How Is Neutrino Flux Calculated Through Earth?

In summary, the neutrino flux through a cm^2 on Earth is 6.24x1057. This number is much larger than I would expect, coming from all the stars in the universe.
  • #1
Darth Tader
EDIT: I apologize for not noticing this earlier, but I realize this should be in the HW/Coursework section of the forum. If possible, would someone be able to move it over for me? Again, sorry for my error and any trouble/confusion.

I would like some help calculating the flux of neutrinos through the Earth.

I am given the energy released in neutrinos, 10 x 1053 erg, and the mean energy 10MeV per neutrino. I am asked how many pass through a cm^2.

I know...
• Flux = N/(At) = E/(At) * N/E
• 1053 erg = 6.24 x 1064 eV, which leads to...
• 6.24x1057 neutrinos.

I'm feeling lost on the next step as I believe I need the energy that passes through some area on Earth, but I'm not sure. It seems to simple and wrong to simply divide # of neutrinos by (1 x 10^-4 m)*s

Thanks for your help.
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  • #2
Only a tiny fraction of those neutrinos will hit a specific cm^2. Where do the neutrinos come from? Can you find some closed surface where those neutrinos will flow through (with the same rate everywhere)?

It is strange that the problem statement does not give erg/s, so it might be integrated over the whole lifetime. The number is larger than I would expect, however. Well, the average neutrino energy is wrong, too.
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  • #3
Considering that the energy output of the sun is ~3.86e33 ergs/sec, then the 1053 ergs (I think that it should be erg/s as to which mfb alluded), must represent lots of stars, and at 20 orders of magnitude, it would be from all stellar objects in the universe.

One has the number of neutrinos coming at the Earth from all directions and they must pass through the surface (projected surface) in all directions.

It's similar to how neutron flux is calculated at point in a nuclear reactor.
  • #4
Sorry for the confusion, I should have posted the entirety of the question.

The question does say 1053 erg, but it does make more sense to believe it means erg/s. I will post the full question though to try to alleviate any questions:

This problem considers the neutrino burst generated by SN1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) at a distance of 50kpc.

a. If 1053 erg were released in neutrinos of mean energy 10Mev each, how many neutrinos passed throiugh a square centimeter on Earth?

b. For neutrino energies much less than 1 GeV, the cross section for scattering off of a nucleon is

σ\nu = σ0(Ev / mec3)

where σ0 = 1.76 x 10-44 cm2

and Gf is Fermi's constant. Show that the mean free path for neutrino scattering in matter with density ρ is

l/nu = (2 x 105 cm) (E/nu / 10MeV)-2 (p / 1012 g cm-3)-1

c. If the neutrinos perform a random walk out of the proto-neutron star at the center of the supernova explosion, the time to diffuse a radial distance, R, is given by

tdiff = [itex]\frac{R*R}{l(nu)c}[/itex]Show that for a uniform density sphere of mass 1.4 M[itex]\odot[/itex] the time for a neutrino to escape is

tdiff = (1.0 x 10-2 s)(ρ/1012gcm-2)1/3(E[itex]\nu[/itex]/10MeV)2

Evaluate this time for a typical (proto-) neutron star density of 1.0 x 1015 g cm-3 and a neutrino energy of 20 MeV.

I don't expect much/any help on b) and c) as I have not shown any work on them. But I am unlear on them in general, so a slight push in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

Does this help clear up any problems you may have had with part a) originally?

EDIT: I've worked out that the mean free path is equal to [itex]\frac{m}{ρσ}[/itex] where m = mp, but I am lost on how the problem makes the leap to their mean free path value. I then calculated σ/nu and got [itex]\frac{1}{ρ}[/itex] (2.59 x 10-14 kg/m2. This just seems wrong to me, but I'm not sure where I've made an incorrect calculation.

As for part c), I have solved the second part of the question and determined a tdiff = 0.4 seconds. For the first part of c), am I just plugging in the l[itex]\nu[/itex] equation into the tdiff one? I seem to be missing terms when I do this.

Thanks again Astronuc and mfb, I really appreciate the help.
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  • #5
1053 erg is the total energy released (as neutrinos) in the whole supernova then. That is fine. The given distance is important.

I don't understand what you did at (b). I think you skipped some steps in the explanation, so it is hard to follow.

For the first part of c: Use your result of (b). You have to find a relation between the stellar radius and its density, too.
  • #6
I am sorry for the ambiguity in (b), I will post my steps here.

The mass a 1m by 1m by 1m cube is M = ρV = ρ(1 m3)
So, the number of nucleons in this cube = # nucleons m-3, N = M/mp = ρ/mp
Note: I followed someone's steps for the above calculations, here is their note:
For simplicity, let's say that the mass of a proton is equal to the mass of a neutron, and let's also ignore the mass of the electrons in the cube. With these assumptions, the number of nucleons in this cube of material is simply the mass of the cube divided by the mass of a proton.

By the above equation, Volume/nucleon = VN = mp

So, if the neutrino travels far enough, it will sweep out a volume equal to the typical volume occupied by one proton or neutron, and thus interact with the matter. We can therefore compute the typical distance the neutrino must travel before interacting L.

So, VS = VN
So, Lσ = mp
Finally, L = mp/ρσ

My result in the above (b) I found by using the given σ[itex]\nu[/itex] equation using the given σ0 and E[itex]\nu[/itex] = 10 MeV (I chose this because I assumed E[itex]\nu[/itex] was referring to the energy per neutrino.
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Related to How Is Neutrino Flux Calculated Through Earth?

What are neutrinos?

Neutrinos are subatomic particles that have very little mass and no electric charge. They are one of the fundamental particles that make up the universe, and are created in a variety of processes such as nuclear reactions and cosmic rays.

How do neutrinos pass through Earth?

Neutrinos are able to pass through Earth because they have very little mass and are electrically neutral. This means they are not affected by the electromagnetic forces that would interact with other particles. They are able to travel through matter almost completely undisturbed.

What is neutrino flux?

Neutrino flux is a measure of the number of neutrinos passing through a unit area per unit time. It is typically measured in units of neutrinos per square centimeter per second. This measurement is important in understanding the properties and behavior of neutrinos.

How is neutrino flux through Earth measured?

Neutrino flux through Earth is measured using specialized detectors that are designed to detect the interactions of neutrinos with matter. These detectors are typically located deep underground to shield them from other particles and background noise. They can also be placed in the path of a neutrino beam, such as those produced by accelerators, to measure the flux directly.

Why is studying neutrino flux through Earth important?

Studying neutrino flux through Earth can provide valuable insights into the properties of neutrinos and their interactions with matter. It can also help us understand the origins and behavior of these elusive particles, and contribute to our understanding of the universe and its evolution.

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