Importance of Archimedean Property and Density of Rationals

In summary: However if we allow a polynomial f to be compared with a positive polynomial g, by saying f is smaller than g iff |f(x)| is smaller than g(x) for all sufficiently large x, then we have a totally ordered field of quotients of polynomials, which is not archimedean, since we can't use the archimedean axiom to prove that the constant polynomial 1 is smaller than the polynomial X, since no polynomial is smaller than X.In summary, the Archimedean property is important in the real number system as it allows us to approximate real numbers arbitrarily well with rationals, making it useful in various applications, such as Euclid's use of it to define similarity for not necessarily commensurable segments.
  • #1
Mr Davis 97
With regard to the real number system, what is the importance of the Archimedean property and the property that the rationals are dense in ##\mathbb{R}## (which is a consequence of the Archimedean property)?

Related to this, what is the most general structure for which the Archimedean property holds? Is it an ordered field? If so, then why do analysis courses go through the procedure of proving it using the least upper bound property, when it can be proved in a more general way, without reference to the peculiarities of the real number system?
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  • #2
What do you mean by Archimedean property? I assume you mean the Archimedean order of the reals.
Mr Davis 97 said:
With regard to the real number system, what is the importance of the Archimedean property
It is an inherited property of the natural numbers, so the importance is, that the natural numbers are still part of the reals and that we can do geometry. This is where the name comes from: Given an origin ##P## and a unit length ##(PQ)##, then we can mark off this length as often as we reach above a given point ##R##. You don't have this in finite fields.
and the property that the rationals are dense in ##\mathbb{R}## (which is a consequence of the Archimedean property)?
No. These are two different things. As said, the natural numbers, the integers and the rationals are also Archimedean ordered.
Related to this, what is the most general structure for which the Archimedean property holds?
For fields, all subfields of ##\mathbb{R}##. In general, I'd say the additive half group ##\mathbb{N}##.
Is it an ordered field? If so, then why do analysis courses go through the procedure of proving it using the least upper bound property, when it can be proved in a more general way, without reference to the peculiarities of the real number system?
This made me think that you might have meant something different, as the ordering and completeness are different properties. E.g. the complex numbers are complete, too, but don't have an Archimedean order.
  • #3
Mr Davis 97 said:
With regard to the real number system, what is the importance of the Archimedean property and the property that the rationals are dense in ##\mathbb{R}## (which is a consequence of the Archimedean property)?

Related to this, what is the most general structure for which the Archimedean property holds? Is it an ordered field? If so, then why do analysis courses go through the procedure of proving it using the least upper bound property, when it can be proved in a more general way, without reference to the peculiarities of the real number system?
The Reals can be given a model in which the Archimedean property does not hold -- the Nonstandard Reals -- but then you lose a lot of nice properties; the Standard Reals embed in it.
  • #4
The first place I know of where the Archimedean property was used is in Euclid, Book V. He wanted to discuss similarity, or equality of ratios, for segments whose lengths were not commensurable. In order to do this he introduced the axiom now called Archimedean, and gave a limiting definition of equality of ratios for not necessarily commensurable segments. Namely two pairs of segments are in the same ratio, if and only if for every ratio of integers, their ratios are either both ≥ or both ≤ that ratio of integers. (I.e. a pair of segments are in a ratio greater than say 3/4 if when we divide the longer one into 4 equal parts, then 3 of those parts is less than the shorter one.)

I would say your observation that the axiom implies density of rationals is another manifestation of this usefulness of the axiom. I.e. just as Euclid did, we often make approximations with rationals in dealing with real numbers, and it is highly convenient. So perhaps the answer to your question is this: this axiom allows us to approximate real numbers arbitrarily well by rationals, and this is highly useful, e.g. in the first use of it by Euclid to define similarity of triangles whose sides are not in a commensurable ratio.

(There are other solutions to the problem of similarity that do not use density of rationals, e.g. one can define similarity of triangles by requiring that when placed vertex to vertex appropriately, they be inscribable in a triangle, i.e. that they be describable by a pair of intersecting lines in a circle. This is based on Euclid's Prop. III.35, but he seems not to have noticed it could be used as a substitute definition for similarity. This is interesting to me since both this proof and that of the basic similarity property for equiangular triangles, Prop. 4 in Book VI are based on area in Euclid.)

In analysis it is convenient to work with complete ordered fields. If completeness is defined by means of the least upper bound property, then all such fields are archimedean and isomorphic to the standard reals. If completeness is defined instead by the convergence of cauchy sequences, such fields can be non archimedean, and these also yield useful and interesting examples both in analysis and in geometry.

There is nothing mysterious about non archimedean orderings. E.g. we are used to polynomials which can be ordered in such a way that polynomials of higher degree are larger than those of lower degree. (Let a polynomial with real coefficients be called positive if its leading coefficient is positive. ) In particular no integer, nor any other constant, can be as great as the polynomial X. Thus 1/X is smaller than every fraction of form 1/n for a positive integer n.
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Related to Importance of Archimedean Property and Density of Rationals

1. What is the Archimedean Property?

The Archimedean Property is a mathematical concept that states that for any two positive real numbers, there exists a natural number that is greater than the first number but less than the second number. In other words, there is no largest real number.

2. Why is the Archimedean Property important?

The Archimedean Property is important because it allows us to compare and order real numbers. It also forms the basis for many important theorems and proofs in calculus and analysis.

3. What is the density of rationals?

The density of rationals refers to the fact that between any two rational numbers, there exists an infinite number of other rational numbers. In other words, the rational numbers are densely packed on the number line.

4. How is the density of rationals related to the Archimedean Property?

The density of rationals is a consequence of the Archimedean Property. Because there is no largest real number, there will always be a rational number between any two real numbers. This helps to illustrate the uncountable nature of the real numbers.

5. What are some practical applications of the Archimedean Property and density of rationals?

The Archimedean Property and density of rationals are used in various fields such as engineering, physics, and finance. They are used to model and solve problems involving real numbers, such as calculating rates of change, finding optimal solutions, and measuring quantities. They are also essential in understanding the concept of limits, which is crucial in calculus and other areas of mathematics.

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