Inflation model of the universe

In summary, there are still regions of the universe that are locally collapsing, but the overall expansion is not affected by this. This is due to the limitations of the cosmological principle and the speed of light. However, there are alternative models such as eternal inflation and bubble universes that suggest the possibility of a bubble of collapse beyond our expanding universe. The FLRW model, which is the mainstream cosmological model, has observational evidence to support it while these alternative models do not. Additionally, the effects of linear perturbations are taken into account in the LCDM model, which is a closer approximation to the actual shape of the universe. It is important to remember that gravity and the expansion of the universe are not separate things, but rather the
  • #1
I understand that (from what we can tell) the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate. I'm just curious if it's possible that the universe is expanding in some areas, and receding in others. despite this going against the cosmological principle, is it possible that beyond our bubble of expansion, there is a bubble of collapse?

I'm just wondering if the universe is acting like entropy, in the sense that it could be expanding in some places, yet collapsing in others.
Space news on
  • #2
coolcalx said:
I understand that (from what we can tell) the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate. I'm just curious if it's possible that the universe is expanding in some areas, and receding in others. despite this going against the cosmological principle, is it possible that beyond our bubble of expansion, there is a bubble of collapse?

I'm just wondering if the universe is acting like entropy, in the sense that it could be expanding in some places, yet collapsing in others.
In a way, this sort of kinda happens. Local regions which have a large overdensity of matter undergo collapse still. The accelerated expansion is only seen on very large scales (hundreds of millions of light years and greater).
  • #3
Yes, there are still regions of the universe that are locally collapsing, but, as Chalnoth correctly points out, expansion is only obvious on very large scales.
  • #4
Also you may get odd things happening outside of the cosmic horizon.

One limitation on the cosmological principle is the speed of light. Two pieces of the universe that aren't in communication can't exchange information to behave in the same way.
  • #5
Chronos said:
Yes, there are still regions of the universe that are locally collapsing, but, as Chalnoth correctly points out, expansion is only obvious on very large scales.

This does not seem incorrect, but it does seem like a somewhat misleading statement. The matter in some areas is coming closer together but that does not inhibit the expansion of space all around that region of matter, so the overall expansion is not affected.

Here is what I base that on, and I'm open to correction:

If you have galaxy A and galaxy B separated by 2 billion light years, and half-way between them there is a local cluster that is collapsing, the speed with which A and B are receding from each other is not affected by the existence of that cluster. Is this not correct?

If it IS correct, then I think you can see why I say your statement is somewhat misleading. If it's NOT correct, then of course ... (and I do see how it might not be correct)
  • #6
If you have galaxy A and galaxy B separated by 2 billion light years, and half-way between them there is a local cluster that is collapsing, the speed with which A and B are receding from each other is not affected by the existence of that cluster. Is this not correct?

I'd say it is NOT correct, but it's not an egregious error either. I don't like it on theoretical grounds:
Cosmological expansion is based on homogeneous and isotropic uniformity, the FLRW model. It simply does not apply to lumpy portions of the cosmos. If you want to disregard the collapsing interim galaxy, then you can approximate the model conditions if you consider that 'ok for my purposes' [accurate enough].

Thread here with some insightful discussion and details:

Cosmological expansion of Earth orbit
  • #7
is it possible that beyond our bubble of expansion, there is a bubble of collapse?

Possible but not likely according the mainstream cosmology. I'm talking large scale 'collapse' here, like horizon to horizon type size.

Eternal inflation models, bubble universes, and multiverses [all generally synonomous terms] are alternative models from the FLRW model most cosmologists believe best respresents our universe. The FLRW model has lots of verifying, although often indirect, observational evidence; insofar as I know, the other models have none, but that does not entirely rule them out.

Summary information here:
Eternal inflation
  • #8
FLRW which assumes a perfectly smooth universe is like assuming that the Earth is spherical. The Earth isn't spherical, but it's close enough so that for a lot of things.

LCDM is like assume the Earth is ellipsoid. LCDM contains the effects of linear perturbations. The Earth isn't ellipsoid, but it's an even close approximation.
  • #9
phinds said:
This does not seem incorrect, but it does seem like a somewhat misleading statement. The matter in some areas is coming closer together but that does not inhibit the expansion of space all around that region of matter, so the overall expansion is not affected.

Here is what I base that on, and I'm open to correction:

If you have galaxy A and galaxy B separated by 2 billion light years, and half-way between them there is a local cluster that is collapsing, the speed with which A and B are receding from each other is not affected by the existence of that cluster. Is this not correct?

If it IS correct, then I think you can see why I say your statement is somewhat misleading. If it's NOT correct, then of course ... (and I do see how it might not be correct)

You need to remember that GR is not a linear theory. That means, if you have a background solution which is expanding, and a local collapsing solution, the exact overall solution is not the combination of the two. I think it's very misleading to think that gravity and the expansion of the universe are somehow separate things, when in fact they are exactly the same thing (curving of the metric).
  • #10
clamtrox said:
... if you have a background solution which is expanding, and a local collapsing solution, the exact overall solution is not the combination of the two. QUOTE]

I have no idea whether you are agreeing with me or disagreeing with me or neither.
  • #11
twofish-quant said:
FLRW which assumes a perfectly smooth universe is like assuming that the Earth is spherical. The Earth isn't spherical, but it's close enough so that for a lot of things.

