How to Design an Airfoil for High Altitude Using XFLR5?

In summary, the person is seeking help in designing an airfoil for a high altitude aircraft with specific criteria, such as a 2,000m altitude and operating close to stall. They are using the program XFLR5 and have completed exercises on the effects of Mach number, Reynolds number, thickness, and camber. They are also trying to determine what type of values they should be looking for in regard to coefficients. The conversation also discusses the challenges of finding an airfoil that operates close to stall and the potential effects of low density air at high altitudes.
  • #1
Hey Everyone, so I have just started Aerodynamics and having completed a number of exercises I'm being asked to design an airfoil. I'm a bit outta my dept as I've transferred into this course from a diff field.

1. Homework Statement
To design an airfoil, using the knowledge you've acquired in XFLR5, according to these criteria:

-0.8 m chord
-80m/s velocity
-Not too thin
-Operates close to stall
-naca 4/5 digit
-For help look at the Lockheed U2 example

Homework Equations

Okay so the information is a bit limited, considering I'm dealing with 2D airfoil, how do I know what is required of a high altitude aircraft? I've searched google for ages but info seems limited and the books are similar.
What type of values am I looking for in regard to the coefficients.

The Attempt at a Solution

I assume that I attain Mach Number and reynolds numbers using the usual equations and so can unput that into xflr. I've already completed exercises examining the effect of mach, reynolds no.,thickness and camber in regards to four digit naca profiles.

Physics news on
  • #2
Thanks for the post! Sorry you aren't generating responses at the moment. Do you have any further information, come to any new conclusions or is it possible to reword the post?
  • #3
2000m is not considered high altitude. The U2 could fly above 21,000m, which then brings concerns over such low density air, but affected engine performance and control more than the type of airfoil (debatably).

I'm not familiar with the program you mention. Can you give more specifics into what it does, and what it requires? From the given data, the hardest part is probably going to be finding one that operates close to stall.

Definitely a good start to find density, Mach number, Reynolds, etc. Should all be fairly simple to find.
  • #4
Is 2,000 m the altitude (since 80 meters / second seems too fast for a 2 meter wing span)? "Operates close to stall" could apply to any airfoil if the amount of wing loading (weight per square meter) is high enough, but this isn't specified, and I don't know how you would specify wing loading for a 2d airfoil, so you could just choose an arbitrary angle of attack close to stall.
  • #5
for reaching out and sharing your progress in designing an airfoil using XFLR5. It's great to hear that you have already completed exercises on the effects of Mach number, Reynolds number, thickness, and camber on NACA profiles. This will definitely be helpful in designing your airfoil.

To address your concerns about the limited information and resources, it may be helpful to reach out to your instructor or fellow classmates for guidance. Additionally, you can also refer to the Lockheed U2 example for inspiration and guidance on designing an airfoil for high altitude aircraft.

As for the values you should be looking for in regard to coefficients, these will depend on the specific requirements and criteria mentioned in the homework statement. It may be helpful to use XFLR5 to simulate different airfoil designs and compare their coefficients to determine which one best meets the given criteria.

Remember, designing an airfoil requires a balance of trade-offs between different factors such as lift, drag, and stall characteristics. Keep experimenting and adjusting your design until you find the best fit for the given criteria. Good luck with your project!

Related to How to Design an Airfoil for High Altitude Using XFLR5?

1. What is XFLR5 and how does it help with airfoil design?

XFLR5 is a software program that is commonly used by engineers and scientists to design airfoils for various applications. It uses computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to simulate the behavior of airfoils in different conditions, allowing for efficient and accurate design optimization.

2. Can XFLR5 be used for both subsonic and supersonic airfoil design?

Yes, XFLR5 has the capability to design airfoils for both subsonic and supersonic speeds. It has various tools and features that can be adjusted to suit the desired design parameters for each type of airfoil.

3. How accurate are the results from XFLR5 compared to wind tunnel tests?

XFLR5 is known for its high level of accuracy in predicting the performance of airfoils. However, the accuracy may vary depending on the complexity of the design and the accuracy of the input data. It is always recommended to validate the results from XFLR5 with wind tunnel tests for a more reliable design.

4. Can XFLR5 be used for designing airfoils with complex geometries?

Yes, XFLR5 has the capability to handle airfoil designs with complex geometries, such as those used in modern aircraft wings. It has various features that allow for manipulation of different parameters to achieve the desired shape and performance.

5. Is XFLR5 user-friendly for those without a strong background in aerodynamics?

XFLR5 has a user-friendly interface, making it accessible for those without a strong background in aerodynamics. However, a basic understanding of aerodynamics is recommended to fully utilize the software and interpret the results accurately.

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