Is there a subtle symmetry that may not apply in an infinite universe?

In summary: I'm not sure. It could refer to the fact that the solutions to the Friedmann equation are periodic in an infinite universe, so if you solve the equations for a given set of values of the cosmological parameters, you'll get back to the same solution again and again.This statement is not true. The Friedmann equation has an infinite long-term behavior.The statement "this statement is not true" is not true. The Friedmann equation has a long-term behavior that is infinite.
  • #1
I learned friedmann eq and there I learned that k is equal zero in our universe it means that universe will grown infinite. I am asking to you am I correct.Universe is infinite and every second Hubble constant is changing isn't it according to 2/3t.
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  • #2
This is not true because k=0 ... The fact that k=0 means that the universe is spatially flat and infinite.
In order to check what will happen with the Universe, you have to try and solve the Friedmann equations for the cosmological parameters that fit best the data... If you do so, and because our universe in this phase is dominated by dark energy, you will find that the Universe will expand forever.
  • #3
You mean that normally universe should grow like a p equals zero but in our observation p is lower than zero cause of dark energy.Like a negative pressure I understand it from low pressure causes low energy and it causes more accelaration.If this is true than Hubble constant must be higher than 2/3t cause in this idea we got p=0 but we undertand that (cause of dark energy) p<0
  • #4
What do you mean "normally should grow like p=0"?

Well you can take two cases... first take the case of a matter dominated universe: so the solution for the scale factor [itex]a(t)[/itex] is
[itex]a(t) = a_0 t^{2/3}[/itex] and [itex]H= \frac{\dot{a}}{a} = \frac{2}{3t}[/itex]
So your result for the Hubble constant takes into account that you have only a matter dominated universe.

On the other hand, a cosmological constant implying a constant density gives from the Friedmann equation:

[itex] H(t) = H_0 \Omega_\Lambda^{1/2}=const[/itex] (so the Hubble parameter is a constant, at least if the cosmological constant is a constant-there are searches about that) and so [itex]\frac{\dot{a}}{a} = \frac{d \ln a}{dt} = H_0 \Omega_\Lambda^{1/2}[/itex]

The solution for [itex]a(t)[/itex] is [itex]a(t)=a_0 e^{H_0 \sqrt{\Omega} t}[/itex] and the Universe so grows exponentially.

To get a better result, you have to solve the Friedmann equation for [itex]\Omega_m \approx 0.3[/itex] and [itex]\Omega_\Lambda \approx 0.7[/itex]. The result will be the red-line in the figure in the link above. In that case, the [itex]a(t)[/itex] doesn't have a very nice form (but nevertheless the exponential will dominate).
  • #5
It is currently [and may forever be] uncertain if the universe is infinite, ginormous, but, finite; or finite, but, unbounded. It is worth noting that FLRW, the current accepted cosmological model, is not necessarily well behaved in an infinite universe. The Friedmann equations assume a subtle symmetry that may not apply in an infinite universe. For any interested to see how Friedmann equations were derived, see
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  • #6
Chronos said:
It is worth noting that FLRW, the current accepted cosmological model, is not necessarily well behaved in an infinite universe. The Friedmann equations assume a subtle symmetry that may not apply in an infinite universe.

Were you intending the article you linked to as a reference for this? I don't see anything to this effect in the article.
  • #7
No. It was a throw in for a little background on the Friedmann equation.
  • #8
Chronos said:
It was a throw in for a little background on the Friedmann equation.

I ask because I'm confused by the statement that there is a "subtle symmetry that may not apply in an infinite universe". What does that refer to?

Related to Is there a subtle symmetry that may not apply in an infinite universe?

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The current understanding is that the fate of the universe depends on the amount of matter and energy it contains. If there is enough matter and energy, the universe will continue to expand forever. However, if there is not enough matter and energy, the universe will eventually stop expanding and begin to contract, leading to a big crunch.

2. Will the universe eventually come to an end?

There are various theories about the end of the universe, but it is currently believed that the universe will continue to expand forever. However, as the expansion continues, stars will eventually run out of fuel and die, making the universe a cold and dark place. This is known as the "heat death" of the universe.

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While time travel is a popular concept in science fiction, it is not currently supported by scientific evidence. The laws of physics, specifically the principles of causality and the second law of thermodynamics, make time travel seem unlikely in our universe.

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The expansion of the universe is not expected to have a direct impact on life on Earth. However, as the universe continues to expand, galaxies will become further apart, making it more difficult for us to observe and study other galaxies and potentially limiting our understanding of the universe.

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While there is no definitive evidence for the existence of other universes, some theories, such as the multiverse theory, suggest that there may be multiple universes beyond our own. However, this is still a topic of ongoing research and debate in the scientific community.

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