In absence of air, Hydrogen reaction

In summary, the conversation discusses the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen in a vacant tube without air present. The ratio of hydrogen and oxygen is the same as that of water (2:1), but they do not produce water. The Kanzius experiment involves the production of hydrogen and oxygen, which can cause fire due to their reaction with air. However, in a vacant tube, they may produce a spark. Hydrogen peroxide can also be formed from H2 and O2 using a catalyst, and can breakdown to form water and oxygen. The conversation also mentions the use of a specific catalyst in the Kanzius experiment and an alternative method for producing hydrogen peroxide.
  • #1
What is the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen say in a vacant tube in absence of air, does it give Water, or hydrogen peroxide? and the amount of hydrogen and oxygen is the same of water ratio 2:1

In the Kanzius experiment, the hydrogen and oxygen are produced (together) and not ionized, so the hydrogen and oxygen are causing fire because of their reaction with air? and if they are the same ratio of water, why don't they give water back?

and in the same experiment, if the hydrogen and oxygen are also produced, in a vacant tube, would they produce a spark?

Thank you.​
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  • #2
H2 and O2 when burnt forms water.

Peroxide needs a catalyst to form from O2 and H2, the catalyst is an Au-Pd mix suspended in Al2O3. Peroxide can also be formed using this method

H2O2 will breakdown exothermically to make water and oxygen.Need to read up on Kanzius' experiment.
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  • #3

I can provide some insight into the reactions of hydrogen and oxygen in the absence of air. Without the presence of air, the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen will not produce water or hydrogen peroxide. This is because water and hydrogen peroxide require the presence of air (specifically, oxygen) to form.

In the Kanzius experiment, the hydrogen and oxygen are produced together and not ionized. This means that they are not in their separated forms and are not able to react with each other. In order for a reaction to occur, the hydrogen and oxygen must be in their individual forms and in the presence of air. This is why they do not produce water or hydrogen peroxide in the Kanzius experiment.

Additionally, the ratio of hydrogen and oxygen in the experiment may not be the same as the ratio in water. This is because the production of hydrogen and oxygen in the experiment is likely not a controlled process, so the ratio may vary. In order for water to be produced, the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen must be 2:1.

In regards to the production of a spark in a vacant tube, it is unlikely that a spark would be produced without the presence of air. A spark requires oxygen to sustain the reaction and without air, the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen will not occur.

Overall, it is important to understand the specific conditions and components necessary for a reaction to occur. In the absence of air, the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen will not produce water or hydrogen peroxide, and a spark will not be produced without the presence of air.

Related to In absence of air, Hydrogen reaction

What happens when Hydrogen reacts in the absence of air?

When hydrogen reacts in the absence of air, it can undergo a variety of reactions depending on the specific conditions. One common reaction is the combustion of hydrogen gas, which produces water as a byproduct. In the absence of oxygen, hydrogen gas can also react with other elements, such as carbon, to form compounds like methane.

Is it safe to handle Hydrogen in the absence of air?

While hydrogen can be safely handled in the absence of air, precautions should always be taken when working with any chemical. Hydrogen gas is highly flammable and can ignite in the presence of even small amounts of oxygen. It is important to follow proper safety protocols and use appropriate equipment when working with hydrogen in the absence of air.

What is the purpose of conducting Hydrogen reactions in the absence of air?

Conducting hydrogen reactions in the absence of air can be useful for a variety of reasons. One major reason is to control the reaction and prevent unwanted byproducts, such as oxides, from forming. It can also allow for the production of specific compounds that may not be possible under normal atmospheric conditions.

What are some potential applications of Hydrogen reactions in the absence of air?

There are many potential applications for hydrogen reactions in the absence of air. One example is in the production of ammonia, which is used as a fertilizer and in the production of other chemicals. Hydrogen reactions in the absence of air can also be used in fuel cells, where hydrogen is combined with oxygen to produce electricity without producing harmful emissions.

What are the risks associated with Hydrogen reactions in the absence of air?

While there are many potential benefits to conducting hydrogen reactions in the absence of air, there are also some risks to consider. As mentioned before, hydrogen gas is highly flammable and can be dangerous if proper safety measures are not followed. Additionally, some hydrogen reactions may produce toxic byproducts, so proper ventilation and protective gear may be necessary.

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