LCDM is like assume the Earth is ellipsoid. LCDM contains the effects of linear perturbations. The Earth isn't ellipsoid, but it's an even close approximation.

what is the difference between these two? wiki has them both listed as the standard model of big bang cosmology :/
  • #12
coolcalx said:
what is the difference between these two? wiki has them both listed as the standard model of big bang cosmology :/
FLRW is a description of how a smooth universe that is the same in all directions expands (or contracts) over time depending upon the contents of said universe. FLRW makes no statements, one way or another, about those contents (except that they are smooth and the same in all directions). It merely presents a relationship between expansion and contents.

LCDM is explicitly about the contents of the universe: it is a universe where, besides normal matter, we have a cosmological constant (Lambda) and cold dark matter. This universe is approximately FLRW, but not exactly: matter in the universe tends to become rather clumpy with time. On large scales, on average, it is FLRW. But on smaller scales we have things like galaxy clusters, galaxies, stars, planets, and other objects that are much, much more dense than their surroundings.
  • #13
LCDM is explicitly about the contents of the universe:

yes, ours are included: LCDM is fine tuning where we inlcude in FLRW some observational evidence that more closely describes our universe. For example we derive some information from type 1A supernova [a standard brightness] observations.

Detailed parameters described here:
  • #14
ahh okay thank you. I understood that the cosmological principle was only applicable on large scales, and that helps clarify it
  • #15
sort of on topic, what are your thoughts on the possibility of a cyclic model for the universe? for example, the recent Baum–Frampton model
  • #16
coolcalx said:
sort of on topic, what are your thoughts on the possibility of a cyclic model for the universe? for example, the recent Baum–Frampton model
Personally, I think they're pretty highly unlikely, for various reasons. Most of the models I think are highly unlikely for entropy reasons: they require entropy to increase and then decrease periodically. This is just absurd.

The Baum-Frampton model is kinda neat in its own way, but is very absurd for a different reason: it requires an equation of state for dark energy that is generally expected to be fundamentally impossible.

My personal favorite model is this one:

But I wouldn't even suggest that it's more likely than not. Just that I think the model is beautiful.
  • #17
Chalnoth said:
My personal favorite model is this one:

I'll save this and read it after I start my astrophysics classes, so it make more sense to me haha
  • #18
coolcalx said:
ahh okay thank you. I understood that the cosmological principle was only applicable on large scales, and that helps clarify it

cp = two principles of spatial invariance. The first invariance is isomorphism under translation = homogeneity (uniformity would be independent of the location one chooses to make the observations)
invariance as isomorphism under rotation = isotropy (direction, such as North or South, can not be distinguished).
  • #19
Although the two principles are not independent: global isotropy implies homogeneity.
  • #20
Heck, what I want to know is this:
If during the first second of the "Big Bang" space grew larger than light could travel, how big could the universe be?

We have "figured out" the age of the universe, yet we have not "figured out" the expanse or breadth of it.
  • #21
enasset90 said:
Heck, what I want to know is this:
If during the first second of the "Big Bang" space grew larger than light could travel, how big could the universe be?

We have "figured out" the age of the universe, yet we have not "figured out" the expanse or breadth of it.

It is likely that we will never figure out the expanse. It MAY have started off infinite in extent, in which case it still is (just bigger than it used to be), or it may have started off finite, in which case it still is (just bigger than it used to be). No one knows and I've seen estimates that put the minimum size as not much bigger than the observable universe (which I think is ridiculous) to dozens of orders of magnitude times the size of the observable universe.
  • #22
If I understand correctly, space is expanding at a given rate, faster than gravity is able to pull all things together. Yet, on a smaller scale, gravity is doing things, like keeping the Earth around the sun and causing Andromeda to collide with our galaxy, the Milky Way. So, things are being pulled together by gravity, but space (the distance between one atom to another) is growing year it is a yard, one million years later it is 1.001 yards. Sorry for all you EU guys... one year it is a meter, one million years later it is 1.0012 meters.
If this is correct, why couldn't the Professor speak this way?
  • #23
enasset90 said:
If I understand correctly, space is expanding at a given rate, faster than gravity is able to pull all things together. Yet, on a smaller scale, gravity is doing things, like keeping the Earth around the sun and causing Andromeda to collide with our galaxy, the Milky Way. So, things are being pulled together by gravity, but space (the distance between one atom to another) is growing year it is a yard, one million years later it is 1.001 yards. Sorry for all you EU guys... one year it is a meter, one million years later it is 1.0012 meters.
If this is correct, why couldn't the Professor speak this way?
On average, overall, the expansion is simply too rapid to pull things together. However, there are places in the universe that are more dense than average, dense enough that gravity is strong enough to pull the local matter together into clumps. So most of the stuff in the universe is getting further apart, but the universe is becoming more clumpy.
  • #24
enasset90 said:
If I understand correctly, space is expanding at a given rate, faster than gravity is able to pull all things together. Yet, on a smaller scale, gravity is doing things, like keeping the Earth around the sun and causing Andromeda to collide with our galaxy, the Milky Way. So, things are being pulled together by gravity, but space (the distance between one atom to another) is growing year it is a yard, one million years later it is 1.001 yards. Sorry for all you EU guys... one year it is a meter, one million years later it is 1.0012 meters.
If this is correct, why couldn't the Professor speak this way?

