How Cold is It? Share Your Best Line!

  • Thread starter Redbelly98
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    Cold Line
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  • #1
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"How cold is it?"

Heard this bit on NPR radio today, reminiscent of the old Johnny Carson and Ed McMahon exchanges:

"It's really cold."
"How cold is it?"​
"It's so cold that ... "

... and the idea is to complete the statement. Here are a couple they played on the NPR bit:

"It's so cold that Al Gore is updating his Powerpoint slides."

"It's so cold, the politicians have their hands in their own pockets."

And one I found through Google:

"It's so cold, dogs are sticking to fire hydrants."

So hey, let's see what y'all can come up with on this.
Physics news on
  • #2

It is so cold wee will not even consider going out.
  • #3

It's so cold, the grad students are celebrating their new room-temperature superconductor.

It's so cold, the North Pole is covered in ice.

It's so cold, the nuclear power plants are operating over 50% thermodynamic efficiency.

It's so cold, I took boths forks in the road this morning and walked a mile before I decohered to a single path.

It's so cold, even the snowman got frostbite.

It's so cold, fires are breaking out from stray puddles of liquid air.

It's so cold, all the squirrels died.
  • #4

It's cold that the cows are giving ice-cream. We just have to feed them per Ben and Jerry's specs to get the milk sold.
  • #5

Cold? It's been in the upper 80's all week.
  • #6

Ben Niehoff said:
Cold? It's been in the upper 80's all week.

It's so cold, Ben is giving temperatures in degrees Kelvin!
  • #7

It's so cold, Canadians are starting to switch to winter wear.
  • #8

It's so cold Geordies are wearing 2 T-shirts
It's so cold Britney Spears is wearing underwear.
  • #9

It's so cold the students here gave up on wearing shorts and flip-flops.
  • #10

It's so cold that my neighbor wears Wellies with his beach-boy shorts when he shovels out his mailbox.

No kidding. This guy is 46 and he seems intent on stressing the crap out of his body. I've got 10 years on him and I've done 'way riskier stuff, so maybe I ought to just shut up.
  • #11

Redbelly98 said:
It's so cold, Ben is giving temperatures in degrees Kelvin!

Fahrenheit. Yay, southern California! :P
  • #12

It's so cold that electricity got frozen in the wires.
Now go ahead and convince my grandmother otherwise...
  • #13

It is cold even the cold viruses are wearing overcoats.
  • #14

It is cold porn stars come on a stick.
  • #15

According to David Letterman, it was so cold in Central Park today that he saw a squirrel knitting booties for its nuts.
  • #16

It's so cold that a flock of resting geese were frozen into a lake...and then flew away with the lake.

It's so cold that male-only dorms have instituted a don't ask, don't tell policy.

It's so cold that Prestone is selling Helium-4 Antifreeze.
  • #17

signerror said:
It's so cold, I took boths forks in the road this morning and walked a mile before I decohered to a single path.

I once temporarily stumped a physics prof in class by asking why I don't diffract when I walk through a doorway very,very slowly.
  • #19

Last night, the town of Van Buren, ME posted a (unofficial, so far) new record low temp of -50 F, breaking the state's previous low of -48 F.
  • #20

Ben Niehoff said:
Fahrenheit. Yay, southern California! :P

BOOO Southern California.

I'm so sick of summer in November through November.

I'm moving to Minneapolis I think. Give me seasons for the love of god!
  • #21

It's so cold the bird of paradise flew up Ed McMahon's nose. (I never did understand Carson's jokes)
  • #22

It's so cold that even the tauntauns don't make good sleeping bags.
  • #23

It's so cold, Canada geese are flying into jet engines, just to warm up.
  • #24

lisab said:
It's so cold, Canada geese are flying into jet engines, just to warm up.

Cold! If the thermometer had been an inch longer we'd all have frozen to death

Mark Twain
  • #25

franznietzsche said:
BOOO Southern California.

I'm so sick of summer in November through November.

...Give me seasons for the love of god!

By the time we left we felt the same way. Been in Oregon 20 years now and I still look forward to the change of the season. The only complaint is that we could use a bit more sun. And I do miss the S Cal beaches.

Related to How Cold is It? Share Your Best Line!

1. How is coldness measured?

Coldness is typically measured using a thermometer, which measures the temperature in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit.

2. What is the coldest temperature recorded on Earth?

The coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth was -89.2 degrees Celsius (-128.6 degrees Fahrenheit) at the Soviet Union's Vostok Station in Antarctica on July 21, 1983.

3. How does wind chill affect perceived coldness?

Wind chill is a measure of how cold it feels when wind is added to the actual air temperature. As wind speed increases, it causes heat to be carried away from our bodies faster, making us feel colder than the actual temperature.

4. Can humans survive extremely cold temperatures?

Humans can survive in extremely cold temperatures for a short period of time if dressed appropriately and taking necessary precautions. However, prolonged exposure to very cold temperatures can lead to frostbite and hypothermia, which can be life-threatening.

5. How does the Earth's tilt affect the perceived coldness of a location?

The Earth's tilt, also known as its axial tilt, causes different parts of the Earth to receive varying amounts of sunlight at different times of the year. This can greatly affect the perceived coldness of a location, as areas closer to the poles receive less sunlight and are therefore colder than areas closer to the equator.

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