Infinitely many primes in every row of array

In summary, the conversation discusses an open problem about the existence of infinitely many primes in every row of a two-dimensional array of natural numbers. One approach to this problem is using Bunyakowsky's conjecture, while another involves finding a polynomial that can generate an infinitude of primes. The conversation also touches on a possible three-dimensional generalization of the array and a potential explanation for why there may only be a finite number of primes in a row.
  • #1
I asked this question on one another forum but didn't get any answer .

Consider the following array of natural numbers :

1 & 2 & 4 & 7 & 11 & 16 & 22 & 29 & \ldots \\
3 & 5 & 8 & 12 & 17 & 23 & 30 & 38 & \ldots \\
6 & 9 & 13 & 18 & 24 & 31 & 39 & 48 & \ldots \\
10 & 14 & 19 & 25 & 32 & 40 & 49 & 59 & \ldots \\
15 & 20 & 26 & 33 & 41 & 50 & 60 & 71 & \ldots \\
21 & 27 & 34 & 42 & 51 & 61 & 72 & 84 & \ldots \\
\vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots &

Question : Are there infinitely many primes in every row of this array ?

My attempt :

The nth term of the first row is given by :


[tex]\text{for}~ n=2k~\text {we have :} [/tex]
[tex]\text{and for}~ n=2k-1~\text{ we have :}[/tex]

Note that both P(k) and Q(k) are irreducible over integers .

Also note that : [tex]\gcd(P(1),P(2),\ldots)=1 ~\text{and}~ \gcd(Q(1),Q(2),\ldots)=1[/tex]

So, according to Bunyakowsky conjecture both P(k) and Q(k) generates for natural arguments infinitely many prime numbers . Therefore , if Bunyakowsky conjecture is true first row contains infinitely many primes . One can draw same conclusion for all other rows .

Is my reasoning correct ? Is there some other approach to this problem ?
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  • #2
Question : Are there infinitely many primes in every row of this array ?
This is an open problem, and as you correctly observe, it is a special case of a conjecture by Bunyakovsky (from 1857).
Is my reasoning correct ?
Is there some other approach to this problem ?
uhm... other than what? It is interesting to note that no quadratic polynomials (or higher degrees) over Z have been shown to generate an infinitude of primes.
  • #3
The two dimensional form of that formula is[tex]a_{m,n}=\frac{m^2 + n^2 + 2mn - m - 3n + 2}{2}.[/tex]A different way to approach this could be to try to prove[tex]\forall n \exists m : a_{m,n} \in P.[/tex]As opposed to the way you seem to be going about it, by proving[tex]\forall m \exists n : a_{m,n} \in P.[/tex]It would really only make the difference of changing which polynomial you're trying to prove to generate an infinitude of primes over Z. Either way, it would still require being the first to prove a polynomial can generate an infinitude of primes.
  • #4
TylerH said:
The two dimensional form of that formula is[tex]a_{m,n}=\frac{m^2 + n^2 + 2mn - m - 3n + 2}{2}.[/tex]A different way to approach this could be to try to prove[tex]\forall n \exists m : a_{m,n} \in P.[/tex]As opposed to the way you seem to be going about it, by proving[tex]\forall m \exists n : a_{m,n} \in P.[/tex]It would really only make the difference of changing which polynomial you're trying to prove to generate an infinitude of primes over Z. Either way, it would still require being the first to prove a polynomial can generate an infinitude of primes.

can you please show how you derived the 2-D formula. I am working with a similar problem where I know both formulas but cannot combine them into two. Thanks
  • #5
It wasn't too advanced, more of a hack actually. I used Wolfram|Alpha to find the generating polynomial of each row, which were all of the form [tex]m^2 + Am + B.[/tex]

A was -1, 1, 3, 5, ... and B was 2, 4, 8, 14, ...

I just used Wolfram|Alpha again to find the generating functions for A and B which where A(n)=2n-3 and B(n)=n^2-n+2. I plugged those in for A and B.

