Interaction picture (Is there a mistake in QFT books?)

In summary, the main discrepancy in the transition amplitude between eigenstates of the free-field Hamiltonian seems to be the difference in the states used in the two expressions. While the first expression uses unperturbed states, the second expression uses one particle states in the complete Hamiltonian, which are related in a nontrivial manner. This discrepancy is not addressed in mainstream QFT books and may require consulting books on scattering theory for further clarification.
  • #1
It is often stated that the transition amplitude between eigenstates of the free-field Hamiltonian [itex]H_0[/itex] is encoded by the S-matrix, defined by

[itex]\langle \mathrm{f} | U{_\mathrm{I}} (\infty,-\infty)|\mathrm{i} \rangle[/itex].

where [itex]U_{\mathrm{I}}[/itex] is the time-evolution operator in the interaction picture (e.g., [1]).

I would argue that this is not correct, and that the correct expression should be

[itex]S_{\mathrm{fi}}=\langle \mathrm{f} | U_0(\infty,-\infty) U{_\mathrm{I}} (\infty,-\infty)|\mathrm{i} \rangle[/itex]

where [itex]U_0(t,t') = \mathrm{e}^{-\mathrm{i} H_0 (t-t')}[/itex] is the time-evolution operator for the free-field.

My argument is quite simple, the transition amplitude in the Schrodinger picture is

[itex]\langle \mathrm{f} | U_{\mathrm{S}} (\infty,-\infty)|\mathrm{i} \rangle[/itex].

It is easy to show, however, that the Schrodinger evolution operator is related to the interaction evolution operator by [itex]U_{\mathrm{S}} = U_0 U_{\mathrm{I}}[/itex]. My argument seems to be supported by [2]. However, it concerns me that this is not addressed in mainstream QFT books.

Does anyone have any word on this apparent discrepancy?

[1] Mandl and Shaw, Quantum Field Theory.
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  • #2
jdstokes said:
It is often stated that the transition amplitude between eigenstates of the free-field Hamiltonian [itex]H_0[/itex] is encoded by the S-matrix, defined by

[itex]\langle \mathrm{f} | U{_\mathrm{I}} (\infty,-\infty)|\mathrm{i} \rangle[/itex].

where [itex]U_{\mathrm{I}}[/itex] is the time-evolution operator in the interaction picture (e.g., [1]).

I would argue that this is not correct, and that the correct expression should be

[itex]S_{\mathrm{fi}}=\langle \mathrm{f} | U_0(\infty,-\infty) U{_\mathrm{I}} (\infty,-\infty)|\mathrm{i} \rangle[/itex]

where [itex]U_0(t,t') = \mathrm{e}^{-\mathrm{i} H_0 (t-t')}[/itex] is the time-evolution operator for the free-field.

My argument is quite simple, the transition amplitude in the Schrodinger picture is

[itex]\langle \mathrm{f} | U_{\mathrm{S}} (\infty,-\infty)|\mathrm{i} \rangle[/itex].

It is easy to show, however, that the Schrodinger evolution operator is related to the interaction evolution operator by [itex]U_{\mathrm{S}} = U_0 U_{\mathrm{I}}[/itex]. My argument seems to be supported by [2]. However, it concerns me that this is not addressed in mainstream QFT books.

Does anyone have any word on this apparent discrepancy?

The amplitudes you have written differ only by an overall phase, which appears to be

I think the difference may come from the fact that one should ask for the transition amplitude to the unperturbed final state propagated by the unperturbed hamiltonian from the initial time to the final time. This can be seen to cancel the factor in question, if the times are not taken to be infinite. Maybe a book on scattering theory like Taylor's or Goldberger and Watson would be good to consult in this matter. Cheers.

[1] Mandl and Shaw, Quantum Field Theory.
  • #3
If you have a look at Eq. (33) of my second reference, the phase is still there: no cancelation.
  • #4
i think the problem is that the f, and i states you refer to (in different instances) are different states.

In the first instance, the f and i are the states in the unperturbed Hamiltonian. This allow calculations using Feynman diagrams.

In the second instance, the f and i states are the one particle state in the complete Hamiltonian. Here I quote Peskin and Schroeder (p. 109):

"the problem is a deep one, and it is associated with one of the most fundamental difficulties of field theory, that interactions affect not only the scattering of distinct particles but also the form of the single particle states themselves"

So, indeed, your expression regarding Schrodinger picture is correct, but the f and i are not the simple one particle states you have in mind. They are related to the unperturbed ones in a nontrivial manner. In fact, the limit of the Us should be -∞(1-iϵ) to +∞(1+iϵ) in the first equation you gave, for some small positive ϵ. This cannot be obtained by the argument you gave above.
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Related to Interaction picture (Is there a mistake in QFT books?)

1. What is the interaction picture in quantum field theory (QFT)?

The interaction picture is a mathematical framework used in QFT to simplify calculations by separating the time evolution of a quantum system into two parts: a free part and an interacting part. This allows for easier calculations of physical quantities, such as scattering amplitudes, in the presence of interactions.

2. How does the interaction picture differ from the Schrödinger and Heisenberg pictures?

In the Schrödinger picture, the state of a quantum system evolves in time while the operators remain fixed. In the Heisenberg picture, the operators evolve in time while the states remain fixed. In the interaction picture, both the states and operators are split into a free and an interacting part, with the free part evolving in time and the interacting part remaining fixed.

3. Is there a mistake commonly made in QFT books when discussing the interaction picture?

There have been some instances of mistakes in QFT books when discussing the interaction picture, usually in the derivation of the time-evolution operator. However, these mistakes are often corrected in later editions or by errata. It is always important to carefully check the derivations and equations in any book, as mistakes can occur even in reputable sources.

4. Can the interaction picture be used for any quantum system, or is it specific to QFT?

The interaction picture was originally developed for QFT, but the framework can be applied to any quantum system with an interaction term. However, the mathematical details and equations may differ depending on the specific system being studied.

5. Are there any alternative frameworks to the interaction picture in QFT?

Yes, there are alternative frameworks in QFT, such as the path integral and operator formalism. These frameworks may offer different perspectives or methods for calculations, but they ultimately lead to the same physical predictions. The choice of framework often depends on personal preference and the specific problem being studied.

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