How Did Newton Originally Formulate His Second Law of Motion?

In summary, Isaac Newton stated his second law as "The change of motion is proportional to the [magnitude of the] impressed motive force, and to be made along the right line by which that force is impressed." He also expressed it mathematically as F=dp/dt or F=m·a. While some argue that a=F/m is a better way of stating the law, as it is simpler and focuses on acceleration rather than force, it is equivalent to F=ma and may not be suitable for all situations. Newton believed that a=F/m was a better way of stating the law due to its simplicity and focus on constant mass and acceleration.
  • #1
So I was wondering how did Newton himself state his second law. One account I've read says that he first expressed it in the form that we refer to as impulse and momentum i.e. FΔt=mΔv. Today I was told that Newton never even wrote F=ma, and that the expression a=F/m is a much "Better" way of stating the law. How is this "Better", if different at all?

So how did Newton himself state this law mathematically. Also any links to derivations and other helpful related content would be appreciated.
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  • #2
The change of motion is proportional to the [magnitude of the] impressed motive force,
and to be made along the right line by which that force is impressed.
If a force may generate some motion ; twice the force will double it, three times
triples, if it were impressed either once at the same time, or successively and gradually.
And this motion (because it is determined always in the same direction generated by the
same force) if the body were moving before, either is added to the motion of that in the
same direction, or in the contrary direction is taken away, or the oblique is added to the
oblique, and where from that each successive determination is composed.

From "The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy" by Isaac Newton(Translated and annotated by Ian Bruce).
  • #3
Newton still lived in an age where all of the deductive logic and mathematical proof were based in geometry. I believe that the form F=ma is mostly thanks to Euler. Euler is also responsible for the operational definition of force. In Newton's time force (vis) was still often used to describe a property of motion. Inertia was often called the force of inertia. Also Leibniz definition of 'living force' (vis viva) eventually changed into the modern day expression for kinetic energy.
  • #4
GwtBc said:
So I was wondering how did Newton himself state his second law.

Shyan already posted the wording. The corresponding formula in modern notation is F=dp/dt. For constant mass this results in F=m·a.

GwtBc said:
Today I was told that Newton never even wrote F=ma, and that the expression a=F/m is a much "Better" way of stating the law. How is this "Better", if different at all?

It is not better but rather worse because a=F/m fails for m=0 (not that it would be of any practical relevance). For m>0 both formulas are equivalent.
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  • #5
GwtBc said:
So I was wondering how did Newton himself state his second law. One account I've read says that he first expressed it in the form that we refer to as impulse and momentum i.e. FΔt=mΔv. Today I was told that Newton never even wrote F=ma, and that the expression a=F/m is a much "Better" way of stating the law. How is this "Better", if different at all?

So how did Newton himself state this law mathematically. Also any links to derivations and other helpful related content would be appreciated.
Newton did say that a=F/m is a better way of stating the law. I would guess that, he believed it to be simpler than F=ma, because mass and acceleration are generally, more constant. Acceleration is all about change in velocity. Because of this, it seems that acceleration is dependent on more than mass or force. After all, we define things as concisely and truly as we can; we wouldn't write mass as "m=Fw/g," when asked what mass is dependent on. But... I'm getting off topic. I hope this helped!
  • #6
Thanks a lot everyone for the answers, this'll help heaps. :)
  • #7
I teach Conceptual Physics to high school freshmen. Their math background is pretty shaky. I find they understand it better as a=F/m rather than F=ma. It's easier to ask the kids leading questions that help them visualize the formula:

F is in the numerator. If F gets bigger, what happens to a?
m is in the denominator. If m gets bigger, what happens to a?

If they miss the 2nd question, I ask what's bigger, 1/10, or 1/100. They all get that.

My leading question for F=ma is "If I want a mass to accelerate it, what do I have to do?" Force it. They understand that too, but have a more difficult time assembling a formula from the conceptual statement.

a=F/m also makes it easier for them to understand why the big rock and the little rock fall at the same rate. a = 2F/2m.

Related to How Did Newton Originally Formulate His Second Law of Motion?

What is Newton's second law?

Newton's second law, also known as the law of acceleration, states that the force acting on an object is directly proportional to the mass of the object and its acceleration. In other words, the greater the force applied to an object, the greater its acceleration will be. This law is represented by the equation F=ma, where F is the force, m is the mass, and a is the acceleration.

How is Newton's second law applied in everyday life?

Newton's second law is applicable in various aspects of everyday life. For example, when you push a shopping cart, the force you apply to it causes it to accelerate in the direction of the force. The greater the force you apply, the faster the cart will move. Similarly, when driving a car, stepping on the accelerator increases the force and causes the car to accelerate.

What is the difference between Newton's second law and the first law?

Newton's first law, also known as the law of inertia, states that an object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will remain in motion with a constant velocity, unless acted upon by an external force. On the other hand, Newton's second law deals with the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration. It explains how an object's motion changes when a force is applied to it.

Can Newton's second law be applied to objects with varying mass?

Yes, Newton's second law can be applied to objects with varying mass. The law states that the force is directly proportional to the mass, so if the mass of an object increases, the force required to accelerate it will also increase. This is why it takes more force to push a heavy object than a lighter one.

What happens if multiple forces are acting on an object?

If multiple forces are acting on an object, then the net force is determined by adding all the individual forces together. The object will accelerate in the direction of the net force. This is known as the principle of superposition, which states that the total effect of multiple forces on an object is the same as the effect of a single force that is equal to the vector sum of all the individual forces.

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