How do u like Electrical Engineering

In summary, the conversation discusses the career prospects of becoming an electrical engineer, including job satisfaction, salary expectations, and the possibility of starting one's own company. There is also a debate between choosing electrical engineering or computer engineering, with some arguing that EE requires complicated mathematics while others believe it offers more interesting work. The conversation also touches on the idea of specializing in computer electronics within the field of electrical engineering. Additionally, there is a mention of someone training as an integrated avionics systems technician and their confusion about the field of electrical engineering. Finally, a student studying electronics and communications engineering shares their love for the field and the satisfaction of seeing their ideas come to life.
  • #1
Tom McCurdy
I am thinking of becomming an electrical engineer and was wondering how everyone liked there job

what kind of job do they have exactly
and maybe what one could exspect for a salary in this field
Engineering news on
  • #2
As far as jobs go, being a EE is pretty good. It's a desk job, and you get to apply your mind. If you like tinkering with things, you'll love being a EE. You can work on practically anything -- electronics and computer technology are involved in the manufacture of everything. Your salary will be upper-middle class. You'll never get stinking rich on an engineering salary, but you'll never have to worry about paying your bills, either.

- Warren
  • #3
is it common for people to do ee and business and open their own company?
  • #4
Also are business classes really that usefull in college?
  • #5
Tom McCurdy said:
Also are business classes really that usefull in college?

Only if you want to make some real money. :smile:
  • #6
I meant to say do you think that it would be essential to take business classes to a degree standpoint to start a sucessful buisneess after doing ee.
  • #7
I'd be thinking 'PE' following EE, especially if you want your own business.

good luck
  • #8
Just noticed this thread...

I love EE and I love being an EE.

Most of the work I do is related to radar and I work mainly in electromagnetic related stuff...

Great fun and very interesting. As far as tinkering goes...EE is a great field for that if you are willing to put some effort into learning from your mistakes.
  • #9
i have a relating question... my friend was studying electrical when he figured out that computer engineering is better for him.. he says that EE requires a lot of complicated mathematical derivations and integrations... he told me that all the interesting stuff like programming and logical mathematics are available if he studies computer... i gave it a thought since I'm concerned about this: (EE or Computer?)
some people told me that electronics and communications is a good field from all sides: job, salary and scientifical degrees. well, i want them all and especially the degrees, because i believe that i can't be a proffesional without them as I've seen so many people got many of those. see, my friend told me that for example EEs manufacture circuits pointlessly, while Computer Es programme those cicuits to make a's my problem, i want a field that i can study programming specifically and not based on those complicated mathematics... could it be computer or EE?
i hear that i can study electrical THEN i can specialize in something like Computer Electronics field, is that right? if yes, then tell me more about those please because I'm confused and i can't decide without asking people who are involved.
  • #10
Hello, I will be trained as integrated avionics systems in the U.S airforce . I am currently enroll in College. I lke to be computer programmer. when I search for jobs, most jobs are being offered if I have Electronic Engineer background. I frankly acknowledge I have no ideas what EE is. Could you guy tell me EE is real hard to study. And what exactly I need to study to become a good integrated avionic systems technician. Thank you
  • #11
INteresting thread... I am an electronics and communications engineering student now doing my thesis... though its not exactly the same as EE, we do have a lot of similarities... the only difference is that we delve into communications as well... and i have to say, i love my field... makes me feel like I am an inventor... especially after making an idea materialize into something concrete...

Related to How do u like Electrical Engineering

1. What is Electrical Engineering?

Electrical Engineering is a field of study that involves the design, development, and maintenance of electrical systems and devices. It encompasses a wide range of topics, including electronics, power systems, telecommunications, and signal processing.

2. What skills are required for Electrical Engineering?

Some of the key skills required for Electrical Engineering include strong mathematical and analytical abilities, problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and attention to detail. It is also helpful to have knowledge of computer programming and circuit design.

3. What career opportunities are available in Electrical Engineering?

Electrical Engineering offers a variety of career opportunities in various industries, such as power generation and distribution, telecommunications, electronics, and renewable energy. Some common job titles include electrical engineer, electronics engineer, power systems engineer, and telecommunications engineer.

4. Is Electrical Engineering a difficult major?

Electrical Engineering can be a challenging major, as it requires a strong foundation in math and science. However, with dedication and hard work, it is definitely achievable. Many universities also offer support resources, such as tutoring and study groups, to help students succeed in this field.

5. How do I know if Electrical Engineering is the right career path for me?

If you are interested in working with technology, solving complex problems, and making a positive impact on society, then Electrical Engineering may be the right career path for you. It is also important to have a passion for learning and keeping up with advancements in the field.

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