How Should Voters Choose in a Dilemma of Ethics vs. Practicality?

  • Thread starter goedelite
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In summary, a discussion on the Philosophy Forum explored the dilemma of choosing between the lesser of two evils in a presidential election. Some participants argued that it is a distraction from the real issues at hand, while others called for a discussion based on moral and ethical premises rather than political advocacy. The division within the Republican party and the need for reinvention was also mentioned. However, the thread was deemed to not meet the forum's posting requirements.
  • #1
I found a discussion on Physics Forum of utilitarianism v. deontology. The discussion is rather old, and it was not framed on the issue that baffles many voters, today: the coming presidential election. It did make reference to a hypothetical choice between Hitler and Stalin in regard to the lesser of two evils, but they are far more patent and extreme cases of evil and few US voters would find them relevant.

A great many US voters, particularly progressives, whether Democrats or independent voters, are greatly troubled by the choice that lies ahead. It is in behalf of such voters as these, among whom I am included, that I open the question for forum participants. Participants who are not included in the group I have just described need not feel their contribution is less valued. Indeed, I should like to read a discussion in which the arguments are not by political advocates and are based on explicit moral or ethical premises from which the consequences are drawn. A tall order, I think!

What do philosophers have to say about making the following choice: to vote for the re-election of a president who has already committed serious crimes or to vote for a candidate of conscience who has little chance of winning and thereby make the election of another candidate more likely, one who is possibly worse than the current president?

The above question should be taken as a hypothetical situation without reference to any real people. It is the lesser of two evils problem cast in terms of a presidential election in which there are two major parties from which the future president would undoubtedly be chosen, as well as a number of other candidates who are, for many, candidates of conscience with next to no chance of election.

I am reminded of Yogi Berra's reported aphorism: When you come to a fork in the road, take it! In this case, when you come to a presidential election, vote!
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  • #2
Debates over the lesser of two evils and the morality of candidates are a common political ploy to distract from the real issues on the table which, in this case, is the future of the republican party. For decades now republicans have been losing ground to the growing minorities in the US which favor the democrats and in recent years even young republicans have been abandoning the party and fundamentalist churches en mass. The latest projections are the party will not survive another two decades unless it radically reinvents itself.

Hence the division of the republican party with the rise of the Tea Party and all the screaming and yelling and gnashing of teeth on the far right as a way of life slowly dies with them. It isn't the first time American politics have had to reinvent themselves and I'm sure it won't be the last, but the sooner we get this over with in my opinion the better for everyone concerned. Either the republican party radically reinvents itself or it will be replaced with something else. It has come to symbolize old money, old values, and now old people from a generation many hold responsible for the current economic crisis.
  • #3
Thanks wuliheron for sharing your thoughts, but I had hoped for:
" I should like to read a discussion in which the arguments are not by political advocates and are based on explicit moral or ethical premises from which the consequences are drawn. "
  • #4
Sorry, this thread does not meet the minimum requirements to post in this section. Please be sure to read both sets of rules stickied at the top of the Philosophy forum. Rules must be followed when posting.
  • #5

I believe it is important to approach this question with logical and critical thinking. Utilitarianism and deontology are both ethical frameworks that can be applied to this situation, but it is ultimately up to the individual to decide which perspective they align with and how they will make their decision based on that perspective.

Utilitarianism focuses on the greatest good for the greatest number of people. In this case, some may argue that voting for the lesser of two evils, even if it means re-electing a president who has committed serious crimes, is the best course of action because it will prevent a potentially worse candidate from coming into power. This decision may be seen as a utilitarian approach because it prioritizes the well-being of the majority of people, even if it means compromising on ethical principles.

On the other hand, deontology focuses on the moral duty and principles that guide our actions. In this case, some may argue that voting for a candidate of conscience, regardless of their chances of winning, is the right thing to do because it aligns with their moral principles. This approach may not have a direct impact on the outcome of the election, but it upholds one's personal values and beliefs.

Ultimately, the decision on how to vote in this situation is a personal one and will depend on each individual's ethical framework and values. However, it is important for voters to carefully consider the consequences of their vote and to educate themselves on the candidates and their policies. I believe in the power of critical thinking and informed decision making, and I encourage all voters to approach this decision with the same mindset.

Related to How Should Voters Choose in a Dilemma of Ethics vs. Practicality?

1. What does "a cogent question for voters" mean?

"A cogent question for voters" refers to a well-thought-out and logical question that is relevant to the voting process and can help voters make informed decisions.

2. How do you determine if a question is cogent for voters?

A cogent question for voters should be clear, unbiased, and based on factual information. It should also address a significant issue that is important to voters.

3. Why is it important for voters to have cogent questions?

Voters often have limited time and resources to research and understand complex political issues. Cogent questions can help them cut through the noise and focus on the most essential information to make informed decisions.

4. Can you provide an example of a cogent question for voters?

One example of a cogent question for voters could be: "How will the proposed tax reform plan impact the middle class and low-income families?" This question addresses a significant issue and requires factual information to answer, making it a valuable question for voters to consider.

5. How can scientists contribute to creating cogent questions for voters?

Scientists can play a crucial role in helping voters by providing evidence-based information to support questions and identify critical issues that affect society. They can also use their expertise to fact-check and verify the accuracy of information related to voting issues.

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