Ideal of functions disappearing at (a_1, a_2, .... .... , a_n)

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In summary, Peter is trying to gain an understanding of the basics of elementary algebraic geometry and is reading Dummit and Foote Chapter 15: Commutative Rings and Algebraic Geometry. He needs help with understanding the analysis/proof/thinking behind the statement of Example 2 on Page 660 of D&F. Someone can help him.
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am trying to gain an understanding of the basics of elementary algebraic geometry and am reading Dummit and Foote Chapter 15: Commutative Rings and Algebraic Geometry ...

At present I am focused on Section 15.1 Noetherian Rings and Affine Algebraic Sets ... ...

I need someone to help me to fully understand the reasoning/analysis behind the statements in Example (2) on Page 660 of D&F ...

On page 660 (in Section 15.1) of D&F we find the following text and examples (I am specifically focused on Example (2)):

I need help with understanding the analysis/proof/thinking behind the statement of Example 2.

Could someone please explain the basis for the statement of Example 2 regarding the ideal \(\displaystyle I\), say, of functions vanishing on \(\displaystyle (a_1, a_2, \ ... \ ... \ , a_n) \in \mathbb{A}^n\) ... ...

Specifically, how (in what way) is \(\displaystyle I\) the kernel of a surjective ring homomorphism from \(\displaystyle k[ x_1, x_2, \ ... \ ... \ , x_n]\) to the field \(\displaystyle k\) ... what exactly is the homomorphism?

Further, why does I being the kernel of such a ring homomorphism imply that \(\displaystyle I\) is a maximal ideal? Can someone unpack this statement explaining the implication step by step ...

Hope someone can help ...

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  • #2
(fair warning : Dummit-Foote doesn't have much algebraic geometry. I'd recommend Eisenbud's book or Reid's book for learning commutative algebra with a flavor of algebraic geometry)

The surjective ring homomorphism $\psi : k[x_1, \cdots, x_n] \to k$ here is taking a polynomial $f(x_1, x_2, \cdots, x_n)$ and evaluating it at the point $(a_1, \cdots, a_n)$ to obtain the scalar $f(a_1, \cdots, a_n) \in k$. That's it.

Ideal of functions vanishing at $(a_1, \cdots, a_n) \in \Bbb A^n$ is precisely the collection of polynomials $f \in k[x_1, \cdots, x_n]$ such that $f(a_1, \cdots, a_n) = 0$. That said, it's clear that this ideal is kernel of the evaluation morphism $\psi$, and thus is a maximal ideal. (Recall that an ideal is maximal iff quotient ring is a field)
  • #3
mathbalarka said:
(fair warning : Dummit-Foote doesn't have much algebraic geometry. I'd recommend Eisenbud's book or Reid's book for learning commutative algebra with a flavor of algebraic geometry)

The surjective ring homomorphism $\psi : k[x_1, \cdots, x_n] \to k$ here is taking a polynomial $f(x_1, x_2, \cdots, x_n)$ and evaluating it at the point $(a_1, \cdots, a_n)$ to obtain the scalar $f(a_1, \cdots, a_n) \in k$. That's it.

Ideal of functions vanishing at $(a_1, \cdots, a_n) \in \Bbb A^n$ is precisely the collection of polynomials $f \in k[x_1, \cdots, x_n]$ such that $f(a_1, \cdots, a_n) = 0$. That said, it's clear that this ideal is kernel of the evaluation morphism $\psi$, and thus is a maximal ideal. (Recall that an ideal is maximal iff quotient ring is a field)

Hi Mathbalarka,

Just reflecting on what you have said ...

I do have Eisenbud's book and it looks really interesting ... but I think I need something more elementary ... just to start with anyway ...

  • #4
I do agree that Eisenbud is pretty advanced. However, if you know enough ring theory (which I think you do), you can start off with Atiyah-MacDonald and Reid's Undergraduate Commutative Algebra. Both are undergrad books, and complement each another quite well in the sense that A-M's theory is dry, but exercises are good and Reid's exercises are not-so-good, but the theory is excellent. It provides a lot of geometric intuition for a few things.
  • #5
mathbalarka said:
I do agree that Eisenbud is pretty advanced. However, if you know enough ring theory (which I think you do), you can start off with Atiyah-MacDonald and Reid's Undergraduate Commutative Algebra. Both are undergrad books, and complement each another quite well in the sense that A-M's theory is dry, but exercises are good and Reid's exercises are not-so-good, but the theory is excellent. It provides a lot of geometric intuition for a few things.
Hi Mathbalarka,

Am now referencing Reid's book on Commutative Algebra and also his book on Algebraic Geometry ... thanks for the lead to Miles Reid's books ... ...

I will try to finish the Chapter in Dummit and Foote ... because I really like D&Fs exposition of mathematics ... then work a bit with Reid's books ... and then try Eisenbud again ... ...

By the way ... thanks again on the excellent advice regarding helpful books ... ...


Related to Ideal of functions disappearing at (a_1, a_2, .... .... , a_n)

1. What does it mean for the ideal of functions to disappear at a point?

When we say that the ideal of functions disappears at a point, it means that there are no non-zero functions that vanish at that point. In other words, the ideal of functions generated by the point is trivial.

2. How is the concept of ideal of functions related to algebraic geometry?

The ideal of functions is a fundamental concept in algebraic geometry, which studies the geometric properties of solutions to polynomial equations. In this context, the ideal of functions at a point describes the algebraic structure of the functions that vanish at that point, providing important information about the geometry of the point.

3. Can the ideal of functions disappear at multiple points?

Yes, it is possible for the ideal of functions to disappear at multiple points. This occurs when there are no non-zero functions that vanish at all of the points, resulting in a trivial ideal generated by those points.

4. How does the ideal of functions disappearing at a point relate to the coordinate ring?

The ideal of functions disappearing at a point is intimately connected to the coordinate ring. In fact, the coordinate ring is the quotient of the ring of functions by the ideal of functions that disappear at that point. This relationship provides a powerful tool for studying the geometry of points.

5. Can the ideal of functions disappear at a point in higher dimensions?

Yes, the concept of ideal of functions disappearing at a point can be extended to higher dimensions. In this case, the ideal is generated by a set of points in the higher dimensional space, and it describes the structure of the functions that vanish at all of those points. This is an important concept in algebraic geometry and has many applications in modern mathematics.

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