Because it is not correct. NOTHING inside of gravitationally bound systems is being affected by dark energy. Atoms are NOT moving apart. If you put a ruler in deep space it will not change size.

A meter is a meter.

Thinks outside gravitationally bound systems DO get farther apart but that does not mean space, as a thing itslef, is expanding. See Metric Expansion (there's a link in this page: and some further discussion of expansion)
  • #25
phinds said:
Because it is not correct. NOTHING inside of gravitationally bound systems is being affected by dark energy.
Pedantic correction:
Nothing inside of gravitational systems is being affected by the expansion. Dark energy still has an effect, but it's small. The expansion has no effect.
  • #26
Chalnoth said:
Pedantic correction:
Nothing inside of gravitational systems is being affected by the expansion. Dark energy still has an effect, but it's small. The expansion has no effect.

But if dark energy DOES have an effect, then the size of atoms would change, yes? Is this an interpretational statement or accepted fact?
  • #27
phinds said:
But if dark energy DOES have an effect, then the size of atoms would change, yes? Is this an interpretational statement or accepted fact?
Well, no. This can perhaps be understood by considering that the attractive gravitational force between two objects with a cosmological constant in the Newtonian limit:

[tex]F = {GMm \over r^2} - {\Lambda m c^2 \over 3} r[/tex]

Here we imagine that [itex]M[/itex] is some large mass (such as the Sun), [itex]m[/itex] is the mass that is orbiting this large mass, and [itex]r[/itex] is the distance from the center of this large mass. The force, then, is the force the orbiting mass feels towards the larger one. You can see that the cosmological constant reduces the attractive force of gravity by some small amount. For atoms, this would have the effect of making atoms ever so slightly larger than they otherwise would be (the difference really is utterly negligible, however). Even for something as large as the solar system, the difference is much too small to measure, because [itex]\Lambda[/itex] is so tiny. The two forces only become comparable when the distance between objects is exceptionally large.
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  • #28
Chalnoth said:
Well, no. This can perhaps be understood by considering that the attractive gravitational force between two objects with a cosmological constant in the Newtonian limit:

[tex]F = {GMm \over r^2} - {\Lambda m c^2 \over 3} r[/tex]

Here we imagine that [itex]M[/itex] is some large mass (such as the Sun), and [itex]m[/itex] is the mass that is orbiting this large mass. The force, then, is the force the orbiting mass feels towards the larger one. You can see that the cosmological constant reduces the attractive force of gravity by some small amount. For atoms, this would have the effect of making atoms ever so slightly larger than they otherwise would be (the difference really is utterly negligible, however). Even for something as large as the solar system, the difference is much too small to measure, because [itex]\Lambda[/itex] is so tiny. The two forces only become comparable when the distance between objects is exceptionally large.

OK, thanks for that correction. I've been saying here in several posts that it has NO effect inside galactic clusters, rather than negligible effect, so I'll change my tune.


Related to Inflation model of the universe

What is the Inflation model of the universe?

The Inflation model is a theory in cosmology that proposes that the early universe underwent a rapid and exponential expansion, known as inflation, in the first fractions of a second after the Big Bang. This theory helps to explain various observations about the universe, such as the uniformity of the cosmic microwave background radiation.

What evidence supports the Inflation model of the universe?

There are several pieces of evidence that support the Inflation model, including the observed uniformity of the cosmic microwave background radiation, the large-scale structure of the universe, and the flatness of the universe. Additionally, the Inflation model can also explain the origin of the cosmic microwave background radiation and the abundance of light elements in the universe.

How does the Inflation model solve the Horizon problem?

The Horizon problem is the observation that different regions of the universe have the same temperature and appear to be causally disconnected, meaning that they could not have exchanged information since the beginning of the universe. The Inflation model solves this problem by proposing that during the inflationary period, all regions of the universe were in close proximity and could have reached thermal equilibrium, explaining the uniformity of the cosmic microwave background radiation.

What are the criticisms of the Inflation model of the universe?

One criticism of the Inflation model is that it requires the existence of a hypothetical particle, called the inflaton, which has not yet been observed. Additionally, there are different variations of the Inflation model, and some have been shown to be incompatible with certain observations. There are also ongoing debates about the duration and end of the inflationary period and the exact mechanism that drove the inflation.

How does the Inflation model relate to the Big Bang theory?

The Inflation model is a modification of the Big Bang theory, as it proposes that the universe underwent a period of rapid expansion in the very early stages, immediately after the Big Bang. This idea helps to explain some of the limitations and problems of the original Big Bang theory, such as the flatness problem and the horizon problem.

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