How Do Crash Dummies Help Us Understand Car Safety Physics?

In summary: The question asks for the size of the average force, so the sign of the force does not matter. Try to solve the problem without assuming a sign for the force. The final answer should be a positive value.In summary, the problem involves a set of crash tests where a test car moving at a speed of 11.2 m/s (25 mi/hr) crashes into a solid wall. A 57.0 kg (126lbs) dummy, secured by an advanced seat belt system, is found to move 0.750 m from the moment the car touches the wall to the time it is stopped. The task is to calculate the size of the average force acting on the dummy during that time and the average acceleration in g's (
  • #1

Homework Statement

a. A set of crash tests consists of running a test car moving at a speed of 11.2 m/s (25 mi/hr) into a solid wall. Strapped securely in an advanced seat belt system, a 57.0 kg (126lbs) dummy is found to move a distance of 0.750 m from the moment the car touches the wall to the time the car is stopped. Calculate the size of the average force which acts on the dummy during that time.

b. Using the direction of motion as the positive direction, calculate the average acceleration of the dummy during that time (in g's, with 1g=9.81m/s2).

c.In a different car, the distance the dummy moves while being stopped is reduced from 0.750 m to 0.250 m, calculate the average force on the dummy as that car stops.

Homework Equations

w=force x distance
Impulse=Favg x t

The Attempt at a Solution

i tried solving the first part using momentum:
pf-pi=Favg x t
but that didnt work

I also tried using teh kinetic energy equation
f x d = 1/2mv^2
But this also didnt work..

I don't know hat I am doing wrong and i can seem to find anyother way of solving this problem.
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  • #3
The only thing you need to calculate the force is time. I think you might have to use some kinematic equations for that part, assuming that the dummy underwent constant acceleration.
  • #4
MissBisson said:
A set of crash tests consists of running a test car moving at a speed of 11.2 m/s (25 mi/hr) into a solid wall. Strapped securely in an advanced seat belt system, a 57.0 kg (126lbs) dummy is found to move a distance of 0.750 m from the moment the car touches the wall to the time the car is stopped. Calculate the size of the average force which acts on the dummy during that time.
Soapbox: This is a flawed question. Average acceleration is defined as change in velocity divided by change in time: ##\Delta v/\Delta t##. Ergo, average force is change in momentum divided by change in time: ##\Delta p/\Delta t##. There is insufficient information to calculate that. You can calculate an "average over distance" from change in energy and displacement, but that's different from the standard meaning of average force.
As sam400 writes, to answer the question as posed you need to make some assumption about the pattern of deceleration. This will depend on the crumple characteristics of the vehicle. If it is constant deceleration then the average over distance happens to give the same answer, but more likely the deceleration will increase from 0 steadily up to a maximum before becoming approximately constant.
  • #5
Okay so i had done is this:
Try 1:
1/2mv^2 = F x d
1/2(57)(11.2)^2 = F x (0.75)
This gave me F = 4766.72N and since it acts on the dummie it is -4766.72N but this was wrong

Try 2:
Pi=mv = 57 x 11.2 = 638.4kgm/s
i found that it takes 0.0669seconds for the dummie to travel 0.75m using proportions with the velocity
Impulse = Favg x t
638.4 = Favg x 0.0669 Favg = 9533.44 and again i put negative so -9533.44N but this was also wrong.

Try 3:
a = dv/dt
a= 0-11.2/0.0669-0
F=-9542N This didnt work

Try 4:
vf^2=vi^2 +2a(xf-xi)
0=(11.2)^2 + 2a(0.75) a = 86.63m/s^2
F=(57)(86.63) = 4766N which i had already entered and was wrong..
  • #6
The impulse of the dummy will be a negative one, so I feel it might be a sign related problem. If it's something online, it could be significant figure related too, unless the system let's you know about how close the value is from it.
  • #7
It tells me the amount of significant figures i need and i always enter the negative answer. when i input my answer it tell me this:

The force that acts on the dummy has to do (negative) work on the dummy. It must slow the dummy and stop it. Thus the amount of work equals the kinetic energy of the dummy. From the equation of work done by a force we can calculate that force.

Maybe this will help..
  • #8
MissBisson said:
This gave me F = 4766.72N and since it acts on the dummie it is -4766.72N but this was wrong
How does the question specify the number of sig figs required of your answer?
  • #9
MissBisson said:
Okay so i had done is this:
Try 1:
1/2mv^2 = F x d
1/2(57)(11.2)^2 = F x (0.75)
This gave me F = 4766.72N and since it acts on the dummie it is -4766.72N but this was wrong

Try 4:
vf^2=vi^2 +2a(xf-xi)
0=(11.2)^2 + 2a(0.75) a = 86.63m/s^2
F=(57)(86.63) = 4766N which i had already entered and was wrong..
In try 1 you entered -4766.72N, but now you have the positive version. Did you try both?
I see no reason to enter a negative value here. You are not asked for the work done. The force could be positive or negative depending on which direction you take as positive, and the question does not specify that.
If you take the direction of movement of the car as positive then the displacement is positive and the force negative, giving negative work.
If you take the direction of movement of the car as negative then the displacement is negative and the force positive, giving negative work
MissBisson said:
It tells me the amount of significant figures i need
And it specifies 6? But your conversions from lbs and miles were not that accurate. Only the first two digits of your answer are correct.

Related to How Do Crash Dummies Help Us Understand Car Safety Physics?

1. What is the purpose of studying crash dummies in physics?

The purpose of studying crash dummies in physics is to understand the effects of force and impact on the human body during accidents and collisions. This allows researchers to develop safety measures and improve vehicle designs to reduce the risk of injuries and fatalities in real-life scenarios.

2. How are crash dummies used in physics experiments?

Crash dummies are designed to mimic the human body and have sensors that measure the forces and impacts experienced during collisions. These dummies are placed in vehicles or crash test environments and subjected to different scenarios to collect data that can be analyzed to improve safety measures and vehicle designs.

3. What types of data can be collected from crash dummy experiments?

Data collected from crash dummy experiments can include acceleration, deceleration, force of impact, and strain on different parts of the body. This data can be used to calculate injury risk and determine the effectiveness of safety measures.

4. How have crash dummies contributed to advancements in vehicle safety?

Crash dummies have played a significant role in the development of vehicle safety features such as seatbelts, airbags, and crumple zones. By analyzing data collected from crash dummy experiments, researchers can identify areas of the body that are most vulnerable during accidents and design safety measures to protect them.

5. Are crash dummies still used in modern physics research?

Yes, crash dummies are still widely used in modern physics research to study the effects of collisions and impacts on the human body. With advancements in technology, these dummies are becoming more sophisticated and can provide more accurate and detailed data, making them an essential tool in improving vehicle safety.

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