How Do American Policies Impact Canadian Trade and Healthcare?

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  • Thread starter Dooga Blackrazor
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In summary, the conversation discusses the issue of the Bush Administration wanting to disallow Canadian prescription drugs in order to benefit American drug companies. However, it is argued that it would be more efficient and cost-effective for the US to accept Canadian drugs due to Canada's national health care system. The topic of Canadian beef being banned from the US is also brought up, with speculation on whether it is a retaliatory measure for Canada not joining the US in Iraq. The conversation also mentions the trade issues between the two countries such as the softwood lumber dilemma and competition in the steel industry.
  • #1
Dooga Blackrazor
What are everyones thoughts on this issue? The Bush Administration wants to disallow Canadian perscription drugs to make American drug companies more profitable - or atleast "check" all Canadian drugs before they enter the States.

Canada has a national health care system. Wouldn't it save time an money for the U.S to just accept Canadian drugs?

Also, Canadian beef - is it still banned from the States? Is it implicit attack against Canada for not going to Iraq (or atleast supporting the U.S openly)? Or, is the beef really considered a threat?

I'm bringing this up because I heard something funny. A Canadian citizen in my town had their hamburger taken at the border, and another person lost their pizza.
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  • #2
The drug thing is a combination of safety and protectionism. We are a sue happy bunch that loves to be rich.

Bringing any food across the board often brings certain measures. Canada's madcow outbreak (buwahaha, like 3 cows were diagnosed) requires us to take measures. To my knowledge, that ban has been lifted. Likewise when we had an incident, Japan and others blocked our beef...for good reason too (after England got it handed to 'em in the years past by madcow disease).

There's no Canadian attack for not joining in Iraq. You guys did after all HAPPEN to put some of your navy in the area to do patrols that just HAPPEN to be beneficial to us (although my Canadian friends tell me I'm off my rocker for believing this to have any political merit). You guys also sent money for the reconstruction, thanks.

If you want to look at true trade issues between the two countries, look at the softwood lumber dillemma near Vancouver or the steel worker competition.
  • #3
One of the things I didn't like about Kerry was that he was quite concerned about the borders and I think he may have made the lumber industry much more difficult for us.

Related to How Do American Policies Impact Canadian Trade and Healthcare?

1. What is the history of American and Canadian relations?

The United States and Canada have had a long and complex relationship. The two countries share the longest international border in the world, and have a history of economic, cultural, and political ties. The relationship between the US and Canada can be traced back to the 18th century, when the two countries were under British rule. However, it was not until the 19th century that the relationship really began to develop, with the signing of the Webster-Ashburton Treaty in 1842. Since then, the two countries have had a close relationship, with periods of close cooperation and occasional tensions.

2. How do the economies of the US and Canada impact their relations?

Economic ties play a significant role in the relationship between the US and Canada. The two countries are each other's largest trading partners, with billions of dollars in goods and services exchanged each year. The US and Canada also have a free trade agreement, which has helped to strengthen their economic ties. Additionally, the US and Canada often work together on issues such as energy production and environmental protection, which further solidifies their economic relationship.

3. What are some key political issues that have affected American and Canadian relations?

Over the years, there have been a number of political issues that have affected the relationship between the US and Canada. One major issue has been the dispute over the Arctic territory, as both countries have competing claims to the region. Another key issue has been trade disputes, such as the softwood lumber dispute, which has caused tensions between the two countries. Additionally, there have been disagreements over issues such as immigration policies and national security.

4. How do cultural ties between the US and Canada impact their relationship?

The US and Canada share many cultural ties, which have helped to strengthen their relationship. Both countries have a similar language and share many cultural traditions, such as sports and entertainment. There is also a high level of immigration between the two countries, which has further contributed to the blending of cultures. These cultural ties have helped to create a sense of shared identity and understanding between the US and Canada.

5. How do the governments of the US and Canada cooperate on international issues?

The US and Canada often work together on international issues, as they share many common interests and values. Both countries are members of NATO and the United Nations, and have collaborated on issues such as peacekeeping and global health initiatives. The two countries also have a strong partnership in areas such as intelligence sharing and counterterrorism efforts. Overall, the US and Canada have a strong history of cooperation on international issues, which has helped to strengthen their overall relationship.

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