How does Lorentz invariance help evaluate tensor integrals?

In summary, the goal is to reduce the tensor integral ##\int {\frac{{{d^4}k}}{{{{\left( {2\pi } \right)}^4}}}} \frac{{{k^\mu }{k^\nu }}}{{{{\left( {{k^2} - {\Delta ^2}} \right)}^n}}}{\rm{ }}## to a scalar integral by using the fact that it is proportional to ##g^{\mu \nu}## and then replacing ##k^{\mu}k^{\nu}## with ##\frac{1}{4}k^2g^{\mu \nu}##. This is because there are no other constant symmetric 2-tensors
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
In evaluating a single loop diagram in the photon self-energy we get (among other things) a 2nd rank tensor integral (see Schwartz Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model p. 830 Appendix B.3.4). We want to reduce this integral to a scalar integral and we're told that to do this "it must be proportional to the only tensor around, gµν." Why not some other tensor?
We're trying to reduce the tensor integral ##\int {\frac{{{d^4}k}}{{{{\left( {2\pi } \right)}^4}}}} \frac{{{k^\mu }{k^\nu }}}{{{{\left( {{k^2} - {\Delta ^2}} \right)}^n}}}{\rm{ }}## to a scalar integral (where ##{{\Delta ^2}}## is a scalar). We're told that the tensor integral is proportional to ##{g^{\mu \nu }}##, so we have:
##C{g^{\mu \nu }} = \int {\frac{{{d^4}k}}{{{{\left( {2\pi } \right)}^4}}}} \frac{{{k^\mu }{k^\nu }}}{{{{\left( {{k^2} - {\Delta ^2}} \right)}^n}}}##. Now we can turn the original integral into a scalar integral:
##C{g^{\mu \nu }}{g_{\mu \nu }} = {g_{\mu \nu }}\int {\frac{{{d^4}k}}{{{{\left( {2\pi } \right)}^4}}}} \frac{{{k^\mu }{k^\nu }}}{{{{\left( {{k^2} - {\Delta ^2}} \right)}^n}}} = \int {\frac{{{d^4}k}}{{{{\left( {2\pi } \right)}^4}}}} \frac{{{k_\nu }{k^\nu }}}{{{{\left( {{k^2} - {\Delta ^2}} \right)}^n}}} = \int {\frac{{{d^4}k}}{{{{\left( {2\pi } \right)}^4}}}} \frac{{{k^2}}}{{{{\left( {{k^2} - {\Delta ^2}} \right)}^n}}}##
##C = \frac{1}{4}\int {\frac{{{d^4}k}}{{{{\left( {2\pi } \right)}^4}}}} \frac{{{k^2}}}{{{{\left( {{k^2} - {\Delta ^2}} \right)}^n}}}##
##\int {\frac{{{d^4}k}}{{{{\left( {2\pi } \right)}^4}}}} \frac{{{k^\mu }{k^\nu }}}{{{{\left( {{k^2} - {\Delta ^2}} \right)}^n}}} = C{g^{\mu \nu }} = {g^{\mu \nu }}\frac{1}{4}\int {\frac{{{d^4}k}}{{{{\left( {2\pi } \right)}^4}}}} \frac{{{k^2}}}{{{{\left( {{k^2} - {\Delta ^2}} \right)}^n}}}##
It all works out very nicely, but if all we're after is Lorentz covariance what gives us the right to pick the one tensor (##{g^{\mu\nu}}##) that doesn't change under a Lorentz transformation when any old tensor would give us Lorentz covariance. What does Schwartz mean when he says it's the only one around?
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  • #2
Well, how many rank-2 tensors do you know which are symmetric (!) in the indices mu and nu? Can you give some examples?

So, all Schwarz is saying, is

k^{\mu}k^{\nu} = C g^{\mu\nu}

for some constant C, which can be derived by contracting both sides with the metric:

k^{\mu}k^{\nu}g_{\mu\nu} = C g^{\mu\nu}g_{\mu\nu} \rightarrow k^2 = 4C \rightarrow C = \frac{1}{4}k^2

In the beginning, this seems like intuive guess work, but after a while, you kinda know which tensors are around and more comfortable to make these kinds of lucky guesses.

Maybe this topic has a better place in the high energy subforum, btw.
  • #3
Thanks for reply. I think I understand what you're saying, but I'd like to be sure.
What Schwartz says is "Since the integral is a tensor under Lorentz transformations but only depends on the scalar Δ, it must be proportional to the only tensor around, gμν." I interpreted that statement to mean that the tensor integral is proportional to the metric tensor, ##C{g^{\mu \nu }} = \int {\frac{{{d^4}k}}{{{{\left( {2\pi } \right)}^4}}}} \frac{{{k^\mu }{k^\nu }}}{{{{\left( {{k^2} - {\Delta ^2}} \right)}^n}}}##. Looking it that way I wasn't clear on why he picked the metric tensor, but you're saying that's not the easiest way to look at it. What I should do is recognize the equality ##{k^\mu }{k^\nu } = \frac{1}{4}{k^2}{g^{\mu \nu }}## that you derived above and replace the ##{{k^\mu }{k^\nu }}## with ##\frac{1}{4}{k^2}{g^{\mu \nu }}## in the integrand of ##\int {\frac{{{d^4}k}}{{{{\left( {2\pi } \right)}^4}}}} \frac{{{k^\mu }{k^\nu }}}{{{{\left( {{k^2} - {\Delta ^2}} \right)}^n}}}##. In this case there's no question of why the ##{g^{\mu \nu }}## entered the calculation. Did I get it right?
  • #4
The integrals appearing in the Feynman rules can be traced back to the scalar one
$$I(p)=\int_{\mathbb{R}^4} \frac{\mathrm{d}^4 p}{(2 \pi)^4} \frac{1}{(m^2-k^2-2p \cdot k -\mathrm{i} 0^+)^{\alpha}}.$$
You get all kinds of tensor integrals by taking partial derivatives with respect to ##p^{\mu}##. Above I used the west-coast convention of the metric, ##(\eta_{\mu \nu})=\mathrm{diag}(1,-1,-1,-1)##.

For details of the calculation, see p. 145 ff of
There everything is calculated in dimensionally regularized form for convenience.
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  • #5
gjj said:
Thanks for reply. I think I understand what you're saying, but I'd like to be sure.
What Schwartz says is "Since the integral is a tensor under Lorentz transformations but only depends on the scalar Δ, it must be proportional to the only tensor around, gμν." I interpreted that statement to mean that the tensor integral is proportional to the metric tensor, ##C{g^{\mu \nu }} = \int {\frac{{{d^4}k}}{{{{\left( {2\pi } \right)}^4}}}} \frac{{{k^\mu }{k^\nu }}}{{{{\left( {{k^2} - {\Delta ^2}} \right)}^n}}}##. Looking it that way I wasn't clear on why he picked the metric tensor, but you're saying that's not the easiest way to look at it. What I should do is recognize the equality ##{k^\mu }{k^\nu } = \frac{1}{4}{k^2}{g^{\mu \nu }}## that you derived above and replace the ##{{k^\mu }{k^\nu }}## with ##\frac{1}{4}{k^2}{g^{\mu \nu }}## in the integrand of ##\int {\frac{{{d^4}k}}{{{{\left( {2\pi } \right)}^4}}}} \frac{{{k^\mu }{k^\nu }}}{{{{\left( {{k^2} - {\Delta ^2}} \right)}^n}}}##. In this case there's no question of why the ##{g^{\mu \nu }}## entered the calculation. Did I get it right?
Yes, because there are "no other constant symmetric 2-tensors around" :)

Related to How does Lorentz invariance help evaluate tensor integrals?

1. How does Lorentz invariance affect tensor integrals?

Lorentz invariance is a fundamental principle in physics that states that the laws of physics should remain the same for all observers moving at a constant velocity. This principle is essential in evaluating tensor integrals because it ensures that the results of these integrals are independent of the reference frame used.

2. Why is Lorentz invariance important in evaluating tensor integrals?

Tensor integrals involve quantities that are sensitive to the direction of motion, such as momentum and energy. Lorentz invariance guarantees that these integrals will give consistent results regardless of the observer's frame of reference, making it a crucial tool in theoretical physics.

3. How does Lorentz invariance simplify the evaluation of tensor integrals?

By ensuring that the results of tensor integrals are independent of the reference frame, Lorentz invariance allows us to choose a convenient frame of reference for the calculation. This simplifies the math and makes it easier to obtain accurate and consistent results.

4. Can Lorentz invariance be violated in tensor integrals?

No, Lorentz invariance is a fundamental principle of physics that has been extensively tested and has never been found to be violated. Therefore, it is assumed to hold true in all physical processes, including the evaluation of tensor integrals.

5. Are there any practical applications of Lorentz invariance in tensor integrals?

Yes, Lorentz invariance has many practical applications in various fields of physics, such as particle physics, cosmology, and relativity. It is used to calculate physical quantities, such as cross-sections and decay rates, and to test the validity of theoretical models and predictions.

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