How Do You Convert a PDF to a CDF Using Integration?

  • Thread starter semidevil
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In summary, the conversation discusses the process of converting a PDF to a CDF and the confusion surrounding it. The book uses integration to find the CDF values for different intervals of the function. The approach is to calculate the integral from -infinity to the given value of y for each interval of the function. This is done because the PDF is defined in different parts.
  • #1
I"m not understanding CDF...

My textbook doesn't seem to give enough information on it.

I"m not understanding what do to when involved with CDFs in general.

So if I want to convert a pdf to cdf, given a function
fy(Y) =

0 for y <0
2y for 0 <= y <= 1/2
6 - 6y for 1/2 < y <= 1
0 for y > 1

so the book does this:
for 0 <= y <= 1/2, it integrates (0 dt from -infinite to 0) + the integeral of (2dt from 0 to y).

answer is y^2.

then, for 1/2 < y <= 1, it does the integeral of 0dt from -infinite to 0,+ the integeral of 2dt from 0 to 1/2dt, + the integeral of 6 - 6t from 1/2 to y.

answer is 6y - 3y^2 - 2.

and y > 1, = 1.

so we get the new cdf.

the book doesn't give any explanation of what it did. So what just happened here? how did they do all that just by looking at the function? why did they integrate from - infinite of 0, and then from 0 to y, and then 0 to 1/2.

well, you get my point...I don't know how to approach those problems..
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  • #2
Given a PDF, f, the associated CDF is usually F(k):= P(X<k), which is exactly the integral from -inf to k of f. They split F into several parts in this example because the PDF is defined in several parts.
  • #3

First of all, I can understand your frustration with not being able to fully grasp the concept of CDF (Cumulative Distribution Function). It can be a complex topic to understand, especially if your textbook doesn't provide enough explanation or examples.

Let me try to break it down for you. CDF is a function that represents the probability that a random variable will take on a value less than or equal to a specific value. In simpler terms, it tells you the likelihood of a certain event occurring within a given range.

In your example, you are given a probability density function (pdf) fy(Y) which gives the probability of a random variable Y taking on a certain value. To convert this pdf to a CDF, you need to integrate the pdf from negative infinity to the point you are interested in. In your case, you are interested in finding the CDF for values 0 <= y <= 1/2, 1/2 < y <= 1, and y > 1.

For 0 <= y <= 1/2, the CDF is the integral of the pdf from negative infinity to 0, which is 0, plus the integral from 0 to y. This is because the probability of Y taking on values less than 0 is 0, and the probability of Y taking on values between 0 and y is given by the integral of the pdf from 0 to y.

Similarly, for 1/2 < y <= 1, the CDF is the integral of the pdf from negative infinity to 0, which is 0, plus the integral from 0 to 1/2, plus the integral from 1/2 to y. This is because the probability of Y taking on values less than 0 is 0, the probability of Y taking on values between 0 and 1/2 is given by the integral of the pdf from 0 to 1/2, and the probability of Y taking on values between 1/2 and y is given by the integral of the pdf from 1/2 to y.

Finally, for y > 1, the CDF is simply 1, as the probability of Y taking on values greater than 1 is 0.

To summarize, the CDF is calculated by integrating the pdf from negative infinity to the point of interest, and adding the integrals of any ranges that fall within that point.

Related to How Do You Convert a PDF to a CDF Using Integration?

What is CDF and why is it important in science?

CDF stands for cumulative distribution function, and it is a mathematical concept that describes the probability of a random variable being less than or equal to a certain value. It is important in science because it allows us to model and analyze real-world phenomena and make predictions based on data.

How is CDF related to PDF?

CDF and PDF (probability density function) are two different ways of representing the same data. CDF shows the cumulative probability of a random variable, while PDF shows the probability of the random variable taking on a specific value. CDF is the integral of PDF, and they are both useful in different situations.

How do you calculate CDF?

To calculate CDF, you need to first have a set of data and then plot a graph with the x-axis representing the values of the random variable and the y-axis representing the cumulative probability. Then, you can use the formula P(X≤x) = ∫PDF(x)dx to find the cumulative probability for a given value of x.

What is the difference between discrete and continuous CDF?

Discrete CDF is used when the random variable can only take on a finite or countably infinite number of values, while continuous CDF is used when the random variable can take on any value within a certain range. This difference affects the shape of the CDF and the way it is calculated.

How is CDF used in hypothesis testing?

CDF is used in hypothesis testing to determine the probability of obtaining a certain result or more extreme results if the null hypothesis is true. This allows scientists to make informed decisions about whether to reject or accept the null hypothesis based on the level of significance and the CDF value.

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