential energy?

One example of motion hidden within potential energy is a roller coaster. At the top of the first hill, the roller coaster has a high potential energy due to its position. As it goes down the hill, the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, resulting in the coaster's motion.

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