Something interesting I noticed is that B is the function for the first row of the matrix, but with row as input rather than column. This suggests that the matrix could (relatively) easily be extended to more dimensions. For example, [tex]a_{x,y,z}=\frac{x^2 + x(2y-3) + y^2 + y(2z-3) + z^2}{2}.[/tex]

I haven't actually looked at that (mainly because I'm too lazy), so I don't know for sure if it's actually a 3d generalization, but I think it works...
  • #6
can you please show how you derived the 2-D formula
In the first colomn we have the triangular numbers, m(m+1)/2. Then observe that in row m, to get the number in the next colomn, you have to add m, then you have to add m+1, m+2, and so on. So in row m, colomn n, adding m(n-1) to the formula takes care of the +m parts, and adding (n-1)(n-2)/2, the triangular number 1+2+...+n-2, will complete the formula. So the element in row m, colomn n can be written m(m-1)/2 + (n-1)(n-2)/2 + mn.

There are many ways to generalize, but if you want to place all the positive integers in a 3-dimensional array, in a similar way, you will get the tetrahedal numbers n(n+1)(n+2)/6 (= 1,4,10,20,35,...) along one of the edges, and I assume the general formula will be a cubic polynomial.
  • #7
As a possible explanation of why there may be only a finite number of primes in a given row, I haved previously determined that each term [tex]a_{m,n}[/tex] generates 2*G infinite series where G is the number of ways the value [tex]a_{m,n}[/tex] can be expressed as a product of two factors A,B. Such series being [tex]S_{1} = A, S_{2} = B, S_{n} = 6*S_{n-1} - S_{n-2} + (A+B - 2m - 2n + 3)[/tex]. within the parentheses, A and B can be each positive or each negative. These series have the property that the product of any two adjacent terms is an element of row m. With so many elements of row m being determined to be a product by infinite series in the order of twice the number of factors of all prior terms, there seems that eventually there would be little chance for prime elements.
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  • #8
ramsey2879 said:
As a possible explanation of why there may be only a finite number of primes in a given row, I haved previously determined that each term [tex]a_{m,n}[/tex] generates 2*G infinite series where G is the number of ways the value [tex]a_{m,n}[/tex] can be expressed as a product of two factors A,B. Such series being [tex]S_{1} = A, S_{2} = B, S_{n} = 6*S_{n-1} - S_{n-2} + (A+B - 2m - 2n + 3)[/tex]. within the parentheses, A and B can be each positive or each negative. These series have the property that the product of any two adjacent terms is an element of row m. With so many elements of row m being determined to be a product by infinite series in the order of twice the number of factors of all prior terms, there seems that eventually there would be little chance for prime elements.
Sorry but the recursive formula is;
[tex]S_{n} = 6*S_{n-1} - S_{n-2} + 2*(A+B-2m -2n +3)[/tex] .
I forgot the multiplication by 2 part. Also, although A and B can be either both positive or both negative, this must be consistent through out.
Example, for [tex]a_{1,3}[/tex]
S = {2,2,8,...} or {-2,-2,-28, ...} or {1,4,23,...} or {-1,-4,-43...} or {-4,-1, -22,...} or {4,1,2,...}
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Related to Infinitely many primes in every row of array

1. What is the concept of "infinitely many primes in every row of array"?

The concept refers to the idea that in an array of numbers, there will always be an infinite number of prime numbers in every row, regardless of the size or arrangement of the array.

2. How does this concept relate to prime numbers and arrays?

This concept relates to prime numbers and arrays because it suggests that no matter how an array of numbers is organized, there will always be an infinite number of prime numbers present in each row of the array.

3. Is this statement proven to be true?

No, this statement has not been proven to be true. It is a conjecture, or a proposed idea, that has not yet been proven or disproven by mathematicians.

4. What implications does this concept have in mathematics?

This concept has important implications in mathematics, particularly in the study of prime numbers and number theory. It challenges mathematicians to find a proof for this conjecture and also has potential applications in cryptography and other fields.

5. How does this concept impact our understanding of prime numbers?

This concept expands our understanding of prime numbers, suggesting that they are not only present in specific patterns or arrangements, but can also be found infinitely in any array of numbers. It also raises questions about the distribution and behavior of prime numbers in different mathematical structures